Everything posted by windowsguy
Change a Letter Game
Change a Letter Game
[Alky] Windows Sidebar Installer [August 1 2007]
yes, thats it.. i did kmahajani AT hotmailDOT com to aviod spammers
[Alky] Windows Sidebar Installer [August 1 2007]
did u read my previous post??
tiltebar text
i alredy tried it.. nothing with the titlebar's text on it. i no you can do ie's w/ the registry, but it probably doesnt work with the others
tiltebar text
the text itself example: the titlebar says: solitare how do you edit it to say: Game
tiltebar text
How do you edit the text in the title bar?
[AddOn] Vista RocketDock v1.3.5 [September 03-07]
too bad
Vista winamp skins
jet audio?
[Alky] Windows Sidebar Installer [August 1 2007]
Off Topic: @barteknowacki can u send transparency part of sig
Change a Letter Game
i accidentally did that
Change a Letter Game
Change a Letter Game
Change a Letter Game
SURT (see http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/surt)
Guess this movie name
DUH!!!! ps its hp and the order of the pheonix
[Desktops] August 2007
im just saying that i want u to post a tut, however long it takes
Guess this movie name
Change a Letter Game
Change a Letter Game
Change a Letter Game
[Desktops] August 2007
plese post tut
Vista winamp skins
what player do u use then?
[Alky] Windows Sidebar Installer [August 1 2007]
how dare u accuse me!! :ranting: :angry: :angry:
Change the Orbit Glowing Animation & sound at Vista Startup
what animation r u talking about???
[Desktops] August 2007
oh.. ps im voting 4 u unless someting better come up..