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Everything posted by rainman

  1. toujours pas de lien "mediafire" !!! je prends pas !
  2. link don't work very thanks to post an other
  3. very nice addon DaRk MaDnEsS thanks a lot :thumbsup_anim:
  4. very thanks KEL for the new release :thumbsup_anim:
  5. vey thanks Bober and all other friends here for this great work what can i do to get it in french ? very thanks
  6. great work , very nice
  7. Yes , now fixed you can redownload it very thanks for your look DARK _KNIGHT
  8. Task Killer 2.30 with this application you can easially stop the process of each application you want MD5 : 3FD3A8ABC956429D8B67FEFF39C0C258 SIZE : 240 ko WEBSITE : http://www.rsdsoft.com/task_killer/index.php4 DOWNLOAD p.s : this is my first Addon , Hope you like it great thanks to LUZR4LIFE and ricktendo64 for help
  9. rainman replied to rainman's post in a topic in INF Discussion
    very very many thanks LUZR4LIFE and ricktendo64 you are great now i understand origin of my errors fixed with any errors many thanks i release it in section : WPI, nLite and RVM Addons
  10. rainman replied to rainman's post in a topic in INF Discussion
    Very thanks LUZR4LIFE for your reply i try this and give you reports i think you see right many thanks
  11. rainman posted a post in a topic in INF Discussion
    hello all i have unfortunately not success to create an inf for my first addon i have learn the great tuto video of our super modo RICK but when i try FCGBA i got lot of errors here is my inf : [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" [Optional Components] Task Killer [DefaultInstall] AddReg =Task Killer.AddReg CopyFiles =Task Killer.Files,lang.Files profileItems=Task Killer.AddShortcut,UNINSTALL.AddShortcut,Desktop.AddShortcut,QuickLaunch.AddShor tcut [Task Killer] OptionDesc ="Registry Entries" Tip ="kill process appz" Modes =0,1,2,3 AddReg =Task Killer.AddReg CopyFiles =Task Killer.Files,lang.Files profileItems=Task Killer.AddShortcut,UNINSTALL.AddShortcut,Desktop.AddShortcut,QuickLaunch.AddShor tcut [DestinationDirs] Task Killer.Files=16422,Task Killer lang.Files =16422,Task Killer\lang [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1="Windows XP CD-Rom","Task Killer.cab",,"i386" [SourceDisksFiles] cat.lng=1 chi.lng=1 chs.lng=1 cht.lng=1 csy.lng=1 deu.lng=1 eng.lng=1 file_id.diz=1 fra.lng=1 history.txt=1 hun.lng=1 license.txt=1 pol.lng=1 ptg.lng=1 readme.htm=1 rus.lng=1 spa.lng=1 taskkiller.chm=1 TaskKiller.exe=1 taskkiller.ini=1 ukr.lng=1 uninstall.exe=1 [Task Killer.Files] readme.htm taskkiller.chm taskkiller.ini TaskKiller.exe uninstall.exe file_id.diz history.txt license.txt [lang.Files] fra.lng hun.lng pol.lng ptg.lng rus.lng spa.lng ukr.lng cat.lng chi.lng chs.lng cht.lng csy.lng deu.lng eng.lng [Task Killer.AddShortcut] Name =Task Killer CmdLine =16422,Task Killer,TaskKiller.exe SubDir =Task Killer WorkingDir=16422,Task Killer InfoTip =kill process appz [UNINSTALL.AddShortcut] Name =uninstall CmdLine =16422,Task Killer,uninstall.exe SubDir =Task Killer WorkingDir=16422,Task Killer InfoTip =Uninstall Task Killer [readme.AddShortcut] Name =readme CmdLine =16422,Task Killer,readme.txt SubDir =Task Killer WorkingDir=16422,Task Killer InfoTip =readme Task Killer [Desktop.AddShortcut] Name =Task Killer,0x00000008,25 CmdLine =16422,Task Killer,TaskKiller.exe WorkingDir=16422,Task Killer InfoTip =kill process appz [QuickLaunch.AddShortcut] Name =Task Killer,0x00000008,26 CmdLine =16422,Task Killer,TaskKiller.exe SubDir =%QUICK_L% WorkingDir=16422,Task Killer InfoTip =kill process appz [Task Killer.AddReg] ; Reg2Inf v0.46 - [url="http://tinyurl.com/fgqyf"]http://tinyurl.com/fgqyf[/url] HKCU,"Software\RSD Software, Inc.\Task Killer",,0x10 HKCU,"Software\RSD Software, Inc.\Task Killer","Version",0x0,"v2.30" HKCU,"Software\RSD Software, Inc.\Task Killer","InstallPath",0x0,"%16422%\Task Killer" HKCU,"Software\RSD Software, Inc.\Task Killer","Installer Language",0x0,"1036" HKLM,"%UNINSTALL%\Task Killer",,0x10 HKLM,"%UNINSTALL%\Task Killer","DisplayName",0x0,"Task Killer (remove only)" HKLM,"%UNINSTALL%\Task Killer","UninstallString",0x0,"\uninstall.exe" [strings] UNINSTALL="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" QUICK_L ="Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch" very thanks for help
  12. rainman replied to rainman's post in a topic in Addon Discussion
    Very thanks all for your help i'm satisfacted vry thanks
  13. rainman posted a post in a topic in Addon Discussion
    hello all i have donloaded the super tuto of RICKTENDO of creating addon but i can't found OSR GUIDE converted to pdf by MRS SPEEL can somebody give a link very thanks for help
  14. WPI

    rainman replied to rainman's post in a topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
    hello all good news , all is ok now !!!! very thanks Mr RICK :thumb_yello:
  15. WPI

    rainman replied to rainman's post in a topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
    OK Very thanks , i try to do this night very thanks
  16. WPI

    rainman replied to rainman's post in a topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
    yes Mr RICK I have put my WPI in folder $OEM$\$\INSTAL any idea ?
  17. WPI

    rainman posted a post in a topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
    hello all i have built my iso and add some programs with WPI all is right but in the finish , after installation of progs with wpi and after reboot i have found in my hard disk C a folder of WPI with all programs like this so ; anyone can help me to resolve this error or how to do that in the finish i not found this folder very thanks very thanks to our SUPER MOD Ricktendo64 :thumb_yello: