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Everything posted by yadzil

  1. can you modified the Manchester United gadget so that it can be apply to youe siderbar?pleaseeee
  2. I don't know what is wrong. I try to install Manchester United sidebar gadget but failed. After I double click the gadget I downloaded, thet I search in gadget library to put on the sidebar, there is no Manchester United gadget installed. Did i'm doing wrong?
  3. Thanks for the clear explaination
  4. Is't. But I already tried with max volume but still no sound. Nevermind, hope sKz kindly will let you have his sound for new addon.
  5. Emm...so can i combine both in my windows XP?
  6. Does Favorite WSS Skin & Gadget Settings Auto AddOn Maker same with Gadget Settings Grabber?
  7. The other things in you mention in the first page that the Sidebar Skin Patches for non Windows Sidebar Styler users? Does it mean when I use it with WSS, the sidebar patch will not working?
  8. I have a weird problem using this addon. Installation is uneventful but I cannot hear any startup sound when I start the window and also the shutdown sound when I shutdown the window? But the other sound are excellent. Why Rick? Can U help me?
  9. Thanks Rick, You are a great helper
  10. Hi Ricks, I tried out this addon but its not working. Does it required any special method?
  11. Great Ricks, thanks a lot.
  12. Thanks Rick and Gorki, I'll try both your methode. I'll informm the result.Thanks alot
  13. Hi Ricks, It's me again. Actually I have same problem like Gorki. I cannot use styler. I agree with U, maybe it due to .Net 3 not being Install. I'm using RyanVm .Net AIO pack. It switchless Installer and I run it with RuOnceEx. As you told Gorki the .Net to be installed before Styler addon. How can I run this swithchless installer of RyanVM .Net AIO pack in svcpck? And the ather problem is, I also can use your sidebar skin patch. Help me please. Thanks
  14. Hi Rick, can you explain how does this addon work.Thanks
  15. The version 0.7 is out. Any chance to update it?
  16. Nice gadget. But stil doesn't know how to use it. I click my gadget to install it but the gadget not been installed.
  17. This not working to me. The text still there after i intsall ithis addon. can u help me rick?
  18. yadzil posted a post in a topic in Introduction
    Hi everybody, Nice to joint you all. I have been read this forum for many time but never join yet. Now I relise it the correct choice to joint this forum where I can discuss regarding many things. Nice to meet you all even in virtual world