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  1. thanx i know thise methode but its not really hide i want to hide it like thise .reg do the probleme he hide all the systeme tray icone ; Hide (remove) ALL System Tray icons [HKEY_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] "NoTrayItemsDisplay"=dword:00000001
  2. hi rick is there any way to hid the systeme tray icon of the sidbar with reg file?
  3. pls help i dont find it :sweatingbullets:
  4. i think you and all other make a very good work so can you help me ? :crying_anim02:
  5. hi to all im newer here so i have just on question how to customize the gadget sidbare to be installed at first boot or how to make it start with my gadget in the first boot best regards