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ajua last won the day on April 11 2015

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About ajua

  • Birthday 08/04/1980

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    The chair in front of Cleopetra
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    Windows 8.1 x64
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  1. Hi, guys, I'm the author. I didn't know one of my custom installers was posted here. My installers are always up to date, so feel free to visit my site anytime. Thanks for giving me credit. It would be great to know when/if another of my installers is posted so I can visit the thread to answer any questions or doubts. Regards!
  2. Waiting for Spanish 11.0.08. Thanks!
  3. Adobe Reader 11.0.07 está disponible: ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/11.x/11.0.07/es_ES/
  4. Ya está disponible Adobe Reader 11.0.4. Si Ricktendo nos actualizara el instalador al a última versión sería genial. Gracias!
  5. Oracle just released JRE 7 Update 07. It fixes many security flaws, including the few that could open you computer to external attackers. Download links http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre7u7-downloads-1836441.html
  6. Yo tengo experiencia en Vista y Windows 7 usando el WAIK para hacer instalaciones desatendias. Si se aprueba la secci
  7. Any info on release dates for other languages? thanks.
  8. Unattended installations of Windows 7 are almost the same as with Vista. There are some new configs and deprecated settings, but in the end, they work exactle the same way. The first thin you will need to start making your own unattended installations is to install WAIK (Windows Automated Installation Kit) and read all the documentation. This will get you the knowledge to start making your own stuff. You can download the version for Windows 7 RC from Microsoft. There is also the OEM Pre-Installation Kit (OPK) for Windows 7 RTM. Think of it as a WAIK for OEM's. vLite worked with WIAK for Windows Vista, but not with WAIK for Windows RC. However, I just used it for making the bootable ISO's. I like making everything manually. I have already installed Windows 7 RTM unattedly from USB sticks in a few computers now.
  9. I have installed Windows 7 RTM on my laptop with 4gb of RAM and I think it displays a little more than 3.25 as available (still not the whole 4gb)... I'm also thinking about migrating to x64 when I buy my copy of Win7 for the desktop.
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