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Everything posted by runningfool

  1. http://www.bome.com/Restorator/ this is your one and only option...
  2. runningfool replied to Jamie's post in a topic in Windows Vista
    texas hold'em will only run on vista ultimate. a few months ago there was an attempt to get it working on xp, but it was never finished.
  3. coincidentally, im just as opinionated over rootkits, trojans, email spam, viruses, spyware and rogue software. but thats just me. then where did it originate? other than random rapidshare links and forum spam, ive never seen this anywhere other than the link i referred to. ok, first lets go ahead and assume this directx10 for xp thing doesnt completely wreck the directx files that xp comes with, wreaking total havok on xp's graphical system...how certain can you really be that these files arent doing something else? malware can sit in just about any folder and do damage, and personally i would rather not have any suspect files in a folder that is linked to core windows processes (which i believe would qualify directx as an important windows component. if you dont feel the same way, go ahead and yank out your graphics card). that page also references several other pages, one of which was shut down due to a DMCA violation (the true mark of trustworthiness when installing any piece of software). jessica alba is sitting in my lap right now, completely naked. and without any photographical proof, my statement holds just as much merit as yours.
  4. http://leechermods.blogspot.com/2008/04/di...windows-xp.html ^this is the link to the newest "XP" version of directx 10. almost everything on the site is either a torrent/emule client leecher mod or some form of warez. someone has also been spamming other forums with rapidshare links for "directx 10 for xp". because the sidebar for xp installation doesnt overwrite any windows system files or inject itself into any important windows components. it only contains modified vista files and software that allows the sidebar to run under xp. "directx 10 for xp" adds files to the directx framework and fundamentally alters the way windows processes graphics. now ill be the first to point out that directx is basically a joke pieced together by microsoft to trick gamers into buying vista, but think about this for a second: when you really think about it, what are the odds that some random warez junkie managed to emulate directx 10 on windows xp, when Rafael and the Alky Project couldnt accomplish the same thing in well over a year? notice that no one has posted any screenshots or videos of this actually installed and working on an xp computer...
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_games...ectX_10_support ^a total of 21 games utilize directx 10, all of which have patches available for them that let you play them on xp. anyone that wants to overwrite the entire graphical framework for windows with files written by a guy who poisons bittorrent networks with ratio cheating clients is obviously free to do so, but personally i try to stay away from warez and malware.
  6. windows 7 will come in both 32 and 64 bit versions, and will be the last 32-bit OS that microsoft offers.
  7. all the utility does is replace termsrv.dll in the system32 folder with a patched one, so a simpler solution might be to just replace this file on your install disk: 1. use a program like 7-zip or winrar to extract the above utility. one of the folders will contain the termsrv.dll 2. download a program called "eXPander" (search wincert, i think theres an old post somewhere about it, along with instructions on how to use it) 3. use eXPander to compress termsrv.dll. if done correctly, youll get a file called "TERMSRV.DL_" 4. find this file on your XP disk and overwrite it with the one you just created 5. continue with your disk as you normally would (rvm integrator, nlite, etc) and install windows XP. please be cautioned: using this file may cause windows file protection to complain. also, this is not a truly patched file, but literally the same one from beta 2055 of XP SP2...meaning any security updates released for terminal services after SP2 came out will probably be nullified.
  8. i think microsoft will know theyre screwed when they release windows seven, and people STILL refuse to upgrade from XP
  9. runningfool replied to LUZR4LIFE's post in a topic in Funny Lounge
    hp computers come with a recovery partition on the hard drive, as well as the option to burn recovery disks from this same data. and installing over the OEM vista install may very well void the warranty. this practice may be a bit shady, but i can understand it...cost for the additional windows dvd's, additional support problems, etc.
  10. switch to 3.0 beta 5.
  11. its beta, its a MAJOR update, and i dont think theres any point in making a beta addon when the final version will be out soon anyway.
  12. okay well here's my mindset: option 1 - i can trust a single executable from a random warez site to install "supposed" subpar directx 10 files, which will then take priority over legitimate directx files option 2 - on the off-chance that i want to buy one of the handful of "vista-only" games, i can download a patch for that game from a release group im all for freedom of information, but unless theres some analysis done on this (and subsequent PROOF it isnt a complete hoax), i think it might be time for a thread cleanup.
  13. so basically what youre saying is that some random warez releaser managed to get emulation for directx 10 working, accomplishing what the ENTIRE LINUX COMMUNITY has been struggling to get WINE/Cedega to do with ANY version of directx for over a decade. checking the setup information links this back to someone called AxMan, and to a website that releases "leecher mods" for bittorrent and emule. this whole thing seems really suspicious, and i would advise anyone who is actually considering installing it to test it in a virtual machine...you never know what nasty little surprises are going to pop up down the road when you use something from the warez scene, especially an exe. @dude-uk: how can you be sure it works if youre running vista ultimate in the first place?
  14. AFAIK microsoft has no plans to release a SP3 disk/ISO entering the key can be skipped during the install, but you are still prompted for it at OOBE. there is no change in corporate XP, since there is no OOBE there.
  15. http://www.zdnet.com.au/news/software/soa/...39284102,00.htm http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=1332 http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,142952-pg,1/article.html http://news.softpedia.com/news/Microsoft-A...ped-78198.shtml http://blogs.computerworld.com/vista_sp1_slow http://crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9871317-1.html http://vista.blorge.com/2008/02/08/vista-s...-pre-sp1-vista/ O RLY?
  16. directx 10 for xp is a warez scam that was started on the vietnamese-hosted rapidsh*t spamming farm known as 9down.com. additionally, it is completely unnecessary because: 1. spend a decent amount of time searching on torrent and game sites, and youll find that there are patches for just about every one of the small number of vista-only games out there. 2. this may come as a shock to a few of you, but directx 10 is WORSE than directx 9. there are a few proof-of-concept propaganda images floating around the 'net showing off dx10's alleged "superiority", but in reality this propaganda is simply not the case (they are not actual screenshots from games, but rather artist renditions). much in the same way the WMA encoder distorts audio by reducing the dynamic range and amplifying the volume of the high and low-frequency tones in an audio stream to create the false sense of higher quality, directx 10 uses a similar method to "amplify" physics and colorization: color contrast is boosted slightly in the attempt to make graphics look more "real" but in reality yield an image that looks more cartoonish than it would on directx 9. the changes in physics are more complicated, but essentially a small amount of blur is added during periods of motion...directx 9 processes and displays motion more naturally, while directx 10 exaggerates motion, giving it a bit of artistic flair. finally, take into consideration the small number of graphics cards that support dx10, and the even smaller number that will be out when dx10.1 is released...and since a large percentage of these cards are manufactured by NVIDIA, i dont think there is much room to argue that directx 10 isnt a complete joke. so...yeah. kind of a waste of time.
  17. runningfool replied to NIM's post in a topic in General Discussion
    once a week: -LCD screen cleaning gel to clean hi-def laptop monitor every few months or so: -blow compressed air into fans to clean dust, then keyboard -mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water used to clean keyboard and case -CD/DVD laser lens cleaning disk, to brush off anything that might be on the lens once a year, or less: -open up laptop, check thermal compound on CPU and GPU and replace as necessary once WINE and Cedega have matured: -Slackware!!!
  18. nope, still there the only thing that was unchecked before i made the change was "use common tasks in folders". if it helps, i noticed that the problem goes away if i go to "display properties --> appearance --> advanced --> selected items" and change this color back to the default theme value. BUT i used to be able to change this color without the icons screwing up. this is really starting to frustrate me...
  19. ok, this one is weird...whenever i highlight icons, a certain portion of them turns this ugly green color. it does this regardless of the color of the file's icon. im almost positive the problem is rooted in something stylexp did to my uxtheme.dll file: i compared file hashes from the uxtheme i have now and the one on my XP install disk and they dont match up. also the one on my disk is almost twice the size. i tried going into safe mode and overwriting the uxtheme file with the one on my install disk, but after rebooting explorer refuses to start...says it cant even find uxtheme.dll. any ideas??
  20. SP3 went final on the 21st, leaked to the masses on the 22nd. since the 21st there have been 3 SP3 releases floating around: 1) a bogus one pieced together by the release group "Zero Waiting Time" 2) one signed by microsoft and confirmed to be SP3 RTM, but only downloadable from a 3rd-party site 3) a second one signed by microsoft and confirmed to be RTM, downloadable from microsoft's own website the MD5 hashes from #2 and #3 match up, but #3 adds the piece of mind of knowing you downloaded directly from microsoft. btw, the link that Dark_Knignt put up is for #3 :dancing:
  21. [edit] link fixed, moved to mediafire yea, the old ubuntu theme always reminded me of xp's luna theme. the new planned one just looks more slick/streamlined to me. i tried making the theme myself, but since it was my 1st attempt at making a theme, i was quickly overwhelmed...
  22. ubuntu 8.04 was just released, and there are some pretty impressive themes that have either been proposed or are already planned to be included in version 8.10. so my question is, using this as a starting point (not that i would ever condone ripping off someone else's work) and doing a few color swaps and hue shifts in photoshop, could some kind soul out there possibly make an xp theme that looks something like this? if nothing else, it would be nice to get a theme similar to illumecg but with a brown-orange-beige color swap... also, here's a svg replacement for the vista start orb that could be used. thanks in advance to anyone who can help out.
  23. i run 64-bit windows xp, nLite'd to hell. after it was installed, i edited explorer.exe shell32.dll and several other important system files manually, solely to tweak a few UI aspects i didnt like. i dont run a firewall (other than the hardware firewall in my wireless router), which might be bad since i frequently take my laptop on the road and connect to random wireless hotspots. i also dont have any antivirus or antispyware running in the background. i run the absolute newest version of every piece of software i have...we're talking pre-alphas and nightly builds here. my graphics card is overclocked to the highest it will go without annoying yellow lines showing up and distoriting videos and games. my processor is constantly being pushed to its limit, since i do intensive video encoding jobs whenever i have the opportunity. i torrent so heavily that the internet service in my entire apartment complex has been cut off in an attempt to find out who the hell is using all that bandwidth and what theyre using it for (thank you peerguardian ). the only user account i have on windows is the administrator account, renamed "Root" to make it even more obvious. also i use a blank password and my away message on AIM/IRC/Jabber is usually my IP address, just to taunt my more computer-savvy friends. the only BSOD ive ever had happened when i disabled the paging file to see what would happen. i almost never see any software crash or hiccup, and the closest anyone has ever come to "hacking" me was a friend who said i was connected to a port i knew was closed, using a program id never heard of. HA!
  24. runningfool replied to NIM's post in a topic in Windows XP
    viewing all the SP3 threads reminds me why i love 64-bit xp so much
  25. so today i decided to install internet explorer 8 beta 1, which went fine. the only problem is that after installing it, IE8 refuses to let me disable the menu bar. going to "View-->Toolbars-->Menu Bar" and clicking it does nothing; the option isnt greyed out, i just cant uncheck it. i undid every change i made in group policy editor, so my best guess is that the problem is rooted in some obscure registry setting. also, uninstalling IE8 and going back to IE7 does not solve the problem. this isnt a huge deal since i use firefox 3 and only open internet explorer on patch tuesday...but im obsessive about UI stuff like this so if anyone knows of a fix i would really appreciate the help.