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  1. my dear Onepiece and nonno Fabio thanks for both of you thanks @medozzz0 for replay me i expect that answer and i expect that late time in 23 minute is for installing the package of framework but i love to be sure of my expect but why i didn't find OnePiece_Remove files for all component of windows i hope you solve this for us because i want no deals with nlite for making my peace win why you never answer my old request to Divided the update to 2 or 3 parts for easy download and upload to other server like mediafire megabloade more love for best site
  2. my dear Onepiece and nonno Fabio always Fascinating your work strong and I have no words what we should say it to you but i have query and desire the quire: Why with the modern versions of your update I find the slow process in setup windows with the observation that it takes a lot of time in 23 minutes at the stage of this desire: Why do not create to us a special program deals with erase components such as nLite because I noticed that problems appear after enter the updated version to the program nLite when I want to reduce the size of windows in the end i want to be sure to you that no problem for your update and i pray to god bless you
  3. Dear one piece Do not forget between now and then to stop in at your subject in order to watch what we have added updates to strengthen a copy of Windows I have seen in this version of what I would have liked from the merged netfx pack full Astronomy very much for this wonderful effort Which I hope that God gives me such a mind For me, I asked a simple Division of the update to the link parts for easy download Brother, Walid
  4. hallow nano Fabio and onepece many more thanks for you for this beautiful work i became in love to your ubdate and i became experience in discover why my windows fail in setup after integrated i make my windows more copys and work with all perfectness god with you my frinds
  5. At the begining, I am an Egyptian man talking Arabic so please forgive me for my boor english languages Second of all thank you for trying to get the benefit of your beautiful site I made my copy is working efficiently, but I have a big problem to be resolved Note me please: original win + integrate onepice update(107mega) with help of rvm integrator + net framwork all in one(66mega)+ some program (200 mega)=909 mega all things is all right and working very good but i want to reduce the size so when i use the nlite or cab remove files-(rvm intergrator)- to do this some program install and some not install note: which install that i find it in the folder svcback and which don't install that i find it in the folder i386 pleas tell me why and what is the solve
  6. At the beginning, I am an Egyptian man talking Arabic so please forgive me for my boor English languages Second of all thank you for trying to get the benefit of your beautiful site I made my copy is working efficiently, but I have a big problem to be resolved Note me please: original win + integrate onepice update(107mega) with help of rvm integrator + net framwor; all in one(66mega)+ some program (200 mega)=909 mega all things is all right and working very good but i want to reduce the size so when i use the nlite or cab remove files-(rvm intergrator)- to do this some program install and some not install note: which install that i find it in the folder svcback and which don't install that i find it in the folder i386 pleas tell me why this happen and what is the solve
  7. my very lovley man mr.onepice you all right the file update was corrupted i download the good file and i finish my work without any problems without any error messages in all steps i don't do any remove for any files entire the update just i integrate the update with clear xp with help of RVM_Integrator_1.6.exe" many many thouthand of regardes for you and i am so sorry for disturb you for long time but why this picture appear and if you have the solve can put it to me at the end realy i have no words to thank you
  8. yes mr onepiece no md5 hash is equal and i find the file when i do extract to him show that is corrupted because i download the file on many stages because i have not good dsl line i think now maybe the all errors because that is this must be daownload the file on one time not at many onces is ther other link for this file please on rapidshare because the orginal link very slowe please help me
  9. dear my friend i get pure xp sp3 ok i do upgrade normal ther is new proplem apear in the dos the error message say((this file is corrupted yhe file name is ohci1394.sys )) when i extract this file from the xp i find his size is 37byte just but when i extract this file from the orginal xp(without onepiece update) i find his size is 37 kelo byte please what is the proplem
  10. my spirit of my heart onepeice in the first sorry me for bad language I hope the solution and i will not upset you again because I am tired and get boredom please look and read this sentence, well and answer this question 1) Is there a difference between update file(OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v2.3.1_ENU) and addition file (Remove PowerShell_AddOn) as exampel 2) This is exactly what I do -(i mean my steps in work)- is right or not ? 1 - updated version of my clear xp sp3 with file (OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v2.3.1_ENU), his size 105 MB 2 - Disable_WGAN_AddOn 3 - Remove PowerShell_AddOn 4 - Remove_PowerShell_MUI_Pack_CHS_CHT_ESN_FRA_GER_AddOn 5 - Remove_PowerShell_MUI_Pack_ITA_JPN_KOR_PTB_RUS_AddOn 6 - Stimpy_JD976_DotNetFx_3in1_Addon_v2.2 7 - onepiece_repair_ie8_cosmetic_problems_addon 8 - Repair_OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UP_AddOn_ENU_RVMi_Only at the end of work this step not in the same time put every file i integrat it alone right 3) you read the name of file in the picture right and what you writ is right also and both of them appear also and many others files have many name appear too all this messages appear when i begin to setup windows whether from windows or from boot cd in specific stage 4) is this files in your update package 1= Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 2=Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 sp2 3= Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 sp2 4= Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 sp1 i take more time to explained my problems so please be patient and from your exceed love explained for me bit by bit i really i need to understand
  11. Dear onepices This picture is the basic problems in my work i beat them at the beginning And then back again after i integrate the net frame work 3.5 from your link you guide it to me What is your opinion on about the problem and solution بحث! note: this is not only one error message but it repeated more than 20 or 30 error message with multiply files i hope you not be angry with me
  12. Special thanks for onepiece and my brother Kelsenellenelvian Thank you for your rapid response and will try my brother's Kelsenellenelvian response Where the Crown please get a copy of the original Windows xp sp3
  13. realy thanks for quick reply and i am realy not understanding any thing please forgive me and i do every thing you explained in your subject so i thanks my god first and you because i have the my good xp in all things but this one simple problem that is this words (your may be a victim of software counterfieting This copy of Windows did not pass genuine validation. ) be patient and Do not forget me answer from your please
  14. my dear i am arabic man and i have to thanks you because you put to us a realy good subject first : but i have one desired for me please why you dont put the arabic mui in your update second: what is meaning of RVM addons third : how can i delet the undesired mui language (i know you but the file about that but how can i us it )