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  1. :sweatingbullets: OK, again please forgive me, this is my first time using a virtual machine environment and I'm just getting familiar with it. My question is about where you are installing the WAIK program? You say: "Install WAIK via mount WAIK ISO file to virtual CD". I take it that you mean to install it in the virtual machine, but how can you do this before there is an Operating System installed first? DON'T YOU HAVE TO INSTALL AN OS FIRST ON THE VIRTUAL MACHINE? before you can install the WAIK? Thank you, John
  2. Yes, I've gotten this far but I don't see how you go from the "d:\PE>" to "c:\" to run the command "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86>oscdimg.exe -bd:\PE\etfsboot.com -h -u2 -m -lWINPE d:\PE\ISO d:\PE.iso" on the Windows PE Tool Command Prompt? Forgive me for being so new with this but I am very interested in making a Vista SP1&2 bootable disk. I hope that there is someone to respond to this inquiry. Thank you. John PS Plus I've realized that I also need to reverse integrate SP1 first. So, I imagine that any advice here will help me with both.