Everything posted by Hunterx14
Windows Home Server
Wow, thanks for the heads up! 20gb?? :shocking: I apparently haven't done enough research. My old pc that I was going to try it on has only a 20gb drive in it. Guess it's going to require moving over a 40gb to give it a test drive. On the bright side, that will force me to go modern and buy a newer, bigger drive for my other machine.
Windows Home Server
I've been catching articles on this every now and again and am considering loading it on an old pc. Has anyone here actually tried it out? I'd like to get some unbiased opinions as to whether it is worth fiddling with this or if I should just stick to using one of my computers with WindowsXP as my backup pc. Obviously there are other things that could be done with it as well. I'm just curious to see what people think before I take the plunge.
WPI v6.2
Excellent! I can't wait to try it out. Thanks for the update.
[AddOn] COMODO Firewall Pro v3.0.15.277
Rick, thanks for making the addon. That was fast! I'll try it out probably this weekend coming up, or possibly before; gotta love having virtual machines to make testing easier.
[Request] Comodo products
Just a note. The Comodo products no longer require an activation code. Also, the beta of the antivirus is showing some real promise, though the HIPS feature can be annoying at times. The firewall is excellent, IMO.
[Release] Microsoft Virtual PC 2007
Well, darn! It looks like there's another good reason for me to rebuild and retest my install disc again. Thanks for sharing your addon!
[svcpack] VMware Tools AddOn
Thanks for this addon. Version 5 tools worked great for me.
Index of ALL my addons [30/04/2010]
That's quite a list! Thanks for sharing.