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Everything posted by rico

  1. rico replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in OLD Threads
    Hello, Thanks for the new version however your link for the download isn't functionaly ??? This message of MEDIAFIRE displays : 'for the moment, the file W7T080-37F.7z is not present on our server' !!! Are you an other link for this download ? Thanks again for your great job !!! EDIT : At 8 pm the link for download works !!! Thanks a lot
  2. rico replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in OLD Threads
    Ah Ok, I use TOTAL UNINSTALL, but I try InstallWatch.. In meantime, thanks a lot for your help and your great soft !!!
  3. rico replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in OLD Threads
    Thanks, I just tested, and the VSO Image Resizer install and work But for the Uninstall, the files and the directory 'C:\Program Files\VSO' and the Shortcut on Desktop and Start Menu are always there I must deleted myself...
  4. rico replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in OLD Threads
    Ok, this is my create Addon on VSO Image Resizer version, for WIN7 x86 (French version) I have do somes bugs, for example, I let the 'INF' file, included the Key reg for installation and uninstallation but doesn't work I tried to put the 2 files .REG, it's the same, doesn't work Thanks for your help The upload on your forum, doen't work !! Therefore, I uplod on Fileden website on URL : http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/12/27/2704530//VSO.Image.Resizer.V. Thank a lot...
  5. rico replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in OLD Threads
    Hello everyone, Thank you for this great soft However, there may be some bug embarrassing. Let me explain: I create a Addon for Win7 WT7 with version 0.8.0. Formerly, I use Total Uninstall to monitor the software installed, and have the Key registry installation and uninstallation, under Win7. The addon works well, however, regarding 'Uninstall the' the app, the app is uninstalled, but leaves the files and directories to copy to the HDD, and also leaves the shortcut, in Win7. Moreover, even if it integrates the files. REG (installation and uninstallation) in the ADDON, those are not taken into account .. I rejoice in the future evolution of W7T, which will take into account files. REG (registry key for the installation and uninstallation). In the meantime, thank you for this app!
  6. rico replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in OLD Threads
    Hello, Tanks a lot The new version works perfectly on Win 7 French version Very great job again Thanks
  7. hello world, Thanks very much Legolash2o I tested the new version 0.6.17... Thanks EDIT After test : it's work perfectly on Win 7 French version Thank you version much you're the best !!!! :thumbsup_anim: Very great job !! Thanks
  8. Hello, A lot of person, are the same problem with the french version. If you test on US version : it's work !!! In Meantime, see to later for the good version for the Win 7 French Version x86 !!! Wait and see....
  9. rico replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in OLD Threads
    Hello, I just have tried on WIN 7 x86 French Version : and it doesn't work. Maybe, it works only WIN 7 x86 US Version ??? Thanks for answers Edit : Ok it works on Win 7 x86 US version :thumbsup_anim: Not on Win 7 French version :crying_anim02: If you are a solve i take it... Thanks a lot
  10. rico replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in OLD Threads
    Hello, Thanks for this version but i've a problem I've tried under WINXP and doen't work and under WIN 7 x86 it doen't work too I have this message : 'Windows 7 toolkit is not supported on this OS' I apply the fix but no change !!! Can you help me ? For work on Winxp or Win 7 x86 (32 bit) Thanks a lot
  11. Hello every body, Thanks very much DaRk MaDnEsS. It's works Thanks again :thumbsup_anim:
  12. Hello everybody, First a great thanks for this very good utility But I've a problem In fact, I use WIN 7 X86 (32 bit) and then I execute WA Installer V it says : 'ERROR YOU've NOT A GOOD VERSION because you 're not on 64 bit VERSION' ???? Your utility doesn't works on 32 bit version WIN 7 ??? Have you this utility for WIN 7 X86 ??? In meantimes, good a nice day Thanks
  13. Thanks a lot !!! I'm trying... I will come back later tell you if all is ok Thanks
  14. Thank you very much !!! I have a question : I'm a beginner and I wonder : How integrated a software who has needed keys registery of Windows? with your Silent Maker ???? And after, How to made into the CD install of Windows XP ??? I don't know .... Maybe, explain into your video part 4 ???? But I haven't find it !!! I'm sorry to disturbe you, but I'm trying understand!!! Waiting the reply, Thanks a lot for your Very God JOB !!!!! And excuse me for my english, is not good ... Thanks
  15. HELLO, the Link for the software SILENT SWITCH MAKER is broken ... Snif snif. Please where am i to find it ?? Thanks