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Everything posted by broonster

  1. as svcpack addon don't you think it would be a good idea to make it silent? you know, like not opening up your browser and looking for updates, auto running etc..Sheeeesh.. :thumbsdown_anim:
  2. oh, nice update.. just in time for xmas :welcome: ----------------------------------------------- Major edit! this addon is Packed! and installs googleupdate.exe. you should of said something as i auto trust software from here. it destroyed my opera.dat file..i lost everYthing.!! Never again! :ranting: :censored: :ranting:
  3. really nice work - was actually looking for this :thumbsup_anim: . and just in time for xmas, how timely. I'm putting this baby under the tree.. :worthy: you rogue spears devotees..are so cool. happy holidays to you and your folk. and again thank you..!
  4. Hi guys and girls, ran into this nlite error. it's the first time i have seen it :crying_anim02: and man , i have done plenty. could anyone be so kind as to point to the trouble maker? error crops up during the last part of the hotfix integration stage.. As requested by the error msg box: here is my last session.ini [Main] Env = - 2.0.50727.42.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Target = Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 - English (United States) [Tasks] Remove Components Integrate Drivers Hotfixes and Update Packs Tweaks Create a Bootable ISO Options [Components] ;# Applications # Briefcase ClipBook Viewer Defragmenter Games Internet Games Paint Pinball ;# Drivers # Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Display Adapters (old) IBM PS/2 TrackPoint IBM ThinkPad Microsoft SideWinder Modems Multifunctional Serial Pen Tablet Sony Jog Dial Sound Controllers Tape drives ;# Hardware Support # ATM Support Battery Brother Devices Gravis Digital GamePort Iomega Zip drive Modem Support Multi-port serial adapters Ramdisk Smart Cards Windows CE USB Host ;# Keyboards # All ;# Languages # all ;# Multimedia # AOL ART Image Format Support DirectX diagnostic tool Images and Backgrounds Intel Indeo codecs Luna desktop theme Media Center Mouse Cursors Movie Maker Music Samples Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder Tablet PC Windows Sounds ;# Network # Client for Netware Networks Communication tools Comtrol Test Terminal Program Connection Manager FrontPage Extensions Internet Connection Wizard Internet Information Services (IIS) MSN Explorer Network Setup Wizard NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Protocol Peer-to-Peer Share Creation Wizard Web Folders ;# Operating System Options # .NET Framework Administrator VB scripts Blaster/Nachi removal tool Color Schemes Desktop Cleanup Wizard Disk Cleanup DR Watson File and Settings Wizard File System Encryption Help and Support IExpress Wizard Manual Install and Upgrade Out of Box Experience (OOBE) Remote Installation Services (RIS) Search Assistant Security Center Service Pack Messages Tour User account pictures Zip Folders ;# Services # Indexing Service Remote Registry Secondary Logon Simple TCP/IP Services Telnet ;# Directories # DOCS SUPPORT VALUEADD ;# Compatibility # [KeepFiles] msconfig.exe [RemoveFiles] clock.avi yahoo.bmp swtchbrd.bmp telnet.exe [Options] ClassicSetup BlackSetupBack ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings" TargetPath = "WINDOWS" temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp [Patches] TcpIp = 20 UsbPoll = 250 DoUxTheme DoSFC [services2] Alerter,4 ALG,4 wuauserv,4 Browser,4 CryptSvc,4 ERSvc,4 FastUserSwitchingCompatibility,4 PolicyAgent,4 Spooler,4 RemoteAccess,4 SamSs,4 LanmanServer,4 srservice,4 Schedule,4 LanmanWorkstation,4 [Tweaks] Desktop-Desktop icons size-47 Desktop-Wrap icon titles-Enable Privacy-Disable Driver Update Internet prompt Privacy-Disable Error Reporting Privacy-Remove Alexa Security-Always show Updates under Software Security-Disable Web Open With prompt Windows Media Player-Accept Privacy Statement Windows Media Player-Disable auto-add music to library Windows Media Player-Disable automatic codec download Windows Media Player-Disable metadata retrieval Windows Media Player-Disable MRU Windows Media Player-Disable silent acquisition Windows Media Player-Disable starting with Media Guide Windows Media Player-Enhanced privacy settings [unattended] ComputerType = Automatic MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 12 RestorePointLife = 30 DesktopTheme = Default|| AutoUDay = 5 AutoUHour = 15 ProgFilesPath = "\Program Files" [NetAdapter1] connname = "" macaddress = "" ipaddress = "" subnetmask = "" defaultgateway = "" dnsserver1 = "" dnsserver2 = "" winsserver = "" netbiossetting = "0" ipxnetworknumber = "00000000" ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF" [GuiRunOnce] [Drivers] D:\0Ss\first appz to install\WDM_A404\WDM\Alcwdm.inf,0 [Hotfixes] D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\test\5er_WMPLyricsPlugin_v0.3_Addon_v2.1_x86.7z D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\test\Kels_Uber_Addon_v14.6.rar D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\test\Microsoft_UPHC-Service_1.6g_Addon.cab D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\test\my recycle bin.rar D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\test\Notepad2.rar D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\test\oem.rar D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\test\OnePiece_WinXP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_ENU.7z D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\test\Ricks_CCleaner3.00.1310_Intl_addon.7z D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\test\Ricks_InstallWatchPro2.5c_addon.rar D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\test\UltraDefrag_4.3.0.7z D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\addons 4 svpack\1unistall.rar D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\addons 4 svpack\7-ZIP.rar D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\addons 4 svpack\Addon_Java_Runtime_6_update_21.7z D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\addons 4 svpack\DirectX9.RuntimesNEW.7z D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\addons 4 svpack\FRAMEWORK3IN1.rar D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\addons 4 svpack\other runtimes.rar D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\addons 4 svpack\ProgramAddons SoftPerfect NetWorx 5.0.5.cab D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\addons 4 svpack\ProgramAddons Sumatra PDF 1.1.rar D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\addons 4 svpack\ProgramAddons_CabPack_1.4.cab D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\addons 4 svpack\UniExtract161.cab D:\0Ss\NLITE ADDONS\addons 4 svpack\vc2005.2008.2010.rar D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\NDP20SP2-KB979909-x86.exe D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\NDP20SP2-KB983583-x86.exe D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\NDP20SP2-KB2418241-x86.exe D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\NDP35SP1-KB2416473-x86.exe D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\WindowsXP-KB979687-x86-ENU.exe D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\WindowsXP-KB981957-x86-ENU.exe D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\WindowsXP-KB982132-x86-ENU.exe D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\WindowsXP-KB2279986-x86-custom-ENU.exe D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\WindowsXP-KB2296011-x86-ENU.exe D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\WindowsXP-KB2360131-x86-ENU.exe D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\WindowsXP-KB2360937-x86-ENU.exe D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\WindowsXP-KB2387149-x86-ENU.exe D:\0Ss\down fixes and make addon\WindowsXP-WindowsMedia-KB2378111-x86-ENU.exe Cheers!
  5. been using your update packs for a while now. and it justs get better. just wanted to say, a big thank you.. people should really pay for this type of work. your way too kind.
  6. Cheers! no problem.thanks for setting me straight.
  7. Very nice app arsenals.. thank you. ? your install switch /VERYSILENT /SP- installed okay. but the program launched and i had to use taskill. did i do something wrong?
  8. Thanks guys for the info. i will look into making my own.. I.e - Broonster is just a nick name:; :crying_anim02:
  9. Hey Arznels, do you know where i can get an update of this?
  10. broonster replied to Geej's post in a topic in WPI, nLite and RVM Addons
    Just what ive been looking for. trying to use regedit tweak tools was driving me insane.. Another quality post by the main man Geej. Thank you !!
  11. Your a genius Geel! Thanks a bunch. Totally love your work .
  12. Thanks for the update ! Geel. One Question for you, I normally like to move my shortcuts/links around through command lines. Problem is this (
  13. Thank you for the .msi. And while I'm here, A big thanks for Paint.net.3.51 :crying_anim02:
  14. this is nice work mani thanks, i love this addon.
  15. for what it's worth .. thanks to all those who worked on it. and a special thanks to the original up loader. you guys are way too kind. :crying_anim02:
  16. well, i'm confused. way down near the bottom of page
  17. hey ,thanks for this i hate being left in the dark...if you know what i mean. will use This utility, no sweat.. cheers and thank you.. :welcome:
  18. nice fast and lite .thank you for this upload.. :cap:
  19. thank you :icon_cool: i am a beginner and it helped me. was always looking 4 something like this. also that notepad 2 looks kinda handy as well.
  20. manikant are you some kind of photushop guru ? absolutely stunning - thank you..
  21. broonster replied to broonster's post in a topic in Introduction
    helped me already . thank you. have a great day.
  22. broonster posted a post in a topic in Introduction
    hello everyone . been browsing the forums for a while, really informatve help topics. hopefully i might learn a few tricks. im sure i will enjoy hanging around here. thank you all.. p.s - one thing, is there anyway to veiw all the comments in the topic page without clicking on each indivdual reply... :questionmark: :worthy: