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  1. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from SuperLOL in [Release] .NET Framework Collection 20111019(1.1/2.0/3.5/4.0)   
    Updated the NET4 Client, but missed to update the Extended module;
    Corrected and reuploaded AIO Addon.
  2. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from SuperLOL in [Release] .NET Framework Collection 20111019(1.1/2.0/3.5/4.0)   
    Updated dotNet 02-2014
    MS14-009 Security Bulletin Updates
    MD5: 3A9585EE5421EDE6E8AA8FE21EBB6930 
    Size: 38,22 MB
    Url.: http://www.sendspace.com/file/rr4pfc
    Incl. dNET1.1SP1 + 2.0SP2 + 3.0SP2 + 3.5SP1 
    Without dotNet1.1SP1 change " -ai" switch to " -ai1". 
    MD5: E979E5FA71E773C153A5EC92F65F706E
    Size: 61,34 MB  
    Url.: http://www.sendspace.com/file/h4x5x3
    Incl. dNET1.1SP1 + 3.5SP1 + 4.0(Full Extended) 
    Without dotNet1.1SP1 change " -ai" switch to " -ai1". 
    Integrate VC++_Runtimes prior to .NET Frameworks 
    EDIT: corrected and reuploaded AIO Addon
  3. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from Jaanvi in [SVCpack] AddOn Google Chrome 32.0.1700.76   
    Updated Google Chrome SE to v.26.0.1410.64
    Updated Adobe Flash and stability improvements 
  4. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from Outbreaker in [Release] .NET Framework Collection 20111019(1.1/2.0/3.5/4.0)   
    Updated dotNet 10-2013 
    MS13-082 Updates 
    MD5: 67585E4FA09BB594B34977E494ACA726 
    Size: 38,22 MB 
    Incl. dNET1.1SP1 + 2.0SP2 + 3.0SP2 + 3.5SP1 
    Without dotNet1.1SP1 change " -ai" switch to " -ai1". 
    MD5: C66E65BDB7872903DA610676B30EB9C6 
    Size: 57,11 MB 
    Incl. dNET1.1SP1 + 3.5SP1 + 4.0 (Client Profile) 
    Without dotNet1.1SP1 change " -ai" switch to " -ai1". 
    Integrate VC++_Runtimes prior to .NET Frameworks 
    EDIT: Updated 02-2014
  5. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from Reborns in [SVCpack] AddOn Google Chrome 32.0.1700.76   
    Updated to Google Chrome SE 30.0.1599.66
    Edit: Upd to Google Chrome SE 30.0.1599.69
  6. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from SuperLOL in [Release] .NET Framework Collection 20111019(1.1/2.0/3.5/4.0)   
    Updated dotNet Frameworks 08-2013
    MS13-052 v2 Updates
    MD5: B869803395D57E6F1D9649F7C0A157E4
    Size: 38,22 MB
    Incl. dNET1.1SP1 + 2.0SP2 + 3.0SP2 + 3.5SP1
    Without dotNet1.1SP1 change " -ai" switch to " -ai1".
    MD5: C240A5E5287E9B28F77E6EE87461D040
    Size: 57,15 MB
    Incl. dNET1.1SP1 + 3.5SP1 + 4.0 (Client Profile)
    Without dotNet1.1SP1 change " -ai" switch to " -ai1".
    Integrate VC++_Runtimes prior to .NET Frameworks
    Edit: updated 09-2013
  7. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from Kelsenellenelvian in Addons Intl. pour XP-Fr   
    REupload de la Màj. Adobe Reader XI v11.0.03
  8. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from Ctrl in [SVCpack] AddOn Google Chrome 32.0.1700.76   
    Updated to Google Chrome SE 27.0.1453.93
    EDIT 24 May: updated to SE v.27.0.1453.94
  9. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from Ctrl in [SVCpack] AddOn Google Chrome 32.0.1700.76   
    Google Chrome SE

    Stable Enterprise internet browser from Google.
    This version installs under Program Files.


    Addon with multimode (default silent) installer.

    available modes (edit entries.ini):
    " -gm2 -ai" :silent (default)
    " -gm2 -ai1" :passive T-13
    " -gm2 -ai2" :passive ROE
    " -gm2 -ai3" :silent ROE
              Google_Chrome_34.0.1847.131_AddOn.cab MD5: D1797CBD4AD360338CF98EE590ECF519
    Size: 37,35 MB
    Url.: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ohjkrf  
  10. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from Yventaliy in [SVCpack]AddOn CDburnerXP Intl.   
    CdburnerXP as a SVCpack_Addon

    CDBurnerXP is a free application to burn CDs and DVDs, including Blu-Ray and HD-DVDs.
    It also includes the feature to burn and create ISOs, as well as a multilanguage interface.
    Everyone, even companies, can use it for free.
    It does not include adware or similar malicious components.

    Website: http://cdburnerxp.se/

    Key Features
    • burn all kinds of discs
    • audio-CDs with or without gaps between tracks
    • burn and create ISO files
    • data verification after burning process
    • create bootable discs
    • multi-language interface
    • bin/nrg → ISO converter, simple cover printing and much more!
    • Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista/Windows 7

    Installer without PromoWare (no OpenCandy and/or toolbar)

    Multimode installer for easy addon modification.
    Available switches and modes (edit entries.ini):
    " -gm2 -ai" = SVCPACK silent default install
    " -gm2 -ai1" = SVCPACK passive
    " -gm2 -ai2" = RunOnceEx passive
    " -gm2 -ai3" = RunOnceEx silent

    Requires dotNET3.5 or higher

     MD5: BCFBF4481C00F3946A4E77E8C3283836Size: 4,63 MB
    Url.: http://ge.tt/api/1/files/5CqdHJd1/0/blob?download
  11. Like
    Updated .NET_addons, while waiting for YumeYao's:
    MD5: 9DD5AFA7B5FA66C937BC4D80378D2C90
    Size: 38,18 MB
    MD5: 2E07525E3F8FEE0227B9FC9B91F0718B
    Size: 57,24 MB
    Without .Net1.1SP1 change " -ai" switch to " -ai1".
    Integrate VC++_Runtimes prior to .NET Frameworks
    EDIT: Urls removed
  12. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from mona in [SVCpack]Addons Microsoft VC & VB Runtimes 2013-02   
    Addons for Microsoft VC8, VC9, VC10, VC11 and VB+VC-Legacy Runtimes:  Microsoft VC8 + VC9 + VC10 Runtimes The Microsoft VC++ 20O5 and VC++ 2008 Redistributable (x86) installs the C++ Librariesto run applications developed with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (and dotNet3.5SP1-ATL) The Microsoft VC++ 2010 Redistributable (x86) installs the C++ runtime libraries to runapplications developed with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. (and dotNet4.0SP1-ATL)   The Microsoft VC+AIO Runtimes 3.0 Addon contains:The stable versions available on MS Download/Update. Visual c++ 2005 SP1 v8.0.50727.6195Visual c++ 2008 SP1 v9.0.30729.6161Visual c++ 2010 SP1 v10.0.40219.325          Win32_VC+AIO_Runtimes_3.0_AddOn.cab MD5: 9C0CCC835404D8561669E6C821B56D95
    Size: 5,27 MB
    Url.: http://ge.tt/api/1/files/56V4aIb/0/blob?download   The Microsoft VC+3IO Runtimes 3.1 Addon contains:The MSDN versions with hotfixes for Visual Studio. Visual c++ 2005 SP1 v8.0.50727.6229Visual c++ 2008 SP1 v9.0.30729.7523Visual c++ 2010 SP1 v10.0.40219.436          Win32_VC+3IO_Runtimes_3.1_AddOn.cab MD5: BB4B605876A92F7BC739CC68EB08E49B Size: 5,27 MBUrl.: http://ge.tt/api/1/files/2nm5WWj/0/blob?download   Microsoft VC11 Runtimes. The Microsoft VC++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) installs the C++ runtime libraries torun applications developed with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. (and dotNet4.5-ATL) The Microsoft VC11++ Runtimes addon contains: Visual c++ 2012 ATL v11.0.60610.1          Win32_VC11++_Runtimes_3.1_AddOn.cab MD5: DE5990EBF166DDA156D4D06BF1CBE060
    Size: 2,98 MB
    Url.: http://ge.tt/api/1/files/85Dh38p/0/blob?download   Microsoft Legacy Runtimes Legacy Microsoft VB and VC Runtimes completing the VC8+9+10 Addons Contains: VC1, VB1-4 and VC7 runtimesNative in XP: VB5-VB6 and VC2-VC6          Win32_Legacy_VB+VC_Rnt_3.0_AddOn.7z MD5: 51625D3AFFE8D193B6E870D035DC3477
    Size: 2,30 MB
    Url.: http://ge.tt/api/1/files/3VpScIb/0/blob?download
  13. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from kassyan_123 in [RunOnceEx] AddOn Paint.net 3.5.11 Intl.   
    Paint.NET RunOneEx AddOn

    Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows.
    It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo,
    special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools. An active and growing online
    community provides friendly help, tutorials, and plugins.

    Homepage: http://www.getpaint.net/index.html

    The addon launches install of Paint.net on first boot in silent unattended mode.
    The addon can be modified to passive install at first boot with " -gm2 -ai2" switches.
    Paint.net requires Microsoft VC9++Runtimes and dotNET Framework 3.5SP1 to be installed.
    VC8+9_Addon: http://www.wincert.n...-vc10-runtimes/
             Paint.Net_3.5.11_ROE_AddOn.cab MD5: 9222A19F16BDC98301E23AB0FB0B9F6BSize: 2,43 MBUrl.: http://ge.tt/api/1/files/2ajoSFp/0/blob?download
  14. Like
    jaynbe reacted to nonno fabio in [Addon] .NET 4.0 framework TRUE addon   
    OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v4.0.30319.2102 True AddOn ENU
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Hash MD5 F376A61FF77483BF04A748DCF160270F
    Filesize: 42.22 MB (44274780 bytes)
    The peculiarity of this addon is that .NET framework is directly slipstreamed into your XP/2003/Seven* x32 source, without the need of running .msi files or svcpack/runonce installations, a "true addon" integration just like .net 1.0 in Windows Server 2003.
    So you'll get a working .NET framework already installed BEFORE T-13 (svcpack time), a very handy opportunity.

    *For integrating addons in Windows 7 images you need DX Win NT 6.x True Integrator

    .Net can be unistalled from Windows Component Wizard:

    You can also force .net removal typing one of these command in a Run window:

    RUNDLL32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection NETFX40.inf,NETFX40.SHOW  
    RUNDLL32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection NETFX40.inf,NETFX40.HIDE RUNDLL32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection NETFX40.inf,NETFX40.CleanUp NETFX40.SHOW: shows DotNet in Windows Component Wizard (default)
    NETFX40.HIDE: hides DotNet in Windows Component Wizard
    NETFX40.CleanUp: executes a forced cleanup of DotNet Setup from Windows registry so you can reinstall Dotnet again from a common installer file.

    If you use Onepiece's XP postSP3 AIO Update Pack or W2k3 postSP2 AIO Update Pack you don't need this addon because it is already included

    How to update the DotNet True AddOn
  15. Like
    Onepiece's Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 - 2.0 SP2 - 3.0 SP1 - 3.5 SP1 with hotfixes TRUE Addons for Windows XP and Windows 2003
    .net 1.1 SP1 full (includes all public GDR updates):
    OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v1.1.4322.2503 True AddOn ENU
    Update (July 10 2013)
    Update (July 10 2013)
    Update (July 10 2013)
    Update (July 10 2013)
    Hash MD5 18A2C471618924589568631E4F7BB4EB
    Filesize: 12.7 MB (13,380,330 bytes)
    .net 2.0 SP2 full (includes all public GDR updates):
    OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v2.0.50727.8763 True AddOn ENU
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Hash MD5 8C794335B0EB92E874F517B31000256E
    Filesize: 21.04 MB (22059180 bytes)  
    .net 3.0 SP1 full (includes 2.0 and all public GDR updates):
    OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v3.2.30729.8774 True AddOn ENU
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Hash MD5 7F70ED261655B34BE591A5FDF478A071
    Filesize: 33.86 MB (35505060 bytes)  
    .net 3.5 SP1 full (includes 2.0 and 3.0 with all public GDR updates):
    OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v3.5.30729.4056.11 True AddOn ENU
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Hash MD5 89B1355B77D91A23833C6DA518A4779A
    Filesize: 39.16 MB (41065196 bytes)  
    The peculiarity of these addons is that .NET framework is directly slipstreamed into your XP/2003 source, without the need of running .msi files or svcpack/runonce installations, a true addon integration just like .net 1.0 in Windows Server 2003.
    So you will get a working .NET framework already installed BEFORE T-13 (svcpack time), a very handy opportunity.

    The addons are cumulative: you must integrate only the one you need. They include all the publicly released hotfixes at the present date.

    If you use Onepiece's XP postSP3 AIO Update Pack or W2k3 postSP2 AIO Update Pack you do not need these addons because they are already included.

    Unlike other Onepiece's true addons, here updates GDR branch is used. This because in dotnet updates MicrosoftUpdate forces GDR over QFE branch, which always has an higher build, so this cause the update installation to fail with repeated and annoying attempts.
    If someone despite that still wants a QFE updated full .Net true integration, here is an additional addon for 3.5 SP1 which adds QFE branch public updates over GDR ones added by Onepiece's addon. Obviously it works only combined with .NET v3.5 true addon.
    OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v3.5.30729.7056.11 QFE Update AddOn
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Update (22 June 2017)
    Hash MD5 2232D5C7AA3F46AE9C19E45C2F026A5A
    Filesize: 17.12 MB (17951297 bytes)  

    All .Nets can be unistalled from Windows Component Wizard:

    You can also force .net removal typing one of these command in a Run window:
    RUNDLL32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection NETFX20.inf,NETFX20.SHOW RUNDLL32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection NETFX20.inf,NETFX20.HIDE RUNDLL32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection NETFX20.inf,NETFX20.CleanUp NETFX20.SHOW: shows DotNetXX in Windows Component Wizard (default)
    NETFX20.HIDE: hides DotNetXX in Windows Component Wizard
    NETFX20.CleanUp: executes a forced cleanup of DotNetXX Setup from Windows registry so you can reinstall DotnetXX again from a common installer file.
    How to update the DotNet True AddOn
  16. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from mona in [AddOn] True Transparency v0.9.4 + Editable skin pack   
    Updated the exellent .inf_addon from originally Gorki v0.9.4 to the newest
    with new additional skin "Seven" and improved stability
  17. Like
    jaynbe got a reaction from NIM in [SVCpack]AddOn CDburnerXP Intl.   
    CdburnerXP as a SVCpack_Addon

    CDBurnerXP is a free application to burn CDs and DVDs, including Blu-Ray and HD-DVDs.
    It also includes the feature to burn and create ISOs, as well as a multilanguage interface.
    Everyone, even companies, can use it for free.
    It does not include adware or similar malicious components.

    Website: http://cdburnerxp.se/

    Key Features
    • burn all kinds of discs
    • audio-CDs with or without gaps between tracks
    • burn and create ISO files
    • data verification after burning process
    • create bootable discs
    • multi-language interface
    • bin/nrg → ISO converter, simple cover printing and much more!
    • Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista/Windows 7

    Installer without PromoWare (no OpenCandy and/or toolbar)

    Multimode installer for easy addon modification.
    Available switches and modes (edit entries.ini):
    " -gm2 -ai" = SVCPACK silent default install
    " -gm2 -ai1" = SVCPACK passive
    " -gm2 -ai2" = RunOnceEx passive
    " -gm2 -ai3" = RunOnceEx silent

    Requires dotNET3.5 or higher

     MD5: BCFBF4481C00F3946A4E77E8C3283836Size: 4,63 MB
    Url.: http://ge.tt/api/1/files/5CqdHJd1/0/blob?download