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  1. pedilover replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    @Kelsenellenelvian I have only courteously asked, if the proggie is dead because since more than 2 month nothing happend, although Liam has promised "nightly builds" ("expect nightly builds in a few days"). I didn't urge something from Liam. But your tone is very unfriendly although I wasn't unfriendly to you. Sure is, you have more competence in IT, but you are not authorized to attack me. Your behaviour against me is not ok, because I have never been unfriendly. I have asked , not more ! In earlier times I have sponsored this project, and I wanted to do this again.
  2. pedilover replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    @mooms & dareckibmw, hey guys, it would be fine if this would be true, but I don't believe it. A student does not have more than 2 month of vacances. And Liam has announced nightly builds , but nothing happened. But what does it be useful for, when he is still monitoring the forum but nothing happens. Regards
  3. pedilover replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Is "wintoolkit" dead? Since more than 2 month Lego does not appear here in the forum. Is it possible that his studies do not allow the further development of this tool ? It would be too bad !?! Regards
  4. Hi Lego, I tried the version and everything run like before. With the same last session.ini . For me the bus is in the version 1.5.3 Regards
  5. Hi Lego, sorry, but I have no access any more to this file, because I've made a real installation , not on a virtual machine. I was very surprised, to have such problems, because before I never had those problems. Thiersse had also problems, but after he has deleted settings.txt everything runs. Regards
  6. Hi Lego, here is my last session.ini. I didn't have changed anything. In the version 1.5.2 the bug didn't appear. No hotfix was installed. Regards 2014-11-02_14-48-PM.ini
  7. @Lego in the new version alle updates are not integrated ! this bug is new. In all earlier versions I didn't have these problemes. Win 7 x64 sp1 german. Regards
  8. Hi Thiersee, but I think Rufus is at this moment the best tool, because you can create an UEFI-GPT-install with this tool. It prepares your usb-stick ready for an GPT-partition of your hdd. Download: http://rufus.akeo.ie/ Regards
  9. When integrating the hotfixes there comes since the last three test versions this error, look at the screenshots. There is an "?" blue in the update list near the kb2685939. In the C: - windows - logs - DISM there is a error notification
  10. pedilover posted a post in a topic in WinToolkit Bugs
    Hi Lego, the Nvidia display drivers are not integrated. I've extracted them with the proggie drivermax to make the integration easier. In the earlier versions of the toolkit there have been not such difficulties with the display drivers integration. And at least the hotfix KB 2823180 is furthermore not integrated . I have put it in the sfx section. Regards
  11. pedilover replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Hi Lego, the both Hotfixes are furthermor not integrated:kb 2823180 und kb 2592687. I've tested with the latest beta Version 1.4.31 beta6. these both hotfixes I have put in the sfx section not together with the normal hotfixes. Regards
  12. pedilover replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Hi Thiersee, no I didn't integrate it with the german addonkopierer, but like always, with the silent installers of the sfx-section of the wintoolkit. My proggies I integrate with the addonkopierer with the OEM method in the 'sources' section I copy the OEM-folder which the addonkopierer has created. Grüße (Regards)
  13. pedilover replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    @Liam the german updates kb 2823180 and kb 2533552 are not integreted, even if I place them in the sfx-section. I've tested with the new 1.4.31 test 4 . In the old version 1.4.27 there was no problem for this integration if I pit them in the sfx section. Regards
  14. pedilover replied to wela's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    OK, I will test the Beta 4 ! Regards
  15. pedilover replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Glad to see, that you are back again. !! :welcome6ld: