Custom Rainmeter Install
I am currently doing a custom Windows 7 mod and I ahve had a request for rainmeter to be installed with custom skins all preinstalled as default. How would this be achieved?
Win7 Unattended
Yes its similar but the unattended is very different unfortunately
Win7 Unattended
Is there a guide to making Win7 unattended. I'm currently doing a Win7 mod and I want to hide the key being entered etc. Thanks, IiTz ShAnE
Windows 7 Forum Trash
It says its adding the addon but freezes. Wont do anything. Can't even cancel it or minimize it. Always freezes doing this
Windows 7 Forum Trash
It sometimes freezes on me when I'm integrating stuff. Don't know if its just me. Anyone else had this ?
[Tutorial] Enable Aero and multimedia features in Windows Server 2008
Nice. Would it be possible to do all this to include in a custom build. I'm planning on doing one you see and well so save users the job really.
Heya =]
No offense mate but you sig rules are a bit strict.. 260x80px :thumbsdown_anim: standard size for a sig these days is around 350x110. This is the only site i know whith sig rules like that. Anyways glad to be here
Heya =]
Hey, I'm Shane and I am a Vista Modder I do my builds for NewAge-OS I'm here to learn more and hopefully place what I find here in future builds
IiTz ShAnE
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