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Everything posted by HansiHusten

  1. --Edit-- Well I think I got it working (created that package by myself), tried it on 2 computers and works great. Same config as displayed on the first site of this topic. Tell me if it worked for you, k? http://www.mediafire.com/?mjknt1jjezz --edit2-- Ok just found out somehow the starting the .reg doesnt work, YET... working on that
  2. Sweeeeet! Thanks Reaper for updating the package again!
  3. Thanks man. Too bad to hear that ur quitting creating these packets. Your switchless installer really helped us deploying shockwave in our company network without the ad-stuff and so on. Thanks for your great work! Will try these links from posting #41. Thaaaaanks!
  4. Hey Reaper, any chance to see the new version soon from you? Would be awesome... still waiting