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  1. Like Geodasoft, I can't upgrade to the last versión. I wonder if exist a download link of a full versión. Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks for your comments! It seems the problem is solved. Rollback to the previus version of Win Toolkit, from the lastest v1.5.3.21 to v1.5.3.12, and now the Ricktendo's packs appears and install fine at the RunOnce phase. Thanks again for your feedback!
  3. Hi Kelsenellenelvian, thanks for your reply. Yes, they are unpacked and tested by clicking directly over them. I see they are installed correctly. Also, Win Toolkit can load both .exe packs without problems (using the /y switch). Later, I see they appear fine inside the DVD compilation, under the WinToolKit App folder. But, when I test the DVD (ISO) mounting with VBox, these packs are missing when the RunOnce phase are executed. The host OS is W8.1 x64 and the mounted DVD is W7 SP1 x64 Ent. Today I will try to do more test, redownload packs, verify checksums, change the DVD guest OS, etc. and see what happens. Thanks for any comment or help.
  4. Hello ricktendo, Today I tried many times to add your last AIO runtimes pack (Win Toolkit last version), but for a unknow reason, the AIO pack won't appear into the RunOnce list and don't install. Same problem with yours new NET 4.6 pack. Only these two repacks are missing from the RunOnce list, all others Silent Installs items are fine. (older versions of these packs install fine too) Tried to isolate this problem, only adding these packs to a fresh Win7 DVD, plus no other option modified from Win Toolkit (default options and settings), but I get the same results, they not appear under RunOnce list. Tested under VBox + Win7 sp1 x64 Enterprise + Win ToolKit v1.5.3.21 Any comment and help are most welcome.
  5. Awesome. I wonder, can you add this nice tool: 7-Zip Theme Manager (http://www.7ztm.de) Thanks!
  6. Thanks for your work. Horewer, the links are down. I wonder if can you upload these nice Addons. Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi, Everything fine using nLite to integrate the packs.But going to the MS Update web site, it appear a missing hotfix: Security Update for Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 Service Pack 1 (KB969856) But when I run this update, the installation fail with error code: 0x66A I always first used RVM to integrate some mayor updates: Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack v6.3.1OnePiece Repair IE8 Cosmetic Problems AddOn[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012Then, I used nLite to add other features (attached last sesion .ini file). So, I'm not sure if this hotfix was already integrated into this pack and why the MS update fail. Thanks! Last Session.ini
  8. Thanks so much!! :w00t:
  9. Hi. I wonder if anyone can upload these nice addons. Links are dead and it seems this addons disappears from the web. Thanks in advance.
  10. Thanks, but these links are now dead. Also www.fromvistatoxp.com is dead too, and www.alkyforapplications.net only offers the XP version. I can't find a working link to get the 2K3 version. I wonder if someone could be so kind to upload the 2K3 version again. Many thanks in advance. Bedfford.
  11. I just test a new addon created from other computer, but I still get the path error like before. It seem your code import some path from the host Windows were is executed, and save it into the addon. So, if the paths are diferent betwen the computer were was created the addon, and the path of the destination computer, the addon will fail their installation. Bedfford.
  12. Hi. Here is the file: http://rapidshare.com/files/285447401/WlSuite-Addon-DaRkMaDnEsS.7z.html I tried to create the addon from VMware, but wlsam3.4.exe freezes at the final compression stage. Meanwhile, I try to create another addon from other computer an see what happens. One question: what is the meaning or which is the goal of the Page 6 for extract something, if I mark extract Live Messenger, then appear a dialog box "Open WLM folder to patch Files" ( first picture on my last post ). I don't know what I must to do here. I try to open some Live Messenger folder, but anyway appear a error message ( second picture ). Thanks. Bedfford.
  13. Hi. Here are the attachs of 4 logs files of my attemps of building the WLMsuite. And here are some screenshots: - Not sure why show up this message: - and then give this error: - This error appear into windows setup, under VMware: This last screenshot reveal something strange, these path on the picture correspond to the system path of my current "real" Windows, not from the Windows inside VMware. Thanks. Bedfford. WLSAM.Log ( extract + custom uninstall ).txt WLSAM.Log ( extract + original uninstall ).txt WLSAM.Log ( no extract + custom uninstall ).txt WLSAM.Log ( no extract + original uninstall ).txt
  14. Hi. I would like integrage the last versions of Live Messenger & Mail to my ISO, but I have some problem with your addon maker. - I can create my addon for Messenger and Mail with the second option for uninstall. First option give me a error. - The generated .7Z size is 26,021 KB. - The addon can be integrated with nLite & a ISO with WinXP SP3 without problemes. - And after finish I see that Messenger and Mail wansn't installed correctly: Only exist two files was created: \Program Files\Windows Live\Mail\wlmfilter.dat \Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msigms32.dll I'll more testing and recolect more info about this problem. Bedfford.