Sidebar Installer question
Ok, Rick, thanks alot........... :thumbsup_anim:
Sidebar Installer question
Thanks rick. Then I don
Sidebar Installer question
Thanks, but I looked at the FAQ........ But I don
Sidebar Installer question
Thanks, but Which components do I need to install to get it work?? The Same as the one with VaioXP??
Sidebar Installer question
Hi Wincert forum. I had used Sidebar installer before and it works great, but I found out that the regular installer was discontinued, but there
VaioXP+Windows Sidebar RTM installer
Thanks, but could you explain what
VaioXP+Windows Sidebar RTM installer
Thanks Rick for helping..........I really like wincert.net............. :thumbsup_anim: By the way Rick........What
VaioXP+Windows Sidebar RTM installer
Hi all...... I have used Windows Sidebar a while now and I like it very much..... But I want to figure out why it ask for Vista Production Key in VaioXp when we are using it in Windows XP, and what is the advantage to add this key?? Please give me a answer........ :questionmark:
Amnesty Generator on XP (thanks to Rafael)
Thanks a lot rick I
Amnesty Generator on XP (thanks to Rafael)
Thanks ricktendo......... I got a problem here, It doesn
Windows Sidebar
Hi thanks Ricktendo for your work with Windows Sidebar.I had installed and it works fine.........but the Currency Gadget is not working.........By the way I had try the NetGadget with the great looking monitor GadgetIt doesn
Vista Transformation Pack 6 or 7
Ok thanks guys........I
Vista Transformation Pack 6 or 7
Hi there...... I have seen many screenshots of VTP and I like it very much, but I don
Yes thanks for reply, I have everything working with my sidebar........but I want to update to the latest and it got no installer there........ Any else suggestions??
- RTM_Sidebar_Installer
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