[AddOn] DriverPacks BASE 10.06
thanks Rick
[AddOn] DriverPacks BASE 10.06
this addon can fix sound card for laptop compad cq40?thank reply
[AddOn] DriverPacks BASE 10.06
Thanks Rick this addon is for XPSP or SP3 too?
32-Bit Icon patch for Regedit, TaskMgr and Outlook for Windows XP
it`s batmeter.dll and can you for outlook make in msoeres.dll.sorry, my bad english.here it`s link file :http://www.mediafire.com/?ggrwnjmmlz1
32-Bit Icon patch for Regedit, TaskMgr and Outlook for Windows XP
Dubby,can you for battery laptop view in wpdshext.dll 32 bit make.thank friend
32-Bit Icon patch for Regedit, TaskMgr and Outlook for Windows XP
it's ok thank DaRk MaDnEsS
32-Bit Icon patch for Regedit, TaskMgr and Outlook for Windows XP
thank,i make ok but install windows cannot copy regedit.exe
32-Bit Icon patch for Regedit, TaskMgr and Outlook for Windows XP
thank,but where can i find hex please
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