V'ISO Reflection Edition v2.0
Buyrun; http://hotfile.com/dl/103905607/28fbf71/VISO_Reflection_Edition(v2.0).exe.html
Winstyle 2010 (tr)
Sistem özelliklerinizi verebilir misiniz? Not: Bu arada W7 üzerinde çalışmaya başladım. :type: Transparent ya da diğer bir değişle cam efekti ise sonuna kadar cam efekti olacak. Yani saydamlığa doyacaksınız :icon_cool: Winstyle üzerindeki açıklar belirlenmiş olup, gerekli düzeltmeler yapılmıştır. Hataları tespit edip burada paylaşan arkadaşlara teşekkürü bir borç bilirim. :giveheart: Bilgilerinize...
Adobe Reader X 10.0.0 & 9.4.0 TR
Adobe reader da sadece senin eklentini kullanıyorum. O y
Winstyle 2010 (tr)
- Winstyle 2010 (tr)
- Winstyle 2010 (tr)
- DX WinNT6.x True Integrator (Updates & AddOns)
- Winstyle 2010 (tr)
Hangi tema?- User32.dll Geçersiz Sistem Dll Konum Değişikliği
Belirttiğiniz dosyayı da koyabilirseniz ve .res dosyarlarını ne şekilde uyguladığınızı daha a- New IPHONE 4
Yeah, I heard about bugs (antenna). Luckily it will be come to Turkey on August. Still enough time ı think. Well, at first ı was so sad why it wasnt released same time with other 5 countries. But now i am really lucky Thank for your advice- New IPHONE 4
Thank you so much- New IPHONE 4
Thanks N1K. But ı already knew specifications of it. And ı could learn these things by google etc I wanted to know if it was good as much as they said. You know using sth is more different than watching advertisements I wanted to know this.- New IPHONE 4
Thanks for your reply And what about its camera? Really "HD" enough? And battery?- About your Self
I was looking for sth in forums. I noticed this topic and ı thought that ı should make it live Because it is nice to know eachother more Well... Real Name: Ömer Sefa USLU Preferred Name: Sefa (Because many of my friends call me "Sefa") Born: 1986/11/04 Hometown: Ankara/Turkey I work and sametime I study 3rd class in university.(remote education just exams) My hobbies are PC, PS3, Pc Games (Especially PES), Kickboxing and body building That is all...- New IPHONE 4
Who have iphone 4 and can you share your opinions about it? Because ı heard some problems about antenna. And how is its performance? I asked these things because I want to buy. I hope ı could tell my opinions clearly. Thank for your helping. Regards, Sefa USLU. - Winstyle 2010 (tr)