[Tutorial] Exotic INF ProfileItems/Shortcuts
Here is the body of the INF file, I included the section with the strings, so you can see where everything is taken from. [Version] Signature = $Windows NT$ [DefaultInstall] ;UpdateInis=CreateStartMenuFolder AddReg = RegAddUninst ProfileItems = AddTest, AddTestEx [DefaultUnInstall] ProfileItems=AddTest.DelShortcut [AddTest.DelShortcut] Name =ACME distorterA,0x0000000A, 2 ;Also tried with Name =%Soft_Name%,0x0000000A, 2 ;SubDir =Sub Directory [RegAddUninst] HKLM,%SMWCV%\Uninstall\%Soft_Name%,DisplayName,,"ACME" HKLM,%SMWCV%\Uninstall\%Soft_Name%,UninstallString,,"RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection d:\test\installer\installer.inf, DefaultUninstall" ;16422 = program files [AddTest] Name = ACME distorterA SubDir = %Provider% Infotip = "This is a tooltip weeha!" CmdLine = -1, %App_ProgramFolder%, Acmedist.exe WorkingDir = -1, %App_ProgramFolder% [AddTestEx] Name = %Soft_Name% SubDir = %Provider% Infotip = "This is a tooltip weeha!QQQQQQ" CmdLine = -1, %App_ProgramFolder%, Acmedist.exe WorkingDir = -1, %App_ProgramFolder% [Strings] SMWCV="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" Provider="ACME" Soft_Name="ACME distorter 5.0" AppLink="ACME distorter 5.0" App_Name="ACME distorter 5.0" App_StartMenuFolder="ACME\Distorter 5.0" App_ProgramFolder="ACME\Distorter 5.0" ShortCutFileName="ACME\Distorter 5.0.lnk" PathAndFileName="ACMEdist.exe" Arguments= "" I tried using "0x0000000A,2", as suggested by DaRk MaDnEsS, but the result is the same - the shortcut continues to stay in the Start menu.
[Tutorial] Exotic INF ProfileItems/Shortcuts
Thank you for the quick feedback. I've tried multiple approaches and the behaviour is the same - the shortcut is not removed. Specifically, I tried the following: with and without SubDir = %App_StartMenuFolder% with "0x00000002", "0x00000003" and with "0x0000000A,22" I am surprised that none of them work, because the documentation says they should, and your experience is also suggesting that deleting shortcuts this way must work. I am thinking that in my case the problem is in the fact that the procedure is not invoked at the right time. I also guessed it could have some thing to do with administrative privileges (or lack of them), but the results are the same even if I use "run as administrator". What other ideas you think I could test?
[Tutorial] Exotic INF ProfileItems/Shortcuts
Hi everyone, I signed up to discuss an adventure I'm having with removing shortcuts created with ProfileItems. First of all, ricktendo64 - thank you for sharing the info, it has been very useful. Your example of deleting a shortcut is given here: ProfileItems = MU.DelShortcut [MU.DelShortcut] Name=Windows Update,0x0000000A,22 Microsoft, on the other hand, advocates a different method. They say the flag to be used is 0x00000002 (FLG_PROFITEM_DELETE) The problem is that I've tried them both, both work on XP, but none works on Vista or Seven. Here is the relevant part of the INF that I expect to do the job: [CreateStartMenuFolderEx] Name = %AppLink% SubDir = %App_StartMenuFolder% CmdLine = -1, %App_ProgramFolder%, File.exe ;-1 means Absolute path WorkingDir = -1, %App_ProgramFolder% [DelStartMenuFolderEx] Name = %AppLink%,0x00000002 I suspect it may have something to do with how I call the shortcut removal section. I do it this way: [DefaultUninstall] ProfileItems=DelStartMenuFolderEx At this point I have several questions: How did you discover the 0x0000000A flag? What do you think goes wrong during the attempt to remove the shortcut? Am I invoking the ProfileItems delete procedure correctly? The Name keyword takes 2 arguments, while you give it a third one - "22", what is it? I hope some light can be shed on this problem.
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