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Everything posted by JOH

  1. OH ! when I installed 7zip in the computer, everything is working fantastically. Even with the switchS.txt file Thanks Onepiece for your Great Contribution
  2. quote -------------- @All ................. in addition, already updated the link of the RUN_Automatic_IE(7&8)_(XP&2K3)_Own_AddOn_Creator_INTL.exe, try the new RUN_Automatic_IE(7&8)_(XP&2K3)_Own_AddOn_Creator_INTL.exe Ciao -------------------------- Onepiece, Does this addon maker, makes the addon to install with the switches like : /quiet /update-no /no-default /norestart ? Even with this new version of 12April, when I made the addon, with the "switchS.txt" inside the folder, It didn't create the "entries_IE8.ini. If, only the "IE8-WindowsXP-x86-xxx.exe" file and the "IE8-WindowsXP-KB968220-x86-xxx.exe" files are in the folder it works fine. (The names should be as above with xxx for Language. If the files are renamed to something else, then not working properly.) I wonder how the Addons of Onepiece are only 11.x MB. When I create and zip it manually, it becomes 17.3MB. I don't have 7zip installed. Is it why, it is not making the archive automatically ? br.
  3. Not needed. So removed.
  4. Not needed. So removed
  5. Kontini, I crated IE8 Addon using the latest version of Onepiece's IE7/8 Addon creator (of 09Apr2009). But no .CAB or .INI file in the newly created folder. So which file I will select to integrate using nLite Please help. Thanks. (I am writing again, since I could not find the post in the forum)