Everything posted by yadzil
[AddOn] nLite v1.4.9.3 & WMP11 Slipstreamer 1.4.3
Are this addon CPL?
[FGCBA] WinRAR 3.7+ Auto Addon Maker
Different language? I used English. Nevermind, I just wait the new version. Thanks Rick.
[AddOn] Converber v1.8.0
[FGCBA] WinRAR 3.7+ Auto Addon Maker
Does this tool can be apply to winrar 3.71? I try to apply with winrar 3.71 but got error The error also occur when I apply to winrar 3.70. what does it mean?
[AddOn] Converber v1.8.0
ver 1.6.0 is out. Update please
[SVCPACK] VMware Workstation Lite 6.5.3 build-185404
Emm...Sound easy. I'll try. But the script is for Nero 8 v8.1.1.0 but the latest version is Can I use the script for the latest version?
[AddOn] Genuine Advantage
Yup...same with Makeve2345...using Intergrator. Initially I thought the download file is corrupt but its not. Only opuc.dll cannot be copy
[SVCPACK] VMware Workstation Lite 6.5.3 build-185404
I mean the Nero autoit scripts.
[SVCPACK] VMware Workstation Lite 6.5.3 build-185404
I like to use the autoit but I don't know how to use it.
[SVCPACK] VMware Workstation Lite 6.5.3 build-185404
Great job Ricks. I wish you could make Nero 8 addon maker too.
[AddOn] Genuine Advantage
Hi ricks.Thanks for the addon. I have problem using your addon. After format the computer, computer will copy those files that need for installation. But error occur when copying file opuc.dll. Message said error when copying this file. I try to intergrate this addon again but still the same
[AddOn] TopDesk v1.5.3
any new update?
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Great!!!...your latest version of V'ISO works well. My boot screen changed. I still don't understand why the previous version doesn't work while you even didn't fix boot screen bugs. Anyway good job Ricks
[Release] Windows XP Post SP3 UpdatePack 1.0.9
Hi Rick, does this addon has the latest version as in your SP3 addon?
[Release] Windows XP Post SP3 UpdatePack 1.0.9
Thanks Rick
[Release] Windows XP Post SP3 UpdatePack 1.0.9
I just need the other parts in your addon that not included in Ryan Update Pack
[Release] Windows XP Post SP3 UpdatePack 1.0.9
Does that mean I can combine all the pack together?
[Release] Windows XP Post SP3 UpdatePack 1.0.9
Is'it ok if I combine all together : Ryan UpdatePack + R13 + this SP3?
[Release] Windows XP Post SP3 UpdatePack 1.0.9
Hi Rick, Does this Update Pack include the latest update like the R13?
[Theme] QueVista v4 Mod (LS Patch Required)
Does the Vista start you mean is ViStart buld 2502? If Not, can I install it together with this addon?
[AddOn] CCleaner v4.13.4693 (International)
Hi Rick, Your already updated to v2.00.500 but you still don't change your first post the version.
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
I also not really understand Rick. My first try I include the R13 but my sidebar won't started. 2nd try without R13 my sidebar work perfectly. then I try again with R13..it works.
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
Weird...this addon work if I exclude Update for Ryan UpdatePack R13
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
I hope the next version will solved my problem too
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
My installation uneventful but the sidebar won't run on startup. I did try run it manually via program shortcut but nothing happened. For your information I also install gadget installer n sidebar styler too. The sidebar styler going freeze when I try to apply selected style.