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  1. Hello friend! Well, i need take a time to make a custom ntoskrnl_emu for One-Core-API, because the main not working. It's occours because ntoskrnl_emu use a method to get address from some internal functions on kernel and as one-core-api use a custom kernel, the address are different. And, i tried transplant ntoskrnl_emu functions to one-core-api kernel and drivers (like USB 3.0) not working. I need time to investigate.
  2. Hello man, i'm not focusing in add new functions or features for now, only fix and stability. However, i promise add on Release on july
  3. Hello man, is there: https://github.com/Skulltrail192/One-Core-API-Binaries Lastest release: https://github.com/Skulltrail192/One-Core-API-Binaries/releases/tag/2.2.1 On few days i will release a big new version.
  4. Thank you friend
  5. Unfortunately, the link of pastbin not open on any browser. If do you have, please post here or send me PM