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  1. Sounds good. I will look into it. My biggest worry about using this sort of software is that my key file might become corrupt or something gets mussed up with the encryption software, then I will be locked out of my own data. Have you ever had to deal with this before? I am sure had backup to replace any damaged files though.
  2. Mr.McNally replied to NIM's post in a topic in General Discussion
    I dont think I have seen this one, Rick. :icon_question:
  3. Hello, Can anyone give me some instructions regarding setup of windows xp logon proceedings so that the log-in password in no longer bypassable in any way. I need a way to lock it up so tight that if I were to forget the password, I would probably die of old age before it could be cracked. I need to get rid of this method going in and deleteing the user file to get past the log on . I need to make it so that no one can bypass my logon password encrption with a sort of tool like what one might find on Hiram's boot cd. I was thinking that I could move some of the windows components into a truecrypt volume, where windows wouldn't work very well/if at all, until the trucrypt volume was opened. Any and all suggestions welcome. :welcome:
  4. Thanks for the tip, but this is the error I have been trying to work around. The error comes when I click on the 'shortcut to display icon that I made and then drug onto rocket dock. I have also included in the screen shot the specified target listed in the 'properties' of the "shortcut to display", which was created via the control panel display icon, in the manner you described. The target is 'Display', there is no root/path specified, only the target, "display". Any ideas? As you can see this is not a critical issue, but it is a learning experience for me so I am open to try any other suggestions that might work. Thanks again for your help.
  5. Mr.McNally replied to NIM's post in a topic in General Discussion
    Ok here is another one from a movie I find quite entertaining. (Sorry if my image is not of the appropriate size. I apparently have not read the tutorial on how to insert the thumbnail links that resize when clicked upon, which I am provided by my generous image host Image Shack.I am continually denied and warned that there are,"No dynamic links allowed"? If there is a tutorial, would you please point me to it?)
  6. Wow Thanks for the info! I read the article that you linked and found it to be very informative. I must admit that it is technically over my head in places, but that is the way I like it. Thanks for your response. My questions and curiosities are satisfied for the moment. :welcome:
  7. Thanks for the info. My problem seems to be that when adding something like a custom shortcut that requires me to specify a target, sometimes I cant find one i.e. the display properties in the control panel. The target for the control panel icon listed in rocket dock is a string of numbers that represent some location that I have no idea how to find. I don't need to find the icons, as much as I need to find the target to point my custom shortcut to. Thanks for the like to the icon export app. I will look into it. I have been thinking of making an icon pack. This might prove to be a useful tool. :welcome:
  8. Now that is a very tough choice! If the two desktops were both submitted by guys, it would not be hard for me to choose N1K as my favorite, as you know I am a fan of dark colors on my desktop. But seeing Wacky Chamomile's submission, as well as her lovely signature I find myself distracted by thoughts of what a talented and colorful young lady she must be. If her art is a reflection of her personality then she is surely a fascinating young lady who's knowledge, insights and conversation will be a welcome voice among the many other great members of this community. Oh never mind. I am not going to vote since I like them both and would rather not choose. I am from the 'OLD SCHOOL' so to speak and I simply can not knowingly put a lady to defeat and walk away feeling OK about it. Perhaps no one else will vote and then there will be a tie for the August Desktop choice. Its way past my bedtime, :sleeping_03anim: and I start carrying on about all sorts of things as my faculties grow weary. Good luck N1K and Wacky! I commend your creativity and artistic insight! :welcome:
  9. Mr.McNally replied to NIM's post in a topic in General Discussion
    OK, since I seem to be playing the word game by my self these days(sorry I ran everyone off mentioning the rule infractions), I am going to "up the ante" so to speak. , said the boss when he laid out the rules. and based on what I read these rules to say(or not say), I am going to take this game to the next level. At least I wont get bored as quickly being the only player in the game these days. There is no mention in the stated rules that we must adhere to a four letter word, so I am going to take it up to five! Now you might say, "McNally! You are adding a letter, not changing a letter like the rules clearly state!", and from some points of view you may be correct. Although I beg to differ. Why was the number '0' added to the set of 'natural' numbers, thus allowing the 'whole' number set to rise to popularity? I'll say that it is because '0' has a value....nothing. It is nothing and yet something. It represents a value of 'having no value' yet as a function it can make the largest of numbers disappear into it's own nothingness with the utmost of ease. In a way, it is like a numeric black hole. Yes? It is nothing, you cant see its mass, its density, why you can even look right through the center of it and see that it is empty. Although, if your numbers get too close to it, and try to interact with it in the wrong way, its power is immediately apparent and its results are unavoidable.....numbers are instantly converted to the same nothingness that is '0'. Then there was this other old geezer :albert: who mumbled some odd theoretical idea, something about e=mc^2. He was on about the impossibility of energy being destroyed, but that it could only be converted between physical states, the main ones being heat, light or motion...if I recall. In any case, in every spot on your screen where there is the possibility of placing a alpha-numeric character, behind every pixel there is the invisible energy of the '0', waiting to have its electrons excited so as to be converted to any of the other legible(sometime illegible like-windows ME-) alpha-numeric, symbolic states of expression in which it might exist, whilst clearly radiating a value of non-zero. So as to not carry on any further, I am about to convert some of the hidden energy of the '0' into another level of electromagnetic photon radiating atomic energy. For you thrill and amusement I am going to make it into the letter, 'P' So as we look back and yet look forward, we are reminded that energy can only change states. Energy is something that costs money, but it is something that we can not..... SPEND So in the spirit of Atomic Fusion, I give you the five letter word born from a long list of very similarly constructed, but yet quite different four letter words. Four letter words that span so many gaps and fill so many verbal voids in our daily expressions of our own personal conversion of the mysterious yet marvelous electromagnetic reactions of though energy into expression. :welcome:
  10. I need some help with figuring out the file paths of some of the windows xp resource locations. What I was trying to do when I realized I have this issue was to add a shortcut to control panel/display options via a new rocketdock icon. I can right click/properties(usually where i can find the path of a file) on the display icon in the control panel and I get the word"control panel" as a location. So then I looked at another icon on the rocket dock to see what was listed as the path for "control panel", and what I found was,"::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" :icon_question: This leaves me to assume that the display icon is located in a similarly named location, to which I have no guide to find. Looks like something from the registry, but I cant be sure. :icon_question: I searched the forums, I looked back through some of the xp tutorials, and i Goggled the topic, but have come up with nothing so far. :tumbleweed: Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can find the path of this and other resources in windows xp? :welcome:
  11. Thanks Gorki! This is a really nice program. True Aero is my favorite!
  12. Do you like Vice Versa? I have tried it but I don't quite trust it. I find that after is says that it had "Mirrors source to target", if I then choose "update lists"and recompare the source and target. the program continues to find discrepancies between the two files. Sometimes I can repeat this process a dozen times before I get the "both source and target are identical" message. I thought this might be due to the time stamp, so I started comparing the files by CRC32 alone, but no difference. Any clue why it doesn't work for me? It is a nice program.
  13. Looks like what I have in mind, Thanks N1K. I am going to give it a try. Would this be a good one to review?
  14. Mr.McNally replied to NIM's post in a topic in General Discussion
    Ok, How about "Project A"?