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Adrian Luca

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  1. not working to dowload links Visual AIO SFX Maker v6 (installer repacker):http://adf.ly/1713566/visualsfxSilent "No GUI" SFX alternative v4:http://adf.ly/1713566/visualsfxngKB2538242 MST Windows Update fix v1.7:http://adf.ly/1713566/wufix5mstKB2538243 MST Windows Update fix v3:http://adf.ly/1713566/wufix8mstMsiTran.Exe -a <transform>.MST <installer>.MSI:http://adf.ly/1713566/msitranSlim down your vcredist 2005/2008 installers:http://adf.ly/1713566/msislim"Extra" Visual Basic/C runtimes installer sourceshttp://adf.ly/1713566/vbcsourceIf you cant find a hotfix try using the KB number w/ this URLhttp://support2.microsoft.com/hotfix/KBHotfix.aspx?kbnum=1234567
  2. Visual AIO SFX Maker v6 (installer repacker):http://adf.ly/1713566/visualsfx dead links please uploaded it Thanks
  3. Please make lite repack on last DirectiX icluded x86-64 files and Managed
  4. please make repack of the last DirectX 9.29.1974 (x86-x64) aio with Managed Code
  5. a new version have relased make a new repack thanks
  6. I want to boot directly into the desktop interface over Start UI screen with (schedule a task) or (regedit) new tweaks if you know
  7. thanx please added VC8, 9 and 10 for x64 version
  8. thanks How can enable orb button on 8 ? there is no way to tweaks registry ?
  9. Thanks and I have a question for x64 not have not released this version on runtimie