http://technet.micro...y/hh825110.aspx New API that might speed up the process #define WIM_FLAG_MOUNT_FAST 0x00000400 #define WIM_FLAG_MOUNT_LEGACY 0x00000800 Dism command line options: http://technet.micro...y/hh825258.aspx Also Mr. Jinje creator of DISM Tool said here in the last comment. DISM is now able to remove files which is a really great feature! Hi Mike, it’s MrJinje of, (I wrote the craptastic DISM Tool™ a few years ago) anyways, wanted to ask if you would add a treeview w/checkboxes control populated by the available features currently in the wim and offer us the ability to Remove multiple features via batch. The new /remove feature will supposedly strip the dll’s from the winsxs folder, actually reducing the size of the installation. Who needs vLite/7Lite when Windows 8 has the tools built-in. I was thinking of doing it myself but I found your app and maybe it’s easier for me to just give you the idea. Thanks!