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Everything posted by mooms

  1. I ddin't knew, in French, names are translated (see my link), but the problem seems the same (look the screens).
  2. Yep, but as I integrate updates in two editions for each arch (Pro and HP), it's actually twice the time, wich is still an eternity compared to XP & nLite/RVMI. Multiple editions integration's time could be hugely improved if Lego implement this feature. Do a test with my update pack, I think it really worth it.
  3. He expect to see German names. That's an old bug of WinToolkit AiO Creator Workaround: make the AiO by other means. Then you can use WinToolkit with no problems.
  4. With my SSD, integration time is 10 mins for Win 7 x86, 15 mins for x64. But I only integrate WU's requested updates. List here.
  5. You should post in ASUS support forums.
  6. Nouvelles versions Retour de la version light.
  7. + Icône du bureau supprimée.
  8. + Icône du bureau supprimée.
  9. So here lies your problem. WinToolkitRunOnce search for a folder (by default it is WinToolkit_App located in the root of your work folder), not in the wim file. As seen in your second image, you can also manually point to an other location if the folder is not found. I'm not familiar with installations over network, so I let others respond more thoroughly. Maybe using Windows Post Install Wizard (WPIW) instead of WinToolkitRunOnce can help.
  10. Merci pour le suivi icare, ça me fait penser qu'il faut je maj mon una XP (de moins en moins utilisé, Windows 7 est devenu le nouveau standard, mais XP reste très utile pour les machines anciennes).
  11. Hello and welcome, It seems the sfx aren't found by WinToolkit. Are they on the iso (in WinToolkit_Apps folder) ? Are you using the latest version of WinToolkit ? ( Also, post you session ini so we can see if there is something wrong. (in Last Sessions folder )
  12. Or here http://www.wincert.net/forum/files/file/5-win-toolkit/ Works fine for me too. (only for registered members)
  13. maj http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/17.0.7/releasenotes/
  14. Maj vers Firefox 22: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/22.0/releasenotes/ Addon d'extensions: - maj de Flagfox et Greasemonkey - Open With remplace IEview
  15. Maj vers Firefox 22: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/22.0/releasenotes/ Addon d'extensions: - maj de Flagfox et Greasemonkey - Open With remplace IEview
  16. Try with one of these iso.
  17. What source (iso, DVD) have you used ?
  18. @Geej: You should stop and uninstall Everything service in "RunPreSetupCommands" just in case Everything is already installed (upgrade). I suppose the command you use in PostA[32|64] will be OK. Everything.exe -stop-service & Everything -uninstall-service (See this thread)
  19. https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/free-pdf-reader.html - Original installers repacked to made them silent - SumatraPDF will be installed in %ProgramFiles%. - The Dual version automatically install the version corresponding to your architecture (x86 or x64) - Compatible from Vista to 11, 32/64 bits - Multilingual - PDF format associated to SumatraPDF (only on Windows 7 & below) - Uninstallable Starting from version 3.4.1, you can use the -ai switch on the sfx to let Windows Search index the content of your PDF. SFX_SumatraPDF_3.5.2_Dual.exe Size: 12,2 MB SFX_SumatraPDF_3.5.2_x64.exe Size: 6,56 MB SFX_SumatraPDF_3.5.2_x86.exe Size: 6,05 MB Last version compatible with Windows XP: SFX_SumatraPDF_3.1.2-Dual.exe MD5: a5b039b61347f4dc383c78fb9715164a Size: 7.96 MB
  20. VirtualClone Drive AddOn SFX
  21. Updated to - Autostart of daemon tray is disabled by default - Multimode installer: use -ai (or /ai) switch to keep autostart of daemon tray. - Desktop icon removed
  22. Updated to - Autostart of daemon tray is now disabled by default - Multimode installer: use -ai (or /ai) switch to keep autostart of daemon tray. - Instead of RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c del /f /q \"%PUBLIC%\\Desktop\\Virtual CloneDrive.lnk\"" the sfx now runs Delete="%CommonDesktop%\\Virtual CloneDrive.lnk" that makes the sfx fully compatible with XP
  23. Thanks for the info. x64 build installed: works fine, some new options are very handy, like double-clicking on path open it.
  24. KB2533552 can't be integrated, it must be installed at first boot (or reverse integration). The same for KB2592687, KB260322, and KB976002
  25. Merci jaynbe.
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