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Everything posted by WolfX2

  1. A small little gadget that monitors your laptop battery levels Download
  2. Thats all i wanted to hear! you've made my day
  3. Moved to Windows Customization
  4. wow thats one nice skin there rick using it on my desky
  5. Very Nice!
  6. good topic for n00bs pinned
  7. your very welcome but dont expect that too often i dont like giving out my PSD's
  8. i would just like to say right now, ..any explosions are of no fault of me or any loosely related trademark of WolfX2 :lol: :lol:
  9. WolfX2


    Weeeelcome to wincert master o!
  10. here ya goes Download
  11. you wont catch me speaking many other languages but either way welcome to the forums!!
  12. ok, some new buttons, lemme know what you think guys
  13. xjch18 Ricktendo64
  14. Start your posting
  15. xjch18 and ricktendo awesome job!
  16. whats eating me? OH! I'LL TELL YA WHATS EATING ME! :lol: When awesome shows (like House MD) are on regularly for weeks at a time, then all of a sudden, one week, they just don't show up, no warning, no repeat, no nothing!! Just replaced by some talk show!!!!! Then the next week or 2 goes by and its back on again with new episodes, like nothing ever happened and no compensation for the week they missed!!! and when cookies are bigger than your glass of milk... actully i have a list of 548 things me and my friend came up with...we have way too much time on out hands phew! feels good to get that off my chest!
  17. Dont Worryi'll make some buttons that give it more of a "wincert" personality, dont worry
  18. WOW! I love it! good find!
  19. i think were thinking too much inside the box on this one note: he does not ONCE enter normal Flip3d mode before the windows become curved note: the WHOLE windows becomes translucent, not just the glass, this doesn't happen in Flip3d
  20. wow! that is amazing! totally totals the imacs expose
  21. That is one nice sidebar skin rickie!
  22. so cyg's a cat? KIDDING! lol :lol:
  23. now THIS is what i'm talking about! VERY nice desktops everyone!
  24. VERY! nice rick!!
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