[request]symantec antivirus corporate edition
lol okO_O........... could have just said what kel said :sweatingbullets:
[request]symantec antivirus corporate edition
just wondering how was that bold? whats a warez anyway lol. Well i dont use crack programs if that what it meant cause all these are bought legit :thumbsup_anim: and i lost you after the "To install SAV silently, use:" :crying_anim02:
[request]symantec antivirus corporate edition
hi i was making addons for my teacher and i got all the program he wanted to work but this is the only one i failed on :thumbsdown_anim: everytime i open its shortcut i get a missing file error.If possible can anyone make one that i can you with nlite to slipstream to a windows xp disc?
hi can someone help me like i was able to make the addons and stuff but have no idea how to make them silent install cause i guess when i slipstream them with nlite and ran windows xp the only thing i saw on my desktop were shortcuts to the INSTALLERS.I just need to figure out how to make it install by themself :thumbsup_anim:
[Addon] Cab Maker V 3.3
ok i think i got it i use this to make my file it made 3 files the .zip,inf,and ini, so tell me the next step do i jst make them into a cab file?
[Addon] Cab Maker V 3.3
ok for example i have nlite i click the setting where i can add update and addons.I use nero so i went in the folder and highlight all of them andclick send to cab maker and it makes the cab.BUt when i try to insert it in nlite i keep getting an error that said unsupported file. But i got bored so the files u have in ur download link i use cab maker to turn them into a cab file and when i insert it in nlite what u know it works? so what do i need to do to make it work?
[Addon] Cab Maker V 3.3
found problem idk wats wrong wit 3.1 but it doesnt work for me but 3.0 works jst finexD IM SORRY I DOUBLE POST T____T @@!@! and nvm still doesnt work for meT_T so any noobie guide will help me
[Addon] Cab Maker V 3.3
so *cough* it has to have a entries.ini?
[Addon] Cab Maker V 3.3
for some reason when i try to add the .cab files to nlite an error message pop up saying "unsupported file" any ideas why?
[Addon] Cab Maker V 3.3
dude thank you so much(made account to say this) i had another one think its the v2 and when i check how big the cab it was 50x bigger! ur actually work great for mexD. but i was wondering how do i remove it, not that i dont like it jst that i dont know if i install the 64 or 32 bit oneT_T and want to make sure its the 64 version :thumbsup_anim:
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