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  1. HI i made Vista x86 and x64 with SP2 intergrated and all updates from october. my question the way i did the intergration. if that a bad way i did?. but all things work great it seems. Can i merge Vista x86 and x64 i wintool. getting error when setup is about to show, the 2 version i can chose to install X86-X64. but setup says somthing like it can show the system images. and in Wintoolkit i cant edit Description. its says no Description. Link to picture : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/708/vistax64sp2.jpg/ the way i did it, i used this guide i found on the net How to Slipstream Vista SP2 1. Install WAIK on OS 2. Install Vista RTM to a secondary partition. (Namely D: with nothing on that drive as all will be deleted) 3. During the installation, once in the Out of Box Experience (OOBE) after set-up starts, press Ctrl+Shift+F3. (The computer will restart and enter Audit mode!) 4. A Sysprep window will pop up. Do not close this Sysprep window. 5. Then find the Vista SP1 installer and then ‘Run’ installer. (The standalone service pack 1 installer from Microsoft which you will have previously downloaded) 6. Run the Vista SP1 Cleanup Tool. 7. Run the SP2 installer. 8. Run the Vista SP2 Cleanup Tool. 9. Once installation has completed Sysprep window will open. Now select OOBE, Generalize, and to Shut Down the system. 10. ‘Boot’ the system into your main OS installed. DO NOT boot back into the Vista RTM you just set-up. 11. Now in the ‘start-up’ box look for the WAIK start-up file, open this up and then select WAIK 'command prompt’ and right click on Run as Administrator. 12. Type in the following imagex command below and press enter. imagex /compress maximum /flags "Ultimate" /capture d: c:\install.wim "Ultimate" Note You may need to replace "HomePremium" after the /flags switch with whatever edition of Vista you need installed! Where d: is the drive that you have installed Vista SP2 on, and c:\install.wim is the location to store the new version of install.wim follow the steps below:~ Now:~ Start UltraISO, and select your DVD drive with your Vista DVD loaded under UltraISO's local header. Next select Tools > Make CD/DVD Image UltraISO will capture & save your DVD image under \Users\{user ID}\Documents\My ISO Files\LRMCxFRE_EN_DVD.iso (LRMCxFRE_EN_DVD is the volume label of my Vista DVD, your label may be different). Don't change any of the default settings. When UltraISO has saved the image, it will ask you if you want to open it, select yes. From the opened image, select the /sources folder and browse for the install.wim file. Right-click this file and select delete. Next copy the new install.wim you created in step 11 (should be on d: or whatever drive you have put it on) above into the /sources folder. then select and drag & drop install.wim to the /sources folder. From UltraISO's menu select File >: Save Once the ISO has been saved, make sure that the install.wim file from the /sources folder is the updated install.wim (look at the date). Now select Tools > Burn CD/DVD Image When ready, you'll have your Vista install DVD with SP2 included. Kind Regards THXMAN
  2. So let me get this right, should i use SAD2 methode for now. it seems like you guys are wooking on a final methode soon. or could you send me your scanned drivers. i am useing this build on many deffirrent hardware. so it could be nice. to have a tool, that only installes the drivers needed for the hardware found. from runonce or before OOBE . this code below you posted, can i use that, when i install windows7 from USB stick. and it seem like you put SAD2 folder in the root right? @ECHO off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion SET "LOGFILE=%systemdrive%\install.log" for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\sources\install.wim set CDROM=%%i: ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% REM :: Snip... :: :Drivers Start "" /max /separate %comspec% /c %CDROM%\SAD2\DP_Install_Tool.cmd /s ::all processing finished, delete used files, and EXIT:: :CLEANUP IF EXIST %windir%\Setup\scripts RD /S /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts >nul endlocal DEL /F /Q %0% >nul :EOF
  3. Hi i have made win7 all.in-one installtion with updates, wallpaper, themes etc, the last thing i intergrated is drivers. I use driverpacks. from www.driverpacks.net/ . I tested the installation before drivers was intergrated. all worked great. After i intergrated drivers with Wintoolkit i get an BSOD on first reboot. STOP: 0x0000007B (0xffff880009A97E8, 0xFFFFFFFFC0000034, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) Is there a log file somewhere that track all this. so i can see what driver is failing. i did a google seach on the BSOD. microsoft says it SATA/ACHI related. wintoolkit, makes a log file. inside the windows folder. called WinToolkitDrivers. Kind regards THXMAN
  4. Hi again i think you can get it here http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=951847 on windows update it says the size is 50,2MB update. i will download it and try to install it. to see if it goes away from windows update after i install KB951847 kind regards THXMAN
  5. Hi Guys just try Toolkit for my Vista SP2 installation. but under Vista SP2 updates i cant find the KB951847 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update x64. will this update be included in Toolkit soon. Kind regards THXMAN