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  1. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from stashekmajcherc in Waterfox   
    I created a repack on Repacks.de
    Download | Waterfox G3.2.3.1
    support install languages:

  2. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from Walcott in HashTab   
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle 32/64-Bit Version Components:
    ExeProperties SKTimeStamp VersInfoEx
    Größe: 3,49 MB
    MD5: A0D7B79A5A3F849DEC1A94F5330FF90A
    Download | HashTab
  3. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from el_espaniol in HashTab   
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle 32/64-Bit Version Components:
    ExeProperties SKTimeStamp VersInfoEx
    Größe: 3,49 MB
    MD5: A0D7B79A5A3F849DEC1A94F5330FF90A
    Download | HashTab
  4. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from Aboud Hassan in Inno Setup Bundle 6.2.2   
  5. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from tikkie in Inno Setup Bundle 6.2.2   
    Inno Setup Bundle
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle Components:
    InnoEx InnoExtract Pascal Script Decompiler RegConverter RegExporter Script Editor Script Studio Skin Builder Unpacker + Mod
    Größe: 14,1 MB
    MD5: 1CFCAAB06315EAEFEEA6BCB76525D934
    Download | Inno Setup Bundle
  6. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from alnaloty in Inno Setup Bundle 6.2.2   
  7. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from NaJeEb303 in HashTab   
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle 32/64-Bit Version Components:
    ExeProperties SKTimeStamp VersInfoEx
    Größe: 3,49 MB
    MD5: A0D7B79A5A3F849DEC1A94F5330FF90A
    Download | HashTab
  8. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from SunLion in Inno Setup Bundle 6.2.2   
    Inno Setup Bundle
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle Components:
    InnoEx InnoExtract Pascal Script Decompiler RegConverter RegExporter Script Editor Script Studio Skin Builder Unpacker + Mod
    Größe: 14,1 MB
    MD5: 1CFCAAB06315EAEFEEA6BCB76525D934
    Download | Inno Setup Bundle
  9. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from endo in Inno Setup Bundle 6.2.2   
    Inno Setup Bundle
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle Components:
    InnoEx InnoExtract Pascal Script Decompiler RegConverter RegExporter Script Editor Script Studio Skin Builder Unpacker + Mod
    Größe: 14,1 MB
    MD5: 1CFCAAB06315EAEFEEA6BCB76525D934
    Download | Inno Setup Bundle
  10. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from geodasoft in Inno Setup Bundle 6.2.2   
    Inno Setup Bundle
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle Components:
    InnoEx InnoExtract Pascal Script Decompiler RegConverter RegExporter Script Editor Script Studio Skin Builder Unpacker + Mod
    Größe: 14,1 MB
    MD5: 1CFCAAB06315EAEFEEA6BCB76525D934
    Download | Inno Setup Bundle
  11. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from raddy in [Repak] Universal Extractor   
    Universal Extractor Repack Version:
    Download Mega | Universal Extractor Repack
    Download Dropbox | Universal Extractor Repack
  12. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from alnaloty in MediaInfo Lite 22.12   
    MediaInfo Lite
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle
    Größe: 4,46 MB
    MD5: 37A5801E303D68CB89695E3E07C8AD29
    Download | MediaInfo Lite
  13. Like
    VandIT reacted to alfreire in Inno Setup Bundle 6.2.2   
    Hi, friend... if you want you can add to your Bunndle Pack Reg to ISS v0.1.4 by Serega... you can download from here:
    Original file is in Russian, but I translate to English and Spanish... You can rename Convert_*.exe and Convert_*.ini to Convert.exe and Convert.ini (original names)...
    Works very good for me from a long time ago...
    Regards... ;-)
  14. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from alfreire in Eraser   
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle 32/64-Bit Version
    Größe: 4,63 MB
    MD5: 470F294D01FB75696C807BF6305FD7D9
    Download | Eraser
  15. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from alfreire in MediaInfo Lite 22.12   
    MediaInfo Lite
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle
    Größe: 4,46 MB
    MD5: 37A5801E303D68CB89695E3E07C8AD29
    Download | MediaInfo Lite
  16. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from Darias in Inno Setup Bundle 6.2.2   
    Inno Setup Bundle
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle Components:
    InnoEx InnoExtract Pascal Script Decompiler RegConverter RegExporter Script Editor Script Studio Skin Builder Unpacker + Mod
    Größe: 14,1 MB
    MD5: 1CFCAAB06315EAEFEEA6BCB76525D934
    Download | Inno Setup Bundle
  17. Like
    VandIT reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.41212   
  18. Like
    VandIT reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.41212   
    KB3056819: Security update for Microsoft Silverlight 5
    About: Took the Silverlight MSI and integrated/updated with the MSP (so you don't get the extra uninstall entry in "View installed updates") and rebuilt into a single package
    x86: http://my.repacks.space/Silverlight.msi
    Size: 7.68 MB
    MD5: d10f3e54d720e4a30ed83523f12e5ca0
    x64: http://my.repacks.space/Silverlight_x64.msi
    Size: 15.1 MB
    MD5: bee00e0c4273a01353731cbd9de41023
  19. Like
    VandIT got a reaction from alfreire in Inno Setup Bundle 6.2.2   
    Inno Setup Bundle
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle Components:
    InnoEx InnoExtract Pascal Script Decompiler RegConverter RegExporter Script Editor Script Studio Skin Builder Unpacker + Mod
    Größe: 14,1 MB
    MD5: 1CFCAAB06315EAEFEEA6BCB76525D934
    Download | Inno Setup Bundle
  20. Like
    Updated vb6 (removed duplicate mscomctl32.dll)
  21. Like
    Updated, added Hotfix Rollup KB2908383 installer to replace rtm
  22. Like
    VandIT reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] LightScribe System Software   
    Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/lightscribe
    Size: 8.44 MB
    MD5: f7ca2696fea2609c4c5b77ffa5b8c9a2
    Website: http://www.lightscribe.com
    Info: Removed old VC runtimes, turned off desktop shortuct, removed website shortcuts and autorun
    Note: Let me know if you need the installer dialog localized, I can extract the <LCID>.MST from the installshiedl installer so you can apply it
  23. Like
    VandIT reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Adobe Shockwave Player   
    Adobe Shockwave Player
    About: Removed old Visual C++ runtimes and rebuilt installer, this is the msi version of the installer so it contains both Shockwave vevsions 12 & 10 and NO CRAPWARE
    Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/shockwavemsi
    MD5: 62deabd9f31a1b3e5c378298f6a60510
    Size: 18.5 MB
  24. Like
    VandIT reacted to ricktendo in [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)   
    About: This is the business version of Skype MSI so by default it has no junk!
    Tweaked: Shortcut moved out of sub folder into All Programs, Run on Windows startup removed, Run after standard GUI install removed
    Differences between Skype installers:
    VBS Editor Script
    Option Explicit Dim ws, installer, fs, db, view, record, x Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set installer = WScript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 0 Then For each x in WScript.Arguments ProcessMSI x Next Else If fs.FileExists("SkypeSetup.msi") Then ProcessMSI "SkypeSetup.msi" End If '********************************************************************** '** Function; Query MSI database ** '********************************************************************** Function QueryDatabase(arrOpts) On Error Resume Next Dim query, file, binary : binary = false If LCase(TypeName(arrOpts)) = "string" Then query = arrOpts Else If fs.FileExists(arrOpts(0)) Then file = arrOpts(0) query = arrOpts(1) Else query = arrOpts(0) file = arrOpts(1) End If binary = true End If WScript.Echo query If binary Then Set record = installer.CreateRecord(1) record.SetStream 1, file End If Set view = db.OpenView (query) : CheckError If binary Then view.Execute record : CheckError Else view.Execute : CheckError End If view.close Set view = nothing If binary Then Set record = nothing binary = false db.commit : CheckError End Function '********************************************************************** '** Subroutine; Check errors in most recently executed MSI command ** '********************************************************************** Sub CheckError Dim message, errRec If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub message = Err.Source & " " & Hex(Err) & ": " & Err.Description If Not installer Is Nothing Then Set errRec = installer.LastErrorRecord If Not errRec Is Nothing Then message = message & vbNewLine & errRec.FormatText End If Wscript.Echo "" : Wscript.Echo message : Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Quit 2 End Sub '********************************************************************** '** Function; Push changes to MSI ** '********************************************************************** Function ProcessMSI(file) Set db = installer.OpenDatabase(file, 1) On Error Resume Next QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `AdminExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `AdminUISequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `AdvtExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Component` WHERE `Directory_` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Component` WHERE `Directory_` = 'UpdaterFolder'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeStart1'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeStart2'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeUpdaterCleanup'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeUpdaterConfig'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Directory` WHERE `Directory` = 'SystemFolder'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Directory` WHERE `Directory` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Directory` WHERE `Directory` = 'UpdaterFolder'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Feature` WHERE `Feature` = 'Updater'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `FeatureComponents` WHERE `Component_` = 'C_CENTRAL_msvcp120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `FeatureComponents` WHERE `Component_` = 'C_CENTRAL_msvcr120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `FeatureComponents` WHERE `Component_` = 'C_CENTRAL_vccorlib120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `FeatureComponents` WHERE `Feature_` = 'Updater'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `Component_` = 'C_CENTRAL_msvcp120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `Component_` = 'C_CENTRAL_msvcr120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `Component_` = 'C_CENTRAL_vccorlib120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `Component_` = 'SkypeUpdater'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'DeleteServices'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'InstallServices'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeUpdaterCleanup'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeUpdaterConfig'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'StartServices'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'StopServices'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallUISequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeStart1'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeStart2'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `ModuleComponents` WHERE `Component` = 'C_CENTRAL_msvcp120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `ModuleComponents` WHERE `Component` = 'C_CENTRAL_msvcr120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `ModuleComponents` WHERE `Component` = 'C_CENTRAL_vccorlib120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `ModuleSignature` WHERE `ModuleID` = 'Microsoft_VC120_CRT_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `MsiShortcutProperty` WHERE `Shortcut_` = 'SkypeDesktopShortcut'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Property` WHERE `Value` = 'DirectoryTable'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Registry` WHERE `Component_` = 'SkypeUpdater'") ' QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Registry` WHERE `Key` = 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'") ' QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `ServiceControl`") ' QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `ServiceInstall`") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Shortcut` WHERE `Shortcut` = 'SkypeDesktopShortcut'") QueryDatabase("INSERT INTO `Component` (`Component`,`ComponentId`,`Directory_`,`Attributes`,`Condition`,`KeyPath`) VALUES ('SkypeRegistryRun','{7D53301D-E4F0-403A-9A1C-876F1544939E}','PhoneFolder','4','RUN = 1','reg08D3E7E5CD85CB55680CCDE42A2E2625')") QueryDatabase("INSERT INTO `Control` (`Dialog_`,`Control`,`Type`,`X`,`Y`,`Width`,`Height`,`Attributes`,`Property`,`Text`,`Control_Next`) VALUES ('InstallDirDlg','Run','CheckBox','20','140','370','18','19','RUN','&Start Skype when I start Windows','Next')") QueryDatabase("INSERT INTO `FeatureComponents` (`Feature_`,`Component_`) VALUES ('Phone','SkypeRegistryRun')") QueryDatabase("INSERT INTO `Property` (`Property`,`Value`) VALUES ('LicenseAccepted','1')") QueryDatabase("UPDATE `Shortcut` SET Directory_ = 'ProgramMenuFolder' WHERE `Directory_` = 'ProgramMenuDir'") QueryDatabase("UPDATE `Registry` SET Component_ = 'SkypeRegistryRun' WHERE `Registry` = 'reg08D3E7E5CD85CB55680CCDE42A2E2625'") QueryDatabase("UPDATE `Control` SET Control_Next = 'Run' WHERE `Control` = 'ChangeFolder'") Set db = nothing End Function  
  25. Like
    Microsoft Security Essentials x86/x64 v4.5.216 (ALL languages in ONE)
    About: This installer should work for ALL languages & architectures. Run this installer with /? or /h for detailed silent install instructions (the default is not silent and no updates are installed)
    Supported OS(s): Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3)*; Windows Vista (Service Pack 1, or Service Pack 2)*; Windows 7*
    Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/mssecesaio
    MD5: 2571d79679ae8b8f72784633e01eb65a
    Size: 14.4 MB
    Definition Updates
    x86: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=87342
    x64: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=87341

    Supported Languages:
