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Everything posted by mooms

  1. Virtual CloneDrive works and behaves just like a physical CD/DVD drive, however it exists only virtually. Image files generated with CloneDVD or CloneCD can be mounted onto a virtual drive from your hard-disk or from a network drive and used in the same manner as inserting them into a normal CD/DVD drive. Probably the best virtual drive software, Virtual CloneDrive allows you to enjoy the freedom of a virtual drive and is completely free. Features Supports all common image formats such as ISO, BIN, CCDSupports up to 8 virtual drives at the same timeEasy to use - just double-click an image file to mount as a driveVirtual CloneDrive is freeware, you may use it at no cost.- Desktop icon is removed - Autostart of Daemon tray is disabled by default, if you want it, use /ai switch Size: 1,61 MB MD5: 0a5270e9b4414cf1bd47bc2f69c2c19c Virtual Clone Drive AddOn.rar
  2. Virtual CloneDrive works and behaves just like a physical CD/DVD drive, however it exists only virtually. Image files generated with CloneDVD or CloneCD can be mounted onto a virtual drive from your hard-disk or from a network drive and used in the same manner as inserting them into a normal CD/DVD drive. Probably the best virtual drive software, Virtual CloneDrive allows you to enjoy the freedom of a virtual drive and is completely free. Features Supports all common image formats such as ISO, BIN, CCD Supports up to 8 virtual drives at the same time Easy to use - just double-click an image file to mount as a drive Virtual CloneDrive is freeware, you may use it at no cost. SFX features: - Compatible WinToolkit - Multilanguage. - Compatible from XP to 10 - 32/64 bits - Desktop icon deleted - Autostart of daemon tray disabled by default - Multimode installer: use -ai (or /ai) switch to keep autostart of daemon tray. Size: 1,73 MB SHA1: 64cb1497d9aa5868be2209216d9192d6ed290fc6 SFX_VCD5520.exe
  3. Hardware FW are maybe the strongest and safest but i don't have one, and afaik they can't deny net access to a particular application wich is essential to me. i use Outpost SS Free for the FW (AV is disabled) and Avira Free for the AV.
  4. Here you go
  5. Thanks Rick, but i have found a greasmonkey script that do the trick and much much more !
  6. Outpost Firewall is great! If i am a lucky winner, can i choose between the AV and FW?
  7. I use AdBlock myslef and a couple of other privacy extensions a adf.ly blocks me. I had either to add a script to firefox or to use Opera. But i will use IE and made you some clicks !
  8. Hi ricktendo64, thanks to the update! About Adf.ly : it's like a scam to me, when you're waiting for the real link to appears, it offers you some "fake" downloads, even mimicking the mediafire download page ! Some users may fall into this and install some crapwares...
  9. Rufus is pretty good, you can also try WinSetupFromUSB .
  10. Use an USB key and Rufus or another tool.
  11. what's the changes in t37 compared to t36 ?
  12. Even if I merge X86 and X64 images ? It's good to know i will try. Thanks !
  13. Thanks Ricks but i don't want to use autounattend.xml because i want to be able to choose any editions of win7 at install.
  14. Oh, i see, so disabling the service is enough ? Thanks dareckibmw edit: that's not the same thing! Just tested, if you disable the service, you can't install Malicious Software Removal Tool from Windows/MS Update, and Windows Defender throws an error if you try to configure it. The latter one is rather logical and expected, but the former is unexpected and proves that MRT relies on Windows Defender service. Disabling the service is too much, disabling only the software is the better option i think. (It can be easily re-enabled by an average user, not the service, and errors frighten the average user)
  15. This would be awesome, only two images to process (X86 and X64) and all editions (except enterprise) will be added!
  16. Windows Update is only for Windows, Microsoft Update is for all Microsoft products.
  17. I have voted yes, but i would like to see this added: Adding Microsoft Update and disabling System Restore
  18. Hi Lego, I will be very happy if you can add: - an option to have MS Update enabled (instead of Windows Update) done see this - an option to disable system restore done see this - an option to disable Windows Defender edit: not the service. - an option to not not show the "send to recycle bin" confirmation when you hit the "supp" key. Thank you !
  19. +1 Thanks Ricktendo64
  20. Thanks Thiersee, i know how to find KB but i appreciate the fact you have provided french links. Gruß
  21. I thought that extracting all cabs from the MSUs was exactly the same except it speed up integration... I will try, but of course i have deleted the msu,
  22. and for KB2592687 & KB971033 not being integrated, any fixes ?
  23. Legolash2o, have you seen my report ?
  24. request filled
  25. I use nLite on windows 7 64 bits without any issues, juste use it in XP SP3 compatibility mode and it OK. I think the only issue is if you slipstream a service pack under Vista/7
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