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    kirk got a reaction from niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 in Ultimate Repacks Site ! [LOTS OF AWESOME REPACKS]   
    Already been there its a great site and regular updates to the repacks
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    kirk reacted to Nooitgedacht in [Modded] DriverPack Solution 16.2 + PhysX   
    Thanks Kirk,

    I had this experience some time ago. There wasn't any uncheck possible.
  4. Like
    Hi everyone,
    My friend told me that there is an awesome forum, exclusively made for repacks & portable installers. There are many updated repacks in it. 
    This is the forum: Repacks.NET
    The main repackers in that forum are from WinCert Forums too, such as alfreire, ricktendo, kanyos & Vandit. Even I am a repacker in that forum. ;0
    So if you are interested in making repacks you can post there as well.
    Cheers & regards.:)
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    Java™ Runtime Environment 8.0.600.27
    [silent- Dual x86 & x64] .
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    kirk reacted to kanyos in [Repack] VirtualBox 5.1.18 + ExtensionPacks   
    new, version 5.0.2 :beerchug:
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    kirk got a reaction from NewOne in WinToolkitRunOnce.exe & WinToolkitRunOnce.exe.config   
    Using wim manager by default these file should not be created at all, just my opinion.
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    kirk got a reaction from dareckibmw in No SP2 for Windows 7   
    They are trying to ram Windows 8 down our throats, I for one won't use it even though they just sent me the invite for 15 dollar upgrade
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    kirk reacted to Legolash2o in No SP2 for Windows 7   
    Shame, but I could always just make my own service pack.....