How to apply a theme in W7toolkit
@ Rick :- In detail please.
[Video] Windows 7 AIK/OPK deployment 101 (Updated)
In your video you mentioned to set copy profile to true in autounattend but you have not showed where to copy that Autounattend. I believe it has to be in sysrep folder. Can you post the autoattend examplae and do you knnow how to set default custom theme in unattended
[Help] Transparent Glass Icon.
Thanks for your reply yeah i still need that panel and it will a great help for me.
Windows 7 Antivirus or Internet Security.
Bitdefender, I am using on my xp, but don't know for windows 7
Download New Bootscreens for Xp Sp3.
Yeah your bootscreen topic is very good, these are really amazing looks very good in windows xp booting and is working properly for me. Thanks for all bootscreens, please add some more.
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
Wow, another good colour combination, Yeah it's very good idea of Giving red colour to Deleting items, as red colour is almost warning symbol to the users that they are deleting something. Thanks :thumbsup_anim: for this and please release soon if possible can't wait for it to have in my XP. :wub_anim:
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
Wow!!! Just can't wait for the final release, See the colours combination and effects it will be a great release, Dude it's a very stunning and good job done by you. Totally Awesome, :dribble: Rocking, Beautifull, Attractive. Please release as soon as possible. Can we have more sample. I loved it. :giveheart: :wub_anim:
[Help] Transparent Glass Icon.
Thanks robi450 for the link, but the link you provided is not like the icons i have posted the link you provide are bluish glass and not as i posted full transparent. If you know another link please post it.
[Help] Transparent Glass Icon.
Does any one here knows how to create Transparent Glass effect icon like this i have posted which is made by Rhor. Any response will be valuable for me. Can any one guide me properly, Please.
[help] Making Winamp Addon.
Many thanks :welcome: to felix3650, this time i understood.
How to edit boot menu in Unattended.
Hello can anyone tell me which file is responsible for editing the boot menu in Reshacker.
[help] Making Winamp Addon.
Thanks But i didn't understand anything this line [ you get all those reg entries because there are some dlls registered during winamp installation. ] I didn't say anything abt reg entries and also this line [ try this. you'll NOTICE the difference ] .Sorry what to try can you expalin little bit as simple as Ricktendo64 explained . By the way thanks for giving tips.
[help] Making Winamp Addon.
Thanks very much.Will try and tell you later.
[help] Making Winamp Addon.
First of all many thanks for replying it was so tuff for me to solve and you expalined it once again in avery easy and simple way, it will help me alot. But my other queries are not solved what about configuration in installwatch, which files are safe to delete as you did in imgburn addon tutorial, and the last one query of icon i don't want to know icon indexing help my question was can we add our own custom icon downloaded from another webiste, which i will be including in cab files eg:- i downloaded an icon file for winamp or *.txt but i dont want the deafult icon of winamp from it's exe program or text files from shell32.dll or any other dll. Your reply will help me a lot. By the way Many Many Thanks for replying. You and your tutorials are Awesome for a newbie like me.
[help] Making Winamp Addon.
So i think their is no one ready to help me.Little bit disappointed as i think there are so many knowledagable persons But will try myself till i get succeded(hope so). Thanks Ricktendo64 for the video tutorials. also Thanks to N1K for such a wonderfull forum.It's the best forum. :wub_anim: :thumbsup_anim:
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