Everything posted by runningfool
"Browse for Folder" is greyed out...help!
well the thing is, a lot of what nlite does is removing/modifying registry entries and .dll's. hopefully i can find what is missing and copy what is needed from my original CD...
"Browse for Folder" is greyed out...help!
yes, treeview is exaclty what is missing, although I don't think there is an option in nLite (or a viable reason) to do this. If it helps, pressing "windows key + E" which usually brings up an explorer window, generates an error box that says "the parameter is incorrect". something else i noticed - in the "save as" dialog in microsoft office, if i click on the "my computer" tab, none of my drives show up. the treeview isn't broken in all programs...winrar, for example, shows the treeview just fine.
"Browse for Folder" is greyed out...help!
^so this is my problem: in most (but not all) programs where you must browse for a folder (foobar2000, Recuva, etc.), i cannot even see the folder treeview, much less browse for a folder, because the entire area is greyed out. Other than the shortcuts for the "Games" not appearing (not a big deal, I created them manually), my windows install went perfectly. And this is not a major issue...but for programs like Recuva where the "browse for folder" dialog is the ONLY way you can use the program, it's kind of important. And if at all possible, I would prefer NOT to have to format and reinstall. Any help is greatly appreciated! :thumbsup_anim: {Windows XP x64 SP2, all updates & hotfixes, WMP11 integrated with Booogy's integrator, IE7 integrated via nLite, used RyanVM for 3 addons that in no way affect system files, all 64-bit drivers up-to-date and working properly} <---yes I'm aware that this isn't the x64 section, but I think this is more of a nlite or general windows question. Components removed via nLite: Accessibility Options Briefcase ClipBook Viewer Defragmenter Internet Games NT Backup Wordpad Display Adapters Display Adapters (old) Ethernet (LAN) Modems Printers Scanners Sound Controllers Wireless Ethernet (WLAN) Albanian keyboard Arabic (101) keyboard Arabic (102) AZERTY keyboard Arabic (102) keyboard Armenian Eastern keyboard Armenian Western keyboard Azeri Cyrillic keyboard Azeri Latin keyboard Belarusian keyboard Belgian (Comma) keyboard Belgian (Period) keyboard Belgian French keyboard Bosnian Cyrillic keyboard Bosnian keyboard Bulgarian (Latin) keyboard Bulgarian keyboard Canadian French (Legacy) keyboard Canadian French keyboard Canadian Multilingual Standard keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0 keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - NeiMa keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - QuanPin keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - ShuangPin keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - US Keyboard keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - ZhengMa keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Alphanumeric keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Array keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Big5 Code keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - ChangJie keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - DaYi keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - New ChangJie keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - New Phonetic keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Phonetic keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Quick keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Unicode keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - US Keyboard keyboard Croatian keyboard Czech (QWERTY) keyboard Czech keyboard Czech Programmers keyboard Danish keyboard Devanagari - INSCRIPT keyboard Divehi Phonetic keyboard Divehi Typewriter keyboard Dutch keyboard Estonian keyboard Faeroese keyboard Farsi keyboard Finnish keyboard Finnish with Sami keyboard French keyboard FYRO Macedonian keyboard Gaelic keyboard Georgian keyboard German (IBM) keyboard German keyboard Greek (220) keyboard Greek (220) Latin keyboard Greek (319) keyboard Greek (319) Latin keyboard Greek keyboard Greek Latin keyboard Greek Polytonic keyboard Gujarati keyboard Hebrew keyboard Hindi Traditional keyboard Hungarian 101-key keyboard Hungarian keyboard Icelandic keyboard Inuktitut Latin keyboard Irish keyboard Italian (142) keyboard Italian keyboard Japanese Input System (MS-IME2002) keyboard Japanese keyboard Kannada keyboard Kazakh keyboard Korean Input System (IME 2000) keyboard Korean keyboard Kyrgyz Cyrillic keyboard Latin American keyboard Latvian (QWERTY) keyboard Latvian keyboard Lithuanian IBM keyboard Lithuanian keyboard Luxembourgish keyboard Maltese 47-key keyboard Maltese 48-key keyboard Maori keyboard Marathi keyboard Mongolian Cyrillic keyboard Nepali keyboard Norwegian keyboard Norwegian with Sami keyboard Pashto keyboard Polish (214) keyboard Polish (Programmers) keyboard Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT) keyboard Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT2) keyboard Portuguese keyboard Punjabi keyboard Romanian keyboard Russian (Typewriter) keyboard Russian keyboard Sami Extended Finland-Sweden keyboard Sami Extended Norway keyboard Serbian (Cyrillic) keyboard Serbian (Latin) keyboard Slovak (QWERTY) keyboard Slovak keyboard Slovenian keyboard Spanish keyboard Spanish Variation keyboard Swedish keyboard Swedish with Sami keyboard Swiss French keyboard Swiss German keyboard Syriac keyboard Syriac Phonetic keyboard Tamil keyboard Tatar keyboard Telugu keyboard Thai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) keyboard Thai Kedmanee keyboard Thai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock) keyboard Thai Pattachote keyboard Turkish F keyboard Turkish Q keyboard Ukrainian keyboard United Kingdom Extended keyboard United Kingdom keyboard United States-Dvorak for left hand keyboard United States-Dvorak for right hand keyboard United States-Dvorak keyboard United States-International keyboard Urdu keyboard US English Table for IBM Arabic 238_L keyboard Uzbek Cyrillic keyboard Vietnamese keyboard Images and Backgrounds Movie Maker Music Samples Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder Windows Picture and Fax Viewer Active Directory Services Communication tools Connection Manager Internet Connection Wizard Internet Information Services (IIS) MSMail and MAPI MSN Explorer Netmeeting NetShell Cmd-Tool Network Setup Wizard NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Protocol Outlook Express Peer-to-Peer Share Creation Wizard Synchronization Manager Windows Messenger Administrator VB scripts Auditing Resource Dlls Color Schemes Command-line tools Desktop Cleanup Wizard Disk and Profile Quota Disk Cleanup Document Templates DR Watson Extensible Storage Engine (Esent97) FAT to NTFS converter File and Settings Wizard Help and Support Input Method Editor Manual Install and Upgrade MS Agent Out of Box Experience (OOBE) Remote Installation Services (RIS) Search Assistant Security Center Service Pack Messages Shell Media Handler Symbolic Debugger (NTSD) Tour Web View Alerter Application Layer Gateway Error Reporting Fax Service IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service Indexing Service Messenger Network DDE Performance Logs and Alerts Protected Storage QoS RSVP Quality of Service (QoS) Remote Registry Removable Storage Route Listening Service RPC Locator Secondary Logon Service Advertising Protocol Simple TCP/IP Services SNMP System Restore Service Telnet Terminal Services Text Services Framework Uninterruptible Power Supply WebClient Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) DOCS SUPPORT Languages Post-Installation: .NET Framework 3.5 Roguespear's "other" runtimes QT Address Bar (tweaked system settings)
Windows Calendar for XP?
cant wait for texas hold 'em on xp :thumbsup_anim:
[FGCBA] WinRAR 3.7+ Auto Addon Maker
to fix the rarnew/zipnew problem, go to winrar settings and make sure its the default rar/zip program. you may need to uncheck and recheck those boxes.
[AddOn] Nero 8 DiscCopy Gadget (November 12-07)
great work ricktendo
[Editable] Vista Firefox (April 16-08)
is there any limit to how many extensions you can add? because i know in my addon i had to use FEBE/CLEO to package them all as a single file...
[Addon] GPU-Z 0.1.2
well, it has no problem identifying my "wonderful" ATI 9000 mobility radeon :sweatingbullets:
[AddOn] RegSeeker 1.55
how thorough is the actual registry cleaning portion of this program? i currently use a shareware registry cleaner that is very good at removing unnecessary entries, but it would be great to switch to a freeware app...
[AddOn] Nero 8 DiscCopy Gadget (November 12-07)
http://rapidshare.com/files/60795082/N8M_8110.rar.html this archive contains an installer for nero micro v8.1.1.0, and the required files to get the disc copy gadget working for this version of micro. this version of micro contains nero burning rom, nero express, vcd support, and basic audio plugins. to get it working: 1. run the installer (it takes about a minute to initialize, and yes you have to supply your own serial) 2. copy the "program files" folder to the root of your hard drive. it will copy all the required libraries to the "nero" and "common files" directories. i used universal extractor to extract all the CAB's from the official nero installer, then extracted the files from the CAB's using winrar, picking out all the necessary files and deleting everything else. 3. use regsvr32 to register NeroAPI.dll. and rick, im leaving it up to you to make a nice little silent installer to do all this...im no good at making inf's :sweatingbullets: and if anyone has any questions, please dont hesitate to ask :thumbsup_anim: to ricktendo64- NOTE 1: there may be a few extra files that aren't needed, but i did my best to grab everything that i either knew or was pretty sure the disc copy gadget needed. some libraries are from the last nero 7 build, and im not sure theyre needed...nero 8 may well have been changed to the point that files that the nero 7 gadget required are no longer necessary. if you want to remove a few and see if the gadget still works, let me know how it goes. NOTE 2: if you decide to make another GCL addon, PLEASE test it to make sure it works with ALL applications that can use NeroAPI. DVDShrink has the ability to burn finished DVD projects directly with Nero, and foobar2000 can use Nero to burn CD's and image files of audio tracks. im aware that you and several people here were using Serpent0r's Nero Lite installer alongside the disc copy gadget...but serpent0r removed the digital signatures from all the files in his installer, which prevented dvdshrink and foobar2000 from burning with Nero.
[AddOn] Nero 8 DiscCopy Gadget (November 12-07)
with a little work, i got this working with nero micro. so everything's good on this end. thanks rick! :icon_cool:
[AddOn] CCleaner v4.13.4693 (International)
rick, have a look at the newest changelog. namely: "Files winsys.ini and winreg.ini are now embedded in the EXE" http://www.ccleaner.com/ http://www.nsanedown.com/?request=759825 http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/CClea...er/1100194579/1 ...so you can remove those 2 files from your addon. good news though, crap cleaner is one file away from being a single portable file! :thumbsup_anim:
[AddOn] Vista RocketDock v1.3.5 [September 03-07]
hey rick, is there a particular reason you dont compress rocktdoc.inf in this addon?
[AddOn] JkDefrag GUI v1.03 + CPL shortcut
and now 0.93 is out :whistle:
How to install Windows from Multiple CD's?
ok basically i have the source data for windows ready to burn to DVD...but i have a computer that doesnt read DVD's. is there any way to split the windows install directory across multiple CD's and install that way?
[Release] Windows Sidebar Gadgets
[AddOn] CCleaner v4.13.4693 (International)
2.00.500 final is out
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
[Release] Windows Sidebar Gadgets
This is a personal addon I made for myself months ago, back when ricktendo started releasing his sidebar addon. Basically its a switchless installer (packaged as an addon) that will install what I feel are all the useful or interesting sidebar gadgets out there. So what does this mean for you? No more searching all the sidebar gadget websites for that one last gadget to make your sidebar complete...all the good ones, IMHO, are in this installer. BUT! If you find a gadget that you think should be added or updated, let me know and I'll probably add it. Make sure to post the link to the gadget in this thread, and try to link to the original site if at all possible. Download Size: 17.6 MB Hash: D05F7CD1DD1BFEF0F514432E9AE615B7 List of Gadgets Included: Blackjack Blockade Bouncy Balls Bubble Wrap Calculator Calvin 'n' Hobbes "Cener" Power "Cener" Wifi CountDown Timer Date V 6 Desktop Wallpaper Sidebar Donkey Kong Echo - Beta Express Calculator Feng Shui Gadget Spacer Game Monitor GMail Checker GMail Counter iSee iStat Battery Info iStat Combo iStat Wireless Launcher Love Meter Media Player MP3 Search Net Monitor NewMail NikePlus Now Playing Phone Notify Ping Gadget Remote Desktop Say It! Sidebar Donkey Kong Sidebar Pong Simple Date SonarClock Sphere Timer Spirit Detector Gadget Sudoku Todo List Top Processes Torrent Wrangler Video Poker - Beta Vista Orb Clock Visual Voicemail Voodoo Doll Wikipedia Search ...whew! Changelog: 07 Spetember 2007: initial release. 11 September 2007: removed gadgets that already installed with Ricktendo64's sidebar addon, changed addon name to include release date.
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
http://rapidshare.com/files/53752993/Ricks..._AddOn.rar.html i sent pete an email with this link, but im putting it here too in case anyone else wants it...its a switchless installer addon of all the gadgets ive actualy found to be useful since i started using the sidebar. the download size is just under 20MB. installs to %programfiles%\Windows Sidebar\Shared Gadgets. NOTE: despite the name of this addon i did NOT somehow steal this from ricktendo64. its named that way because they are gadgets to go along with Ricktendo64's windows sidebar addon. that being said, i dont care about credit given to me...my name is nowhere to be found in that addon. if you want to change/update it and re-upload it as your own, feel free. i really dont care :bleh:
[svcpack] Windows Sidebar Styler [WSS] v2.0.6
well im not to good with resource hacker...how complicated is it to remove the shadow? and is there anywhere i can download an unpatched sidebar.exe?
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
Off Topic: ok this is a little off-topic, but i have a few addons of my own (handbrake, oovoo, and a few others) that dont work because .NET 2.0 or 3.0 NEEDS to be installed. is there any way to force .NET to install before these addons?
[svcpack] Windows Sidebar Styler [WSS] v2.0.6
hey rick, the default sidebar skin has a shadow behind it. is there any way to completely remove this using the sidebar styler?
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
yes very nice desktop :icon_cool: check out my desktop! anyway, i do have a question for you rick. how do you get ryan's dotnetaio addon to integrate properly? ive never been able to get it to install with windows without giving me errors (so i do it post-installation)...and i have a bunch of programs that require .NET to be installed. it would be so nice to have them install silently with the rest of my addons! :whistle:
[AddOn] Vista RocketDock v1.3.5 [September 03-07]
nice job rick. quick update! :thumb_yello: