Remove corrupted mounted image
restart your computer and remove the folder(s), u can also restart your pc in safe mode
Microsoft.NET Framework 8.0.13 x86/x64 Silent
it's flagged as virus..people
How Do I Delete the OS List in Setup Mode?
when u open wintoolkt, click on the intermediate tab, choose for wim manager, remove the editions you don't need and rebuild image
[Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)
download it from top link
WinToolkit version /
there is no
WinToolkit version /
thanks for the info
- [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
drivers not integrate at all
i have drivers map name win 10 x64, it didn't integrate anything, i hope they fixed on or 12
digital john started following Legolash2o
- Why win toolkit can not Remove components?
Win Toolkit
search the forum, i remember u have to set your computer year back to 2015 to get the new install.wim to work
- 210 reviews
Wintoolkit v1.5.4.8 crashing upon unmounting of an image
which windows version do u have? Before using wintoolkit always disable antivirus and make sure nothing else is running on the background. Als have enough space on your hdd
The proper way to install drivers
to make sure the drivers will be installed always add both...i do this too , but don't mix drivers like 32bit and 64bit the system will automatically pick the new drivers
[Tool] DX WinNT6.x True Integrator for Vista/7/8/8.1/10 32/64bit
try wintoolkit
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"cannot detect sources folder for one of the images"
u said iso, did u unpack them? i mean extract iso files...if it's iso, u need to unpack(extract) using winrar or utraiso