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Everything posted by fredpsycho83

  1. yep i have tried rt7lite, but too buggy for now ... - some components removal will change the name of the user folder : french to english. - setupcomplete.cmd no more lunched after oobe. - can't optimize or delete only 1 service, it cause a infinite reboot at the begin of "starting services" screen during installation. hope they will fix it soon, or am i the only one to have these problems too ? lol
  2. thanks for the quick answer ^^ In fact i haven't this problem only on the "mount" directory, i have everywhere, i explain myself : if i want to rename/delete/overwrite a *.exe file for example, i can't, it tells me the file is in use ... and maybe its ok 2min later ... it seems every single exe file or "system" files are having this "in use" problem, and i'm not the only one on the french board where i have posted my tuts videos. i was searching an answer in the real-time protection of anti-virus ... but with a fresh install with no antivirus it does that too. An another thing i don't understand : i use this DVD on my primary computer, i have troubles. On an another PC, no problems ... on an another one, problems ... etc etc. i have just tried the dism /cleanup-wim command ... it works, but don't delete files i want, i have to do it manually or by a batch file (don't work under 7 host, but works perfectly under Vista host) Maybe i'll try to test it under a 7 US MSDN version. Can you tell me, if you have 2min to spend for me (or anyone who's using dism under 7), if you are able to delete manually any file in the "MOUNT\Windows\WinSXS\Backup\" If you can, my version have a serious issue ... but if you can't i think i have no other choice to continu with a XP/Vista host ... sorry, if i'm asking too much i understand ... but i really want to have a definitive answer to my very weird experience with dism ^^ thx EDIT : hmm ... i was thinking about something ... maybe mounting the wim with dism is the problem, maybe we have "more provilege" by mounting the wim file using imagex, and even imagex 6.0 (from vista AIK) ?
  3. Hi ricktendo64, first of all i have enjoying your tutorials videos so far ... i hope u will release the next soon ! I have done some tutorials videos too of DISM for the french unattend community on an another board. BUT ... when i have done my tuts, i have recommended to use a virtual or real version of Vista/XP to create an unattend based on Windows 7, because i was having trouble with this on a Windows 7 host. Problems were : - instability of DISM ("DISM corrupt please reinstall") - not able to dismount correctly, supposedly some files were in use ... - not able to clean/delete some files, for example i couldnt deletes the content of "WinSXS\Backup", i haven't the right or priviliege to do so ... - not able to run properly the install_wim_tweak.exe (but i understand why when i saw your tut) - etc ... While i was able to do all of that using a Vista SP2 x86 on VMware, 0 problem at all. Yesterday, i decided to retry using 7 as host, so i have installed 7 x64 ULTIMATE MSDN Untouched on VMware, install WAIK 7, place the install_wim_tweak.exe, and go ... BUT having the same problems ... while YOU ARE NOT as i can see on your video ... You dismount without any errors, your dism seems to be always stable ... so here are my questions : - Are you able to delete in the WinSXS\Backup\ all the files for example without having any error ? - Have you done something more on your Windows 7 to have the "full" control of all files (i have set full privilige in the user panel ... but still same errors). - Have you any clue why i have having those problems ? - oh and by the way, i have notice while i used install_wim_tweak AFTER integrate some hotfix, when i install the unattend i have the double of number of hotfix in the "windows update\installed update" panel (ex: 100 hotfix integrated, 200 appears in the panel), have you the same "bug/error", or again my PC is the only one in the world to have some weird thing happens lol. Thank you man ! love your work
  4. can't wait to download your lite version shahed ! just a question, when you say 140MB, is it the installed place, or the msi package ? if it is the msi package how much space does it take when its installed ?