What is the name of the tool that downloads windows updates hotfixes
Hi What is the tool to download the hot fixes updates manually in order to slip streamed it in windows 10 or not supported?
The WinCert Platform has been purchased by HeiDoc
Really sad to see nice places like wincert is being so. I am an old member for MSFN and wincert since 2006. Old friends like ricktendo N1K Kelsenellenelvian Tarun Really a lot of nice people from old days
www.JaguarPC.com | Please if any one know about it or used it before
Hello Please if any one here used http://www.jaguarpc.com VPS managed hosting to advise to go with them or not?
Any one here can help me to setup a VPS using CentOS
Hello my friend N1kYou tried them before? And you think they are that professional to depend on the for a production website? Also if you know or can suggest of a reliable hosting provider (un managed) that would be awesome
Any one here can help me to setup a VPS using CentOS
Hello It has been a long while since last time I was here Please I am starting a new project which will be hosted on a VPS using Linux Please I am asking if any one here may help me to setup the VPS using CentOS 6 and secure the vps as possible to be as much secured as possible. Thanks a lot Mohamed
The Linux advantage - Why Linux is the best OS
Linux is more than a hip buzzword in computing. It is more than the latest fad. It was modeled on the Unix operating system first developed by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson at AT&T. Unix was developed to run the largest network in world, the AT&T telephone system, and it did. The Unix operating system was designed to be scalable, reliable, modular, secure and portable with network extensibility. The development of Unix eventually led to the POSIX standard which defines much of the Linux architecture. Unlike many single user desktop console based operating systems, Linux is a multi-user, multi-tasking, network enabled operating system accessible from anywhere on the network. Multiple users can access a Linux computer remotely, each running their own individual desktop instance, all at the same time. The Linux/Unix X-Windows network enabled multi-user windowing system allows full remote access. This is a sharp contrast to a single user console based OS which requires the user to be physically present at the computer in order to access his desktop and applications, limiting access to one user at a time. The Linux/Unix OS was designed to support remote and secure multi-user access using ssh. This gives all Linux/Unix administrators and users a powerful flexible standard remote interface while the automobile is often the primary remote access tool of other OS administrators (i.e. Windows 98 and NT). The use of Linux/Unix pipes, tees and redirection allow a modular approach to the design of Linux/Unix tools. They allow the capability of any tool to be extended, chaining input and output with other tools. In operating systems like DEC/VMS, paging and formatting capabilities were built into a tool, instead of leveraging the capabilities of standard Linux/Unix tool components like "more", "sort", "less" and "awk". Linux/Unix shell scripts provide a batch scripting capability which can be scheduled, propagated to other systems or used to create new commands. GUI only interfaces may require physical point and clicks on each system to perform a task. While some debate GUI vs commands and scripts, Linux/Unix embraces both. The system startup and shutdown is controlled by the system initialization configuration file /etc/inittab and the init scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d/... The system startup and shutdown procedures are configurable and extensible. One may control which services are started upon system boot and which are terminated on system shutdown, as well as the sequence dependencies. This allows for the orderly shutdown of databases and other sensitive programs which should be shutdown by the application itself, rather than killed while processing, which could lead to data corruption or loss. The system can be booted to various "init" states allowing the system to operate in various configurations to support maintenance and system debugging. On many competing operating systems, the shutdown procedure is not extensible or modifiable. Linux avoids the MS/Windows "DLL HELL", which causes Windows or its applications to fail when a newer or incompatible run-time dynamic linked library (DLL) is installed. (See Microsoft DLL database used to help avoid conflicts.) Linux employs version numbers in its run-time shared object libraries, which can therefore coexist on the system with different versions of the same libraries. The Linux RPM package management system also helps resolve dependencies and conflicts with files and libraries. Network settings and many other MS/Windows parameters require a reboot to take effect. This is also true when MS/Windows registry settings are modified. Linux is modular enough to allow the particular service (i.e. networking) to be cycled without shutting down the entire computer. Linux also has many kernel parameters which can be set through the "/proc/" interface to allow dynamic changes to a running kernel. This greatly increases Linux system uptime and eliminates the time wasted performing system reboots. The file system directory structure is completely configurable and not limited to drive letters such as A, C or D as a top level mount point. Thus MS/Windows has a limit of 23 mount points. (22 + Floppy: A, B & System: C & DVD/CD: D.) Note: MS/Windows Server 2003 Server and Datacenter Edition can use volume mount points to get around this limitation. Linux file system mount points can be created at anywhere in the directory hierarchy. Multi-user versions of MS/Windows such as the server edition will allow a single user to map a network file system to a letter which is a local mount point. The MS/Windows OS will not allow a second user to map the same letter. Thus if an application is configured to read data from this mount point, the application is immediately limited to operation by a single user. The Linux/Unix file system is network enabled (using NFS) to extend it's reach. Both directly attached storage and networked file systems are mountable at any point in the file system directory hierarchy and can be simultaneously used by all users on the system. The kernel is at the heart of the Linux/Unix operating system. It is responsible for enabling multi-tasking, multi-user, multi-threading, multi-processing, security, interfacing with hardware and the network. It is this kernel which Linus Torvalds developed, based on the Posix/Unix design, which gives Linux its name. Shells, user applications and everything else interfaces with this kernel. Linux kernel development is currently supported by OSDL.org, a consortium of telecommunications and computer software and hardware companies. The source code is published under the GNU General Public License (GPL). This license for Open Source software has led to the rapid development, debugging, deployment and acceptance by allowing and defining terms under which people can copy, modify and share the source code. Hardware vendors such as IBM, Hewlett Packard and SGI have bet their future on Linux. Oracle has made it their development platform and thus the platform of first release. Deployment of corporate enterprise software such as SAP and Oracle on Linux as a primary platform have ensured that Linux is a cornerstone of the corporate computing infrastructure. The open source license has rid Linux of any suspicion of monopoly extension or restrictive and expensive licensing structures. It is also the nature of the Linux open source kernel software to be more bug free and secure than its competitors, as it is reviewed by developers everywhere rather than by a limited group of security analysts. Linux has been deployed commercially on a vast array of hardware from PDA's (Sharp Zaurus) to laptops, wokstations, servers, mainframes (IBM S/390) and supercomputers (SGI Altix, Beowulf clusters) and is making its way into more devices each day (routers, satellites, automobiles, ...). Future and advanced development is ensured as the source code is available to all. It is studied in universities and institutions worldwide. PhD candidates and corporate researchers use Linux to try advanced computing concepts. The improvements when made available, must compete with other advanced concepts, and those which withstand the rigors of first users, and scrutiny of the development community, are approved and included into the Linux kernel. Once adopted as part of Linux, they then must also continue to survive challengers. This will help ensure that Linux is always the best it can be. Developers who submit source code know that it will face scrutiny from a worldwide pool of developers and reviewers, which motivates them to put forth well-written code. Linux is here to stay; it is getting stronger day by day, and that is good from a technical, financial and economic point of view.
htaccess SEO and Security Tips
htaccess SEO and Security Tips - Denying public access to administrative and private folders This is one of the most important .htaccess security syntaxes. You can use this, for example, if you have an administrative folder in your website for which you are the only person that should access to it (like /wp-admin/ folder in WordPress). If you make your administrative folders publicly accessible, it increases risk of hacking attacks, such as brute forcing login pages. Thus, it is important to secure these types of folders. Using .htaccess, you can execute something like this: HTACCESS SYNTAX: Order allow,deny Allow from For which is your IP address. You can know your IP address by visiting this URL: http://www.whatismyip.com So if you visit your administrative folders, you are allowed in because your IP address is allowed in .htaccess -- however, all of the other users on the Internet will be unable to access the content, because they are not authorized. If you need "complete" isolation of private folders and files from search engine robots, crawlers and public users, then this is definitely the best thing to do, which is more effective than relying on a robots.txt file (as search engines will still provide reference links to directories and URLS they are not allowed to crawl). What if the IP address allowed is the "home" IP address, and you plan to access your administrative website folders using your "office" IP address? Then you need to get your office IP address and add it to the .htaccess files. For example: HTACCESS SYNTAX: Order allow,deny Allow from Allow from The IP address is also allowed to access your website administrative folders. Remember to upload this .htaccess file only to specific, protected folders. So, if you need to protect your /administrator/ folder, then upload an .htaccess file containing the syntax above to the administrator folder only, NOT to the root directory! How to check that your "deny public access" htaccess syntax is working It is important check that your deny public access syntax in htaccess is working. The quickest way that you can do this without using another computer with another IP address is to: Step 1. Launch your web browser. Step 2. Visit any of these proxy browsing services (depending on which are available, fast and convenient): a. http://www.proxybrowsing.com/ b. http://www.eatmybrowser.com/ c. http://www.ninjacloak.com/ Step 3. Go to http://www.whatismyip.com using those proxy browsing services. Step 4. Write down the IP address that you are using. Remember that if you are using a proxy browsing service, it will hide your true IP address and you will be using a proxy IP address instead. Step 5. Now go to the restricted URL in your website, e.g http://www.example.c...isisrestricted/ Step 6. The server should reject your visit (like given a 403 forbidden status) because the IP address you are using didn't match with the one provided in your .htaccess. Step 7. Now try adding the IP address you are using with your proxy browsing service to the .htaccess. Clear the browser cache and history, and then reload the restricted directory in your website. You should now be able to visit your administrative folders. Just delete that .htaccess entry after doing this test. Force downloads implementation of a specific file type Suppose you have a page on your website that links to a PDF file stored on your server. And for user convenience, you would like the browser to display the download dialog box if a user clicks on a link, instead of streaming the PDF contents directly to the user using a web browser. Another example could be forcing the download of an MP3 file instead of streaming it with a browser. To implement a forced download with .htaccess: <files *.pdf> forceType application/octet-stream Header set Content-Disposition attachment </files> The above example will force the user to download a PDF file. You can change the extension to anything you like, depending on your application (e.g .mp3, .wav, etc). Here is a sample screen shot of a forced download dialog in the browser: Note: 1. You need to upload the .htaccess file containing the force download syntax only to the applicable directory/folders containing those file types (e.g /pdf/) 2. Not all hosting servers enable the Header set in their Apache configuration, so you need to consult on that with your web hosting provider. You can view the final list of htaccess syntax discussed in this tutorial here: http://www.php-devel...cess_syntax.txt
htaccess SEO and Security Tips
htaccess SEO and Security Tips This is a beginner's guide to htaccess. It is meant to introduce this configuration file and its useful implementations in website management. .htaccess is a server configuration file commonly found in Apache, Zeus and Sun Java System web servers. It provides a lot of applications with implications for website security and search engine optimization. You cannot find or use .htaccess in Microsoft-based IIS servers and non-Apache-based servers.To create and upload an htaccess file: 1. Open any text editor (such as geditor in Ubuntu or notepad in Windows). 2. Enter the htaccess syntax you would like to implement on your website (at the text file). 3. Save it as .htaccess Note: There is a "." before the filename, and there is no file extension to it; just .htaccess 4. Upload it to a directory where you would like the directives to be implemented. An htaccess uploaded to the root directory of your website will cover all of the website's directories and files (from root to inner). But if you upload only the .htaccess file to a specific inner directory, the directives on that .htaccess file can be only be implemented in that specific directory. IMPORTANT: If you have an existing .htaccess in your website and you plan to edit it, it is extremely important to secure a backup of that .htaccess first, before doing anything else. 301 redirecting old/dead URL to new URL Suppose you have URLs, and then you delete them because they are no longer needed. You need to replace them with new URLs (by re-publishing content, for example, or shortening your URLs). With respect to SEO implementation, this approach can cause you to lose a lot of traffic and link juice, because those old URLs might be contributing a very significant amount of traffic and links to your website. What is the best solution? Instead of giving those URLs a 404 header status (not found, or does not anymore exist), you need to 301 redirect those non-existing URLs to their new, permanent location. With this method, if those dead URLs are still indexed by Google, any users coming from search engines or other websites can still read and visit the new URLs because they have been "301 redirected." To do this, you can use .htaccess to do the 301 redirects. For example: HTACCESS SYNTAX: redirect 301 /2009/04/how-to-make-blogger-post-title-unique.html http://www.php-devel...t-title-unique/ redirect 301 /about/ http://www.php-devel...g/about-codexm/ There are two 301 redirection commands above; the first is to 301 redirect: http://www.php-devel...tle-unique.html TO: http://www.php-devel...t-title-unique/ The second redirection is to 301 redirect: http://www.php-developer.org/about/ TO: http://www.php-devel...g/about-codexm/ What if you have a URL with spaces? For example: http://www.php-devel...tutorials/Excel database functions sample sheets.xls Then you will need to use a double quote in the 301 redirection line, e.g: HTACCESS SYNTAX: redirect 301 "/wp-content/uploads/tutorials/Excel database functions sample sheets.xls" http://www.php-devel...-sample-sheets/ The above line will 301 redirect that URL with spaces to this new location: http://www.php-devel...-sample-sheets/ Note: 301 redirection implementations using .htaccess will be uploaded to the root directory of your website. If you have an existing .htaccess, you will simply need to edit it and add the redirection lines. You will not need to actually create a brand-new .htaccess. Disable hot linking to save website bandwidth If you have a website in which you are hosting fairly large files like MP3s, video files and audio wave files, then someone outside your domain might be tempted to take advantage of your website's resources by directly streaming/linking to it, without paying a single penny for bandwidth use. Why is this not good? Your website's bandwidth (for which you are paying with your hosting bills) is being substantially consumed by unauthorized persons. This is known as "bandwidth theft" and includes stealing pictures from your website by reusing them in another website (NOT in your website). Abuse can slow down your site and weaken your website security. This is where you can use .htaccess to prevent this. For example, say you want to prevent "hot linking" for the following file types mp3, jpg and wav audio files. You want to allow only your own domain (e.g yourdomain.org) to access them; other domains are restricted. HTACCESS SYNTAX: ## DISABLE HOTLINKING RewriteEngine on # Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www.)?yourdomain.org/.*$ [NC] RewriteRule .(mp3|jpg|wav)$ - [F] Again, if you upload the .htaccess file to the root directory of your website, all of your website directories and files will be protected against hot linking, as stated in your .htaccess file. Adding more than one domain to hot link to your site There are times when you have several websites and you need to hotlink to the images, perhaps for convenience and saving disk space. In this case, if you implemented the above .htaccess syntax, then your website will not be permitted to access those images. You can grant permission to any website to access and "hot link" your web content (images, etc). For example: HTACCESS SYNTAX: ## DISABLE HOTLINKING RewriteEngine on # Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www.)?yourdomain.org/.*$ [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www.)?seochat.com/.*$ [NC] RewriteRule .(mp3|jpg|wav)$ - [F] The .htaccess lines above allow seochat.com to hot link to yourdomain.org website (in addition to yourdomain.org, of course).
Internet Cafe Security Tips
Internet Cafe Security Tips - Prevent KeyLoggers from Accessing Your Password Keyloggers are malicious programs that watch what you are typing or doing. Suppose you are using Locknote in an Internet cafe; keyloggers might be recording your password as you type it. Some keyloggers are capable of doing screen shots, hooking up with Windows API (to retrieve user information) or even capturing clipboard data. So a classic copy-paste or using Microsoft's on screen keyboard does not offer much protection. Or much worse, some Internet caf
Internet Cafe Security Tips
Internet Cafe Security Tips The majority of Internet cafes worldwide use Windows-based operating systems, which are subject to massive malware/virus and security-related attacks. Still, many users are not fully aware of the danger of surfing the web in an Internet cafe. This article will explain the dangers, and show you how to surf the Internet safely from an Internet cafe. There are two basic dangers that one must be aware of when using an Internet cafe. First, lots of these Internet cafes do not offer much protection in the way of user privacy. This means they have inadequate firewalls and real-time antivirus software. As a result, any active malware, such as a Trojan, can steal a lot of personal information from you, including your user login and password. Second, Internet cafes sometimes use third party software or hardware to intercept packets (using an eavesdropping technique). This, again, can lead to abuse. Particularly if personal data is collected, such data can be used to steal your online identity. This tutorial will guide beginning users of Internet cafes in how to increase the level of online protection, in such a way that using them can be as safe as possible. Bear in mind that, although this tutorial will do its best to protect online users of public Internet cafes, nothing is entirely safe when using public computers and the Internet. For complete privacy and protection, you are advised to use your own computer/laptop, as well as a network which you have full confidence in its being secure. Basic Preparation: Encrypt Data on Your Own USB Flash Drive One of the first things you need to secure before you use an Internet cafe is your own USB Flash drive. Bring this along, as this will be used to store your files when you are using an Internet cafe. Of course you need to protect your files and data inside the USB flash drive. A good rule is to always encrypt the file that contains a password. Suppose you have a notepad file that consists of a long list of usernames and passwords of different websites; a common mistake is to leave it in the form of a .txt file and save it on a USB flash drive. Some malware scripts are programmed to scan these types of files and harvest passwords. So you need to ensure that you are protecting your sensitive data from being read and accessed. The best tool that can offer protection to this kind of file, such as encryption, is Keepas. This tool is free. Once you download the classic edition, follow these steps to use it: 1. Right click on the downloaded file (e.g. KeePass-1.18) and then unzip the archive. 2. This will extract the folder named, for example, KeePass-1.18. The screen shot below shows you what the contents of this folder should be: 3. In the folder, double click Keepas.exe then go to File -> New. 4. Now type a master password, something that is easy to remember but not too simple. 5. Check "Use master password and key file." 6. Under "Key File," select C: pwsafe.key, assuming that your main Windows hard drive is drive C. Click OK. Important: For security reasons, it is recommended that you use a unique key file, not just the default Keepas provided key file. You can use any key file you like; please refer to Keepas documentation for details. 7. Type the "master password" again; enter the same password you used in step 5, and then click OK. 8. Under "Get Random data for key generation," click "User Mouse as Random source," and then move your mouse until the bar field is full. Click OK. 9. Go to Edit -> Add Entry. Go ahead and type all username/password entry combinations that you are going to use when you are in the Internet caf
Where can I post tutorials
Ok I post, you place .
Where can I post tutorials
Hello old friend, how are you doing Actually many ... For example some for various internet based applications, some for programing and some other frequently used applications.
Where can I post tutorials
Hello every body It was a long while since last time I was here Wondering where can I post various tutorials? I was not able to find a suitable forum.
List of Windows 7 System Files to be Hacked Using Resource Hacker
You'll need Resource Hacker to modify these files. So here is a list of various system files in Windows 7 which can be easily hacked using Resource Hacker: Approx. all Windows 7 system icons -> %windir%\System32\imageres.dll Login Screen Background -> %windir%\System32\imageres.dll Login Screen image resources -> %windir%\System32\authui.dll Startup Sound -> %windir%\System32\imageres.dll Start ORB images -> %windir%\Explorer.exe -> Bitmap -> 6801 - 6812 Windows Version Image in "About Windows" dialog box -> %windir%\Branding\Basebrd\basebrd.dll Windows Version Image in bottom of Login Screen -> %windir%\Branding\Basebrd\basebrd.dll Control Panel Left Sidebar Image -> %windir%\System32\Shell32.dll -> Bitmap -> 632 & 633 Getting Started (aka Welcome Center) Images -> %windir%\System32\oobefldr.dll Laptop Battery Meter image resources -> %windir%\System32\batmeter.dll Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) Resources -> %windir%\System32\ieframe.dll Windows Media Player 12 (WMP12) Resources -> %windir%\System32\wmploc.dll Above mentioned system files/locations are new to Windows 7 and were not present in earlier Windows versions, like XP. If you want to change look of other menus, dialog boxes like RUN, Progress, System Properties, Start menu, Taskbar Properties, etc, you'll have to edit some other system files which you needed to edit in Windows XP But there is a little difference, now those files don't contain the resources but their .MUI files do. For example in Windows XP, RUN dialog box resources were present in "%windir%\System32\Shell32.dll" file but in Windows 7, the resources are present in "%windir%\System32\en-US\Shell32.dll.mui" file. All these .MUI files are present in any of following 2 locations: %windir%\en-US\ %windir%\System32\en-US\ Source: http://www.askvg.com...kVG+%28AskVG%29
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
Hello Rick Please I've tried to install this today but found many dll files missing Any new vesions that contains a full package!?