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  1. Ye its np just dont take those rars as "latest"... someone else packs them together, after ill start packing them next month ill date them, so people know from which day they are...
  2. SoLoR replied to SoLoR's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    04.04.2010 13:55 16.128 970413 04.04.2010 13:55 1.625 970486 04.04.2010 13:55 2.930 970924 04.04.2010 13:55 1.480 971601 04.04.2010 13:55 2.918 971988 04.04.2010 13:55 2.137 972251 04.04.2010 13:55 1.414 972551 04.04.2010 13:55 2.225 972583 04.04.2010 13:55 591 972831 04.04.2010 13:55 2.840 972848 04.04.2010 13:55 855 973062 04.04.2010 13:55 1.669 973529 04.04.2010 13:55 2.914 973746 04.04.2010 13:55 882 973751 04.04.2010 13:55 1.996 973975 04.04.2010 13:55 593 974039 04.04.2010 13:55 3.014 974065 04.04.2010 13:55 567 974090 04.04.2010 13:55 3.012 974168 04.04.2010 13:55 16.529 974176 04.04.2010 13:55 590 974204 04.04.2010 13:55 587 974259 04.04.2010 13:55 1.129 974324 04.04.2010 13:55 3.006 974372 04.04.2010 13:55 871 974476 04.04.2010 13:55 1.986 974477 04.04.2010 13:55 876 974560 04.04.2010 13:55 589 974598 04.04.2010 13:55 879 974624 04.04.2010 13:55 304 974636 04.04.2010 13:55 594 974638 04.04.2010 13:55 873 974639 04.04.2010 13:55 303 974672 04.04.2010 13:55 910 974674 04.04.2010 13:55 302 974719 04.04.2010 13:55 304 974909 04.04.2010 13:55 587 974912 04.04.2010 13:55 592 974930 04.04.2010 13:55 589 974940 04.04.2010 13:55 589 974944 04.04.2010 13:55 589 975053 04.04.2010 13:55 2.900 975076 04.04.2010 13:55 836 975142 04.04.2010 13:55 882 975214 04.04.2010 13:55 867 975243 04.04.2010 13:55 1.672 975332 04.04.2010 13:55 306 975351 04.04.2010 13:55 1.161 975354 04.04.2010 13:55 301 975360 04.04.2010 13:55 1.690 975363 04.04.2010 13:55 1.680 975415 04.04.2010 13:55 591 975469 04.04.2010 13:55 879 975496 04.04.2010 13:55 589 975499 04.04.2010 13:55 885 975500 04.04.2010 13:55 1.666 975512 04.04.2010 13:55 304 975530 04.04.2010 13:55 589 975535 04.04.2010 13:55 593 975538 04.04.2010 13:55 873 975599 04.04.2010 13:55 879 975617 04.04.2010 13:55 1.732 975619 04.04.2010 13:55 872 975620 04.04.2010 13:55 1.679 975680 04.04.2010 13:55 873 975688 04.04.2010 13:55 879 975741 04.04.2010 13:55 587 975762 04.04.2010 13:55 305 975763 04.04.2010 13:55 879 975777 04.04.2010 13:55 879 975778 04.04.2010 13:55 591 975806 04.04.2010 13:55 595 975851 04.04.2010 13:55 873 975858 04.04.2010 13:55 873 975921 04.04.2010 13:55 2.942 975954 04.04.2010 13:55 881 975992 04.04.2010 13:55 1.137 976038 04.04.2010 13:55 873 976090 04.04.2010 13:55 305 976093 04.04.2010 13:55 306 976096 04.04.2010 13:55 879 976099 04.04.2010 13:55 1.990 976117 04.04.2010 13:55 879 976187 04.04.2010 13:55 587 976210 04.04.2010 13:55 1.690 976240 04.04.2010 13:55 879 976296 04.04.2010 13:55 1.393 976373 04.04.2010 13:55 879 976398 04.04.2010 13:55 879 976399 04.04.2010 13:55 597 976417 04.04.2010 13:55 873 976418 04.04.2010 13:55 882 976419 04.04.2010 13:55 879 976422 04.04.2010 13:55 1.181 976425 04.04.2010 13:55 879 976427 04.04.2010 13:55 1.690 976438 04.04.2010 13:55 882 976443 04.04.2010 13:55 996 976462 04.04.2010 13:55 595 976483 04.04.2010 13:55 306 976484 04.04.2010 13:55 888 976494 04.04.2010 13:55 881 976525 04.04.2010 13:55 875 976527 04.04.2010 13:55 595 976528 04.04.2010 13:55 888 976571 04.04.2010 13:55 874 976586 04.04.2010 13:55 595 976627 04.04.2010 13:55 304 976655 04.04.2010 13:55 881 976658 04.04.2010 13:55 879 976746 04.04.2010 13:55 885 976755 04.04.2010 13:55 1.678 976759 04.04.2010 13:55 593 976781 04.04.2010 13:55 591 976782 04.04.2010 13:55 879 976883 04.04.2010 13:55 882 976887 04.04.2010 13:55 3.025 976898 04.04.2010 13:55 880 976910 04.04.2010 13:55 593 976972 04.04.2010 13:55 879 977015 04.04.2010 13:55 999 977020 04.04.2010 13:55 595 977036 04.04.2010 13:55 881 977067 04.04.2010 13:55 304 977068 04.04.2010 13:55 2.664 977069 04.04.2010 13:55 597 977071 04.04.2010 13:55 873 977096 04.04.2010 13:55 885 977132 04.04.2010 13:55 881 977158 04.04.2010 13:55 1.735 977178 04.04.2010 13:55 880 977180 04.04.2010 13:55 1.998 977182 04.04.2010 13:55 303 977184 04.04.2010 13:55 879 977186 04.04.2010 13:55 873 977222 04.04.2010 13:55 885 977307 04.04.2010 13:55 599 977314 04.04.2010 13:55 879 977342 04.04.2010 13:55 877 977346 04.04.2010 13:55 879 977348 04.04.2010 13:55 873 977353 04.04.2010 13:55 880 977357 04.04.2010 13:55 888 977375 04.04.2010 13:55 876 977380 04.04.2010 13:55 9.619 977381 04.04.2010 13:55 886 977392 04.04.2010 13:55 595 977397 04.04.2010 13:55 1.200 977413 04.04.2010 13:55 593 977415 04.04.2010 13:55 590 977417 04.04.2010 13:55 882 977419 04.04.2010 13:55 1.002 977420 04.04.2010 13:55 885 977542 04.04.2010 13:55 306 977570 04.04.2010 13:55 879 977579 04.04.2010 13:55 886 977608 04.04.2010 13:55 591 977609 04.04.2010 13:55 12.556 977615 04.04.2010 13:55 595 977617 04.04.2010 13:55 591 977620 04.04.2010 13:55 887 977627 04.04.2010 13:55 589 977632 04.04.2010 13:55 1.998 977643 04.04.2010 13:55 885 977648 04.04.2010 13:55 304 977692 04.04.2010 13:55 877 977695 04.04.2010 13:55 16.568 977748 04.04.2010 13:55 873 977787 04.04.2010 13:55 595 977832 04.04.2010 13:55 1.008 977866 04.04.2010 13:55 568 977894 04.04.2010 13:55 591 977911 04.04.2010 13:55 883 977944 04.04.2010 13:55 886 977977 04.04.2010 13:55 867 978000 04.04.2010 13:55 594 978034 04.04.2010 13:55 1.676 978042 04.04.2010 13:55 874 978048 04.04.2010 13:55 304 978055 04.04.2010 13:55 874 978116 04.04.2010 13:55 589 978118 04.04.2010 13:55 16.421 978125 04.04.2010 13:55 10.492 978155 04.04.2010 13:55 1.672 978157 04.04.2010 13:55 589 978205 04.04.2010 13:55 587 978206 04.04.2010 13:55 3.032 978249 04.04.2010 13:55 3.032 978254 04.04.2010 13:55 587 978258 04.04.2010 13:55 591 978265 04.04.2010 13:55 874 978277 04.04.2010 13:55 873 978330 04.04.2010 13:55 885 978347 04.04.2010 13:55 591 978387 04.04.2010 13:55 883 978433 04.04.2010 13:55 1.991 978454 04.04.2010 13:55 879 978462 04.04.2010 13:55 592 978476 04.04.2010 13:55 1.678 978491 04.04.2010 13:55 867 978500 04.04.2010 13:55 874 978516 04.04.2010 13:55 2.328 978520 04.04.2010 13:55 873 978526 04.04.2010 13:55 588 978527 04.04.2010 13:55 595 978529 04.04.2010 13:55 879 978535 04.04.2010 13:55 592 978562 04.04.2010 13:55 873 978571 04.04.2010 13:55 589 978632 04.04.2010 13:55 873 978714 04.04.2010 13:55 873 978738 04.04.2010 13:55 867 978837 04.04.2010 13:55 879 978838 04.04.2010 13:55 881 978869 04.04.2010 13:55 873 978884 04.04.2010 13:55 870 978917 04.04.2010 13:55 873 978918 04.04.2010 13:55 588 978943 04.04.2010 13:55 874 978977 04.04.2010 13:55 996 978981 04.04.2010 13:55 873 978982 04.04.2010 13:55 873 979039 04.04.2010 13:55 1.686 979101 04.04.2010 13:55 879 979140 04.04.2010 13:55 875 979155 04.04.2010 13:55 303 979214 04.04.2010 13:55 867 979223 04.04.2010 13:55 589 979224 04.04.2010 13:55 1.670 979241 04.04.2010 13:55 587 979294 04.04.2010 13:55 880 979350 04.04.2010 13:55 591 979366 04.04.2010 13:55 587 979373 04.04.2010 13:55 588 979374 04.04.2010 13:55 879 979383 04.04.2010 13:55 876 979425 04.04.2010 13:55 876 979443 04.04.2010 13:55 882 979444 04.04.2010 13:55 873 979470 04.04.2010 13:55 879 979491 04.04.2010 13:55 873 979495 04.04.2010 13:55 303 979524 04.04.2010 13:55 873 979530 04.04.2010 13:55 879 979532 04.04.2010 13:55 2.002 979533 04.04.2010 13:55 867 979538 04.04.2010 13:55 873 979543 04.04.2010 13:55 1.127 979548 04.04.2010 13:55 2.007 979562 04.04.2010 13:55 302 979564 04.04.2010 13:55 587 979567 04.04.2010 13:55 876 979580 04.04.2010 13:55 873 979619 04.04.2010 13:55 873 979643 04.04.2010 13:55 588 979681 04.04.2010 13:55 587 979711 04.04.2010 13:55 3.028 979744 04.04.2010 13:55 587 979745 04.04.2010 13:55 878 979751 04.04.2010 13:55 879 979791 04.04.2010 13:55 882 979903 04.04.2010 13:55 2.001 979917 04.04.2010 13:55 3.097 980077 04.04.2010 13:55 871 980120 04.04.2010 13:55 2.007 980138 04.04.2010 13:55 1.684 980226 04.04.2010 13:55 2.010 980251 04.04.2010 13:55 583 980295 04.04.2010 13:55 1.182 980333 04.04.2010 13:55 303 980358 04.04.2010 13:55 1.668 980368 04.04.2010 13:55 876 980396 04.04.2010 13:55 1.681 980423 04.04.2010 13:55 303 980598 04.04.2010 13:55 875 980681 04.04.2010 13:55 302 980856 04.04.2010 13:55 869 980922 04.04.2010 13:55 2.656 980951 04.04.2010 13:55 587 980959 04.04.2010 13:55 996 981002 04.04.2010 13:55 1.336 981107 04.04.2010 13:55 583 981112 04.04.2010 13:55 999 981119 04.04.2010 13:55 16.297 981128 04.04.2010 13:55 585 981129 04.04.2010 13:55 585 981130 04.04.2010 13:55 1.394 981194 04.04.2010 13:55 583 981214 04.04.2010 13:55 1.992 981286 04.04.2010 13:55 1.994 981303 04.04.2010 13:55 304 981618 04.04.2010 13:55 587 981813 04.04.2010 13:55 881 981877 293 File(s) here is everything avilable in MS database "on request" from 970000-983000 regarding Windows 7. Before you ask, ye some updates are duplicated and things like that...
  3. SoLoR replied to SoLoR's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Why im doing this is because KB hotfixes are posted sooner then KB articles are created. For now i found "easy way out". Parsing articles with "Win7" or "Windows 7" in one directory and then diff it with "old" one. This does not give me database, but i do know what is new and whats not Im currently in middle of parsing hotfixes from 970000 to 983000 to see how long it will take. I know this does not include all but will 99.9% include all new ones and if i miss one every full moon then so be it. Its doing with aprox 1 article/sec so its a bit under 4h for whole database. What ill do is crontab it twice/week and then send me diffs to my mail... Thing is that "big" project i had in mind, we should have full 24/7 server and everything. Doing something this size, for someone runing on his home computer seems kinda pointless. But ye general thing is you download hotfix download page (you need to provide coockie where you agree with that license agreement), then you search for hfList variable inside, if it exists it means that article have public hotfixes and everything that is needed is in that hfList, like OS/dates/architecture etc etc.
  4. SoLoR replied to SoLoR's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Yes ofc, goal is to create one big database/table with everything and you can just filter then what you want/need. For start i just want to do simple table seperated with tabs, so i can import it to excel and sort by date. For example goal is something like this: http://www16.atpages.jp/~hotfix/ just first of all with all fixes, preferably as mysql database and custom filters.... oh well somehow i feel with my current knowlage in coding ill be doing this **** for few months, since i need to learn basicaly from scratch everything
  5. SoLoR posted a post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    OK im trying to make some parsing magic. I have strings like this: hfList = [{fixid:'410273',product:'.NET Framework 3.0 - Win7, Windows Server 2008 R2 \x28CBS\x29',language:'All \x28Global\x29',langcode:'intl',platform:'x86',release:'sp2',filename:'DevDiv879341',version:'NDP 3.0',build:'30729.5020',size:'4382033',credate:'3\x2f31\x2f2010 10\x3a41\x3a36 PM',moddate:'3\x2f31\x2f2010 10\x3a41\x3a36 PM'},{fixid:'410225',product:'.NET Framework 3.0 - Windows Server 2003, Windows XP \x28MSI\x29',language:'All \x28Global\x29',langcode:'intl',platform:'x86',release:'sp2',filename:'DevDiv866275',version:'NDP 3.0',build:'30729.4519',size:'8630148',credate:'3\x2f29\x2f2010 10\x3a55\x3a52 PM',moddate:'3\x2f29\x2f2010 10\x3a55\x3a52 PM'},{fixid:'410274',product:'.NET Framework 3.0 - Win7, Windows Server 2008 R2 \x28CBS\x29',language:'All \x28Global\x29',langcode:'intl',platform:'x64',release:'sp2',filename:'DevDiv879341',version:'NDP 3.0',build:'30729.5020',size:'6050502',credate:'3\x2f31\x2f2010 10\x3a42\x3a38 PM',moddate:'3\x2f31\x2f2010 10\x3a42\x3a38 PM'},{fixid:'410226',product:'.NET Framework 3.0 - Windows Server 2003, Windows XP \x28MSI\x29',language:'All \x28Global\x29',langcode:'intl',platform:'x64',release:'sp2',filename:'DevDiv866275',version:'NDP 3.0',build:'30729.4519',size:'14043927',credate:'3\x2f29\x2f2010 10\x3a57\x3a31 PM',moddate:'3\x2f29\x2f2010 10\x3a57\x3a31 PM'}]; Its obvious what i want here i want to make some kind of parsing algorithem (in perl i guess, so i can use it on my linux box), that would extract data i want, like product, platform, date etc etc... This is for parsing MS hotfix database. I currently have this as shell script: #!/bin/sh i=981107 while [ $i -le 981110 ] do wget --cookies=on --load-cookies=cookie.txt http://support.microsoft.com/hotfix/KBHotfix.aspx?kbnum=${i}&kbln=en-us wait cat KBHotfix.aspx?kbnum=${i} | grep hfList > ${i} wait rm KBHotfix.aspx?kbnum=${i} if [ ! -s ${i} ]; then rm ${i} fi (( i++ )) done This gives me files (with KB number) with above string. I just need to parse them properly to make database/table from all the data. Soo any ideas ? eventualy i will try to make, to send me notice what updates are new etc and ofc put it in crontab to go thru MS hotfix database once or twice/week. But first thing is parsing thingie... if ill need to google and trial and error method, it will take loong time.