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Everything posted by mooms

  1. Updated to
  2. Updated to
  3. Ah, je pensais que tu parlais de celle de ic-UPack.exe moi ! Que de quiproquos ! Pour celle de l'update pack ça n'a aucune importance, tu peux même y mettre zéro compression puisque RVMi va de toute façon l'extraire. (à moins que tu ne le redistribue évidemment).
  4. Bonjour à tous @ icare: je pense que z1k4ll parlait de la compression de l'archive 7zip. Bravo pour ta réactivité en tout cas.
  5. See this: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/50166-winntbbued/ (not for txtsetup but might be cool)
  6. Good to know you have found the culprit. Indeed. I always install .NET 4.5 (Ricktendo installer) after KB2592687 and never encountered any problem.
  7. If you use McRip repo, i'ts maybe caused by another update, I can't say as I don't use it.
  8. KB2574819 (DTLS) must be installed before KB2592687 (RDP 8.0), maybe the error was because you have inversed the order, or maybe because a reboot is necessary between the two installations. About a year ago, when the updates were released, I and others also had the problem of the installer running too early when we tried to integrate both, but I never encountered again with KB2574819 integrated and KB2592687 installed at RunOnce (always installed after VC++ Runtimes BTW). If you install only requested updates (GDR), there is five (four for x86) updates who must be installed at RunOnce: - KB931125 (rootsupd.exe) - KB976002 - KB2533552 - KB2592687 - KB2603229 (x64 only) You can see this topic for GDR only packs. I believe there is more if you use McRip repository. KB2574819-v2 is out by the way.
  9. KB2574819 can be integrated & KB2592687 should be installed at first boot (add it in the silent install+sfx tab)
  10. maj http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/24.0/releasenotes/
  11. maj http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/24.0/releasenotes/
  12. Effectivement j'étais passé à côté. x86 x64 edit: je n'avais pas vu ton edit: bien vu pour KB2779562
  13. Packs de Septembre en ligne. Changelog: Ajout: KB2870699 (Inclus dans les cabs IE10) KB2872339 (remplace KB2790113 32bits | KB2859537 64bits) KB2876315 (remplace KB285085) KB2836943-v2 .NET 3.5.1 ( remplace KB2836943-v1) KB2853952 KB2868116 Suppression: KB2790113 (x86 seulement) KB2859537 (x64 seulement) KB2850851 KB2836943-v1 Pack RunOnce: -Leurres MRT de septembre.
  14. Merci icare.
  15. maj v13.0.0.4042 + ajout de mon script de travail.
  16. mooms

    Bad News

    The Donate button is on the upper left in WinToolkit.
  17. maj v5.00 changelog: http://www.rarlab.com/rarnew.htm
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