Everything posted by mooms
Adding Microsoft Update and disabling System Restore
Windows Update is only for Windows, Microsoft Update is for all Microsoft products.
Win Toolkit v1.5.0.1 Release?
I have voted yes, but i would like to see this added: Adding Microsoft Update and disabling System Restore
Adding Microsoft Update and disabling System Restore
Hi Lego, I will be very happy if you can add: - an option to have MS Update enabled (instead of Windows Update) done see this - an option to disable system restore done see this - an option to disable Windows Defender edit: not the service. - an option to not not show the "send to recycle bin" confirmation when you hit the "supp" key. Thank you !
[Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)
+1 Thanks Ricktendo64
Wrong start of WinToolkit Installer if KB2529687/KB2574819 integrated
Thanks Thiersee, i know how to find KB but i appreciate the fact you have provided french links. Gruß
Wrong start of WinToolkit Installer if KB2529687/KB2574819 integrated
I thought that extracting all cabs from the MSUs was exactly the same except it speed up integration... I will try, but of course i have deleted the msu,
Wrong start of WinToolkit Installer if KB2529687/KB2574819 integrated
and for KB2592687 & KB971033 not being integrated, any fixes ?
Wrong start of WinToolkit Installer if KB2529687/KB2574819 integrated
Legolash2o, have you seen my report ?
7-Zip - v9.35 Beta
request filled
During Installation in Dos mode various files are missing in Xp Pro SP3
I use nLite on windows 7 64 bits without any issues, juste use it in XP SP3 compatibility mode and it OK. I think the only issue is if you slipstream a service pack under Vista/7
[Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)
If i integrate this, i don't have to integrate 4.0 anymore isn't it ?
During Installation in Dos mode various files are missing in Xp Pro SP3
- Use short path without spaces in it: C:\XP is a good one. Even better use an other hard drive: D:\XP - Use update pack instead of integrating updates one by one. - Use RVMi to integrate update pack, then after use nLite to integrate AddOns and tweaks. - Try to integrate less addons, like half less.
Wrong start of WinToolkit Installer if KB2529687/KB2574819 integrated
It says "the server process could'nt be started because the configured identity is not correct. Verify the user name and password" I always test with a fresh image, so no. Here is the inis: Last Sessions.zip It's the X86 i have tested. I have made an x86 build with the same ini with test34: WinToolkit Installer doesn't show at T-13. Good! But once on the desktop it runs and the dispaly is without theme and with an explorer window open: Once WinToolkit installer has finished, theme appears but the window is still open: Once the window closed, everything seems OK. I have checked and all the sfx and addons are all installed. Rebooted and checking MS Update, it seems KB2592687 and KB971033 are not installed/integrated
Wrong start of WinToolkit Installer if KB2529687/KB2574819 integrated
Still not fixed in test 33 : (32 bits image of Win 7 Pro SP1 French)
Wrong start of WinToolkit Installer if KB2529687/KB2574819 integrated
Testing test 33 right now, will report in about an hour.
Bye Bye v1.4.0, Hello v1.5.0
Hi Lego Tested t31 with an aio x86/x64 image of Win7 SP1 French. - Host PC: Win7 Sp1 X64 | Core i5 | 8 GB of RAM | 128GB SSD - Integrated about 90+ Updates for each arch (all in CAB format), AddOns, SFX, and selected some tweaks. - Two passes: first one for X86 and the second for X64. X86 images: (Home Premium + Professional, others removed) - WinToolkit is very slow at loading updates. - Flagged KB2533552 and KB971033 as incompatible. Is this normal for the second one ? - Integration time: ~ 20 mins X64 images: (Home Premium + Professional, others removed) - WinToolkit is very slow at loading updates. - Not flagged KB971033 this time (i have removed KB2533552 before running this pass because i knew it won't integrate) - Integration time: ~ 30 mins Tested the 32 bits Pro image In VirtualBox 4.2.4: - Same issue as reported in this thread: WinToolkit Installer is launched at T-13, resulting in some SFX not installed: - VS runtimes 2005/2008 (2010 got installed, odd as it is from the same sfx) - Winrar 32 bit, a custom made SFX, is not integrated (Winrar 64 is on the image) - All updates seems integrated. KB971033 and KB2533552 are proposed on MS Update. Not tested 64 bits. Here is the logs files: WinToolkit_beta.zip
Wrong start of WinToolkit Installer if KB2529687/KB2574819 integrated
Just encountered the behavior with I'm now testing the latest build of 1.5: test31. Will report in its thread. Legolash2o: you should consider updating 1.4 (maintenance releases for bugfixes only) until 1.5 is stable enough for "everyday" use
[Slim] .NET Framework 4 Full x86/x64 (1-10-2016)
Many thanks for this ricks !
Everything Search Engine - v1.3.3.658b
Hi myselfidem Tested your script on Win7 X64, it don't works: If i run the bat, it says "le lecteur spécifié est introuvable" If i copy the content of the batch and paste it in cmd, the script is working but the task it it create is set to "%C:\ProgramFiles(x86)%\Everything\Everything.exe\" -startup and this do not launch Everything.
KB2533552 Problems
Way too much sources. I recommand only using 2 or 3 (don't know about 1)
[Solved] Windows 7 Pro with all current updates
You don't have to integrate the 480+ updates from McRip, instead use Windows Updates Downloader with these updates list. The only things not included in these updates lists are Windows update update (3 cabs that can be found on McRip repository) and lang pack for IE9. With that you will have an up to date Windows 7 x86/X64
- Reinventing the (Windows) Wheel (...Again)
- Master Windows 7 Tweak File
Master Windows 7 Tweak File
Thanks for sharing. I'm loooking for a tweak: no confirmation of file deletion. I've tried this one: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies] "ConfirmFileDelete "=dword:00000000 and this one: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies] "NoConfirmFileDelete "=dword:00000001 None works... Searched the web, found nothing....
Everything Search Engine - v1.3.3.658b
Yes i have created the task in Task Scheduler's GUI, exported it, and then i have changed some lines in the XML file, like removing author/owner, and replacing the absolute paths with variables.