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  1. I am pretty sure that you can do this already by using the "Addon Installation Folder" option (in the second column in the "Addon Installation Paths" section).
  2. BTW, does anyone know if this tool carries over the file cert8.db from the profile, which contains information about trusted root certificates? TIA.
  3. Thanks thedexmonster for the update.
  4. Thanks for explaining that Jonnyboy, and no problems about not being able to maintain it. I am not a programmer but would love development of the tool to continue, here's hoping someone may come along that is interested.
  5. Thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't work for me. I changed the config.txt file as suggested but when the addon was generated it rewrote the file with the /S switch. The generated exe addon consequently had the /S switch in its config.txt. That switch must also be hard-coded somewhere else.
  6. Hi, thanks for this awesome tool, I am most impressed with how much work you have put into it for the community, much appreciated. I have a couple of quick questions, I usually have the installer downloaded already, is it possible to get the Addon Maker to pick it up from a local folder rather than downloading it? I'd rather not download the same file again if possible, I have a download quota on my ISP connection. Secondly, I have my firefox profile on a separate data partition, so rather than package the data into the addon I just need to point it to the preexisting data, is there an option to do this? Thanks again.