Java Multi Maker
Unfortunately it doesn't work since Oracle switched java.com to https
- [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
Flash Player Plugins SFX & AddOn Maker
Yup, it's about time for adobe to do so. Thanks for 3.2 Also wondering if this change will soon apply to Shockwave, because I've tried to replace 'macromedia' to 'adobe' in current static link http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/shockwave/default/english/win95nt/latest/sw_lic_full_installer.exehttp://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/shockwave/default/english/win95nt/latest/sw_lic_full_installer.exeAnd both work well
Flash Player Plugins SFX & AddOn Maker
Guess something has been changed on adobe servers, links like these (used in the maker): http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/latest/help/install_flash_player_ax.exehttp://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/latest/help/install_flash_player.exehttp://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/latest/help/install_flash_player_ppapi.exeAre still pointing to flash, but links like those: http://fpdownload.adobe.com/pub/flashplayer/latest/help/install_flash_player_ax.exehttp://fpdownload.adobe.com/pub/flashplayer/latest/help/install_flash_player.exehttp://fpdownload.adobe.com/pub/flashplayer/latest/help/install_flash_player_ppapi.exeSeem to work fine and pointing to latest
[Addon] Kels Runtimes 7.8.4
Has the time come to update the pack with VC++ 2010 runtimes??
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
Can't download :/ //edit: After a while skydrive is UP again and the link works
Windows Sidebar AddOn Translations Request
OK, now I get it. I didn't know that you're getting all names from .mui (sorry about that ) so here is the translation which uses 'Pasek boczny systemu Windows' everywhere just like you wanted
Help w/ SlideShow Gadget fix
pl-PL = "%AllUsersProfile%\Dokumenty\Moje obrazy\Przykładowe obrazy"
Windows Sidebar AddOn Translations Request
In polish translation 'Windows Sidebar' is 'Pasek Boczny Windows', it's quite not elegant to replace such an original name to a word-to-word meaning but it's like that anyway in my language. And due to declension in polish 'Pasek Boczny Windows' gets a form of 'Paska bocznego Windows' (like 'Windows Sidebar's Window' would be 'Okno Paska Bocznego Windows')so this translation is accurate and I wouldn't change anything I'm not sure if that's what you ment about that but i think so... Correct me if I'm wrong
Windows Sidebar AddOn Translations Request
A lot of people use this sidebar in my country so it would be great to have it in polish right from the start Here's everything you need: 1- The Windows Sidebar folder with all the files and gadgets (ziped and uploaded) from the Polish Vista - LINK 2- The localized Accessories folder name for polish Windows Sidebar shortcut is Akcesoria 3- The language which appears when modifying a PL Windows CD is Polish 4- Translation of the Blue prompt text from english into polish: 5- There is no Office gadget in polish Hope you're still working on it
[Addon] Internet Explorer 8 ENU True Addon
KB974455 have been released 2 days ago so there's a need to update the 'AddOn Creator'
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