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  1. can't install any of the programs like flash or shockwave or adobe air the error message is create process failed code2 this is on a win7 x64 bit English system. thanks so much.
  2. Hi Rick, I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out I really appreciate it and I now understand a little more about using insted and dealing with msi files thanks again I really appreciate it.
  3. Hi Rick when I go to apply my transforms file in instead nothing seems to happen when I run the install like none of the options are there like have IE have the open and save dialogue I just opened my msi and then I go to the transforms menu and then I go to apply transforms here is a link to my transforms file can you please tell me what I am doing wrong thanks. here is the link http://www.coreytk.com/AcroRead.mst
  4. Hi Rick thanks so much if I used the adobe link that you gave me for the adobe ftp how would I apply the update msp to version 11? Also thanks for you making me the version with accessibility is your transform file included in that file? thanks again for your help.
  5. Hi Rick I am trying to get my msi like yours like the file name AdbeRdrLite11003_en_US.msi that is what I don't understand what I am doing I did the cab compression and then I applied the transforms file but now I want to get one msi file instead of the cab file and the msi and the setup.ini and the mst file thanks again for your help.
  6. Hi Rick I did that and now I have the Data1.cab file but not one msi package file I can't see your picture if you could make me an installer with just the accessibility plugins included I would appreciate or tell me what I am doing wrong I would also like to how to have one main msi file thanks for your time.
  7. Hi Rick how do you get the files back into a single msi package? I changed the info in the summary table and I compressed the cab file. thanks so much for your time.
  8. Hi Rick an english install with accessibility would be great thanks so much for your quick reply thanks again for writing out your steps thanks again.
  9. Hi Rick I am a blind user and I need to keep the accessibility plugins in reader can you explain to me how to accomplish this task I have an admin install of reader 11.03 but I used the custwiz but I tried to use insted to apply the transform that I made but the install still runs and I don't think that it did anything and I don't know how to make the admin install back to a single msi package if you could please help it would be very appreciated my language is english thanks again for your help I feel like I am allmost there but I need a little bit of help thanks again.
  10. Can you please reupload silverlite media fire took it down thanks so much.
  11. Can some one please post a new download mediafire says that it is suspended thanks so much.
  12. for instad thanks so much for all of your hardwork.
  13. That is great I hope it can be fixed as soon as possible I want to say thanks again for such a great program.
  14. it works in version Win Toolkit v1.4.1.3 that is what I am using instead of the new version I noticed it yesterday when I download the new version. thanks
  15. The version of wintoolkit that I am using is Win Toolkit v1.4.1.8 thanks I hope that this can be fixed soon thanks again.