Everything posted by Tim
[AddOn] COMODO Firewall Pro v3.0.15.277
Excellent! This firewall is a very good one and it is free. Great job Rick! I plan on trying it out on my next build witch will be soon.
[Request] Comodo products
Sounds like I might have to start using InstallWatch Pro. Also other than installwatch is there a program to aid in making the add ons?
[Request] Comodo products
Yeah they email you a number to enter to activate it and I think it is entered after a reboot.
[Request] Comodo products
I started using Comodo firewall and antivirus and I like them. Since these programs require activation is it possible to make them into a addon? I have not made a addon nor do I understand how to make a addon. If I knew how I would post many addons. Perhaps if I knew of a decent tutorial that explains how to make them I would understand more. In the mean time if someone has some spare time on there hands these products would be helpful to have as a addon. They are 100% free. http://www.comodogroup.com/products/free_products.html
[Themes] Kel's Ultimate Visual Styles Pack
Thank you!
[Themes] Kel's Ultimate Visual Styles Pack
Link is not working.
[AddOn] Rainlendar2 Calendar
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Cool Firefox Smiley Addon/Extention
Thanks for that link Rick. I been searching for **** smilies for two hours now. LOL Thanks ricktendo64 I see this can be useful at times. Tim