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Everything posted by Gary

  1. I've installed the sidebar correctly, but when I rebooted a error message occured What can I do? (alky, ie7 and service pack 2 is installed) (bad english ^^) EDIT//: Now it works ^^' sorry
  2. But when I want to install alky it says: "An other version of this program is always been installed. The installation of this Version can't continued. To configure or uninstall the actual version..."
  3. how can I uninstall the old alky for apps?
  4. rick rules Now it works :lol:
  5. I have a problem: No Pictures are showed Is this a bug?
  6. I've re-install the Wlan API and now the Sidebar works thanks ricktendo
  7. no (do you mean the sidebar-gadgets?)
  8. I've install that Wlan API, but always the pop-up comes: "Sorry. This application attempted to delay-load a library or function that does not exist. Instability may occur." What can I do? thx