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Agent Smith

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About Agent Smith

  • Birthday 10/16/1982

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  • Location
    Jamestown, ND - USA
  • OS
    Windows MCE
  • Country
    United States

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  1. Ok, final questions. 1. I have a program that when installed autolaunches the registration app.. Can you give or point me in the direction of a cmd or bat file that will auto input my registration code, so i dont have to. I want to nlite the whole thing. but nlite crashes when it gets to the part of installing software. 2. how would i make a silent installer copy a file from one directory, to a new directory?
  2. Thanks so much. Worked perfect. Was wondering if you could tell me exact steps for incorporating these into XP MCE SP3. I am familiar with how to run Nlite, just not sure how to get the .ini or .inf from the setup, to slipstream it into the OS. A friend of mine was able to put Malware Bytes onto the cd for me, but he is not available, and i have not been able to recreate the process.
  3. Ok, got everything figured out, except for programs like avg free, and adobe reader. When i go to make these into silent installers, nothing works, since they have to unpack themselves. Everything else is working perfect now. Any advice how to correct this?
  4. Finally Finished. After reformating my PC, and redownloading everything, I have been able to make silent installers. I have a new issue with my silent installers though. 1st- AVG and Adobe reader extract before they install. Do i need a special switch or are there special steps for programs that need to extract everything before they begin. 2nd - When i try to do a mergetasks switch or a tasks switch, to put desktop icon on desktop, it doesnt example Spyware Doctor 6, Installs fine, but i cant get switch to put desktop icon on, or switch for taking autoupdate off. Finally- When i identify installers, i see where i can record installation. How could i use those INF Files it generates, to make an installer silent? Thanks for all the help so far.
  5. I double checked the config.txt and everything is fine on that end. How ever, i have noticed that a few other programs are bugging out bad and not working either. I will post the results of the scans im running. I think i may have a virus or malware causing me a few problems. NO NEED TO PANIC! The computer i do all the work on has next to nothing on it, if i need to, ill nuke it, start from scratch. Thanks for the patience and help. If i am succeful getting rid of the NASTIES, ill re download everything, and try again.
  6. yes, and after following the video to the "T" i get an error saying any and all files, are not valid 7z files. The silent installers seem to be missing one small piece, and im not sure what it may be. When I am done, they just wont package up right. i have tried over 30 different exe files, most of them INNO Setup's, and used windows defender and actually did it while watching your video, step by step, and even that didnt work.
  7. I have recently download all of the files recommended by users, and followed several silent installer programs. I am having a heck of a time getting anything to work. Everything goes fine, using ricktendo's method, outlined in his Tutorial Video, until i use the drag and drop on me utility that was recommended by him. Then i start to get errors, like invalid 7zip file. Im running a Compaq SR1923WM with a 120GB Sata HDD, Windows XP MCE SP3, I have ALL .Net frameworks download. ResHack, 7z457, 7Zip, 7Zip SFX Maker, CMenu, Orca, SendToA3x, UniExtract, Drag and Drop on me batch Creator Can anyone describe exactly what I need to do, with the above programs, and in which order, to make these 2 programs into silent installers: AVG Free - Latest Build Everest.exe And Tell me if im missing a program. Thanks in advance
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