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  1. Hi OnePiece, I would appreciate it very much if you could create a German (DEU) version of 1.3.1. Thx in advance for your great work. Marvelous... Mimo
  2. Oh.. kewl.. very interesting! You (and also the other addon makers) have really deep Windows knowlegde... :worthy: btw... I'm using HFSLIP to add this addon Have a good night!!!
  3. Thx for the info. Just a question, no critique: Why do you have changed the way to create a IE8-Desktop icon? The (formerly) explorer-folder-options-method was a setting which each user can use - or not. With the new option - installing (or removing) a windows component is a system-wide decision. If the first user will create a desktop icon, a second user has also this "component" installed but without having an icon. I think there is a little conflict. The "old" (Version 1.1.0) behavior seems to be more consistent. What do you think or what do you have in mind? Thanks again
  4. Thank you for the new Version. But now (in Version 1.2.0) I cannot find the option (formerly in the folder options of the windows explorer) to create an icon on the desktop. I'm using OnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_AddOn_DEU.7z. Also a Desktop icon was not created automatically (if I interprete the changelog correctly). Any idea? TIA, Mimo
  5. Short response: Works great in general Noticed so far only that http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com is not working (error 0x8DDD0004). Someone any idea?
  6. Hello OnePiece, thank you for your awesome fast help. :thumbsup_anim: But I'm interested what I have done wrong. I followed all links here in this topic but I found no Info. Or is this just an information for druids? Thanks again, Mimo
  7. I try to use RUN_Automatic_OnePiece_IE8_XP_Own_AddOn_Creator_INTL.exe, but just get an error message: It happens when trying creation the addon for the german IE8: IE8-WindowsXP-x86-DEU.exe (the windows explorer says it's an self extraction CAB-file). Do I have to convert it to a 7z-archive? Mimo