Tarun, to be honest, if u work as graphicist or architect, an example if u use autocad, sketchup or adobe which limit how many memory needed, u'll get fatal error when the memory run out, u NEED additional free memory for the software to be used. (usually u'll get BSOD or ur system restart). Let's say I only have 2 GB memory, 1 graphic application need 1 GB RAM free (not used by system), another application need 1 GB RAM free too. If I do multitasking n use both, u can guess ur computer will be sloooooooooooooooooooooooow as hell when u do another aplication becuz u've run out of resources, now the free ram tool (actually "free ram" might cause misperseption, should be free ram switcher or something) help u to freeing the ram when u switch to another aplication (at least what task manager show, I see additional DELAY time (about 1 second) processing when switching but it goes normally without having error). I'm not saying u or mark russinovich wrong , but ur assumption about RAM OPTIMIZER for this I can say wrong, yes it doesn't give a lot different performance to me, but DO HELP to other people who work with heavy task in graphic rendering which always request FREE memory when they work. for test, add hotfix package into ur windows image with dism or pkgmgr, open another aplication (multitasking), do look task manager, now use the tools n do the same things, check the task manager too (from this simple test, u'll find that). note : Tarun, I do respect u since I also like to read ur post or topic in MSFN n I'm not upset, I'm just tired since I also do agree with Mark Russinovich said about RAM OPTIMIZER are garbage (yes, I think it's true, in the past time I use crapware which actually make me change my RAM twice, oh my) but this tool is different (that's why I ask lego for the source code, if I know he will make this separated, I wont make that by myself, oh well) usually RAM OPTIMIZER software are enemy for WINDOWS system, but this, I could say FRIEND? added note for lego: I think the name should be free ram switcher, not becuz I dont like the name but with change the name people might understood how it work.