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    McRip got a reaction from Stimpy in Changes to WinToolkit's handling of McRip's Update Server...   
    The WU_Satisfy folder will be seen by WinToolkit soon.
    The changelog can be accessed by everybody.
    x86: http://hotfix2.cesidian.info/x86/UpdateChangelog.txt
    x64: http://hotfix2.cesidian.info/x64/UpdateChangelog.txt
    .net45 can be accessed by everybody: http://net45.cesidian.info
    Win8 updates will be uploaded by PointZero soon. You have to be a little patient.
    One step after another...
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    McRip reacted to Legolash2o in What to expect in the coming weeks   
    New test version is out: http://wincert.net/leli55PK/Testing/
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    McRip reacted to Legolash2o in What to expect in the coming weeks   
    Before I talk about long term plans, I will talk about the next release. v1.4.1.12 already has a few bug fixes and enhancements.

    Short Term - Next release:

    *^FIX: "KB2670838" will always be integrated before IE10. Because it is required for IE10 to be integrated.

    *^FIX: Typo on new 'Windows ISO' screen. Nothing special.

    *^New method of detecting update integration. Usually updates go green fine but some stay red. This new method gets the package name which you can see when you put your mouse over item. Anyways, all updates should now go green unless it's for the wrong version of Windows. For example, Windows 2012 updates won't integrate into Windows 8 and will show red.

    *^KB2764913 and KB2764916 (IE10 files) can now be integrated on x64. Any processor architecture neutral updates can now be integrated.
    *^'Windows ISO' > 'Exclusive ISOs' now displays download speed and time remaining.

    I won't release v1.4.1.12 yet as I will be going through the automated error logs to fix what I can.

    Long Term:
    I'm still very behind with the code refactoring so I will have to dedicate at least an hour a day to get the job done. I haven't really done much recently and it really needs to get done before I can add new features. I will of course keep you guys updated on its progress

    In case you've forgotten, code refactoring is where you replace older and possibly more complex code with newly learnt and simpler code. This helps create an efficient, simple and more streamlined program but also helps me squash bugs.

    Also Win Toolkit production may end (except bugs) when Windows 9 comes out but I will start a new tool dedicated for Windows 9

    Anyways, back on point. When the code refactoring is completed I will finally be cycling throw ALL the request topics for the v1.5.0 release. I really need to get the code refactoring done first.

    Sometimes I can get carried away with release and release multiple updates a day, this tends to annoy people and therefore I am thinking about trying to release a beta build every night (assuming if anything has changed) and a public build every Sunday night.

    This will also allow me to gather enough log data to release bugs and give you guys a chance to report more errors. The only time I will release an update before then is if there is a massive bug which needs to be addressed.

    I'm trying to make more processes in Win Toolkit automated for me. For example, the new update integration check will make life a lot more simpler for every body as you should no longer receive red updates.

    Error logging is already fully automated which is brilliant as most users don't report bugs at all. There are, however, more things which could be automated for me which will give me more time for programming.

    I will try and make donations more automated so users don't have to wait for me to give them a key.
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    McRip got a reaction from amaltom61 in Update catalog not working   
    Hello guys
    I order to secure the server I had to harden it on a very high level. Since a few days, according to my logs, people tried to hack the server or ddos the server, cross site scripting and all this crap. So I had to block most of the proxy servers around the globe, block many user agents, block several IP-ranges that were trying to abuse the server.
    Also at the moment Win7 Toolkit says the server is down, but it's not. I don't know what kind of user agent this tool uses.
    If you think you have been blocked send me your IP over pm only. I will check this IP first. If the IP is ok, I will add it to the allow list (IP-range).
    I am very sorry for this, but I am totally ****ing fed up with people who try to hack the server.
    If you find your IP on that list, so let me know. That's on htaccess level. Additionally I had to configure some stuff that I don't want to describe here.
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    McRip got a reaction from compstuff in McRip Updates   
    Hi Legolash, old friend. Hope you remember me? LOL...
    I configured the server for it and it can be done.
    That means your next version can be built with it.